Supreme Chef

Chapter 1709 Finding the Difference

Chapter 1709 Finding the Difference

Lin Mu has truly become the general trend, like the sole ruler of the heaven and earth, facing all the invading immortals alone.

Although Lin Mu is just an Immortal King, the pressure on these Immortal Sovereigns is even stronger than that of the Immortal Emperor.

"Damn, let this little bastard grow to such an extent. It's a pity that he was not killed last time." Not far away, the Immortal Emperor cursed secretly.

But Lin Mu has the Coffin of the Future in his hand, which is a big killer.If they passed by and were pitted by Lin Mu again, it would be really not worth it.

Unlike letting these immortals pass by, Lin Mu didn't dare to fight to the death like that.If they were to go, there was no doubt that Lin Mu would fight to the death, and they would most likely be tricked again by then.

What Lin Mu can drive out is beyond their ability to speculate.But they knew Lin Mu's resoluteness. If they were really in a hurry, Lin Mu would not care about how he would be hurt.

Lin Mu is the kind of master who has to drag a few backs even if he is about to die.What I am most afraid of these years is that I am afraid that Lin Mu will be so stunned.

"Does no one dare to come over? If there is no one, I will leave. It is also a very hard work to pose here." Lin Mu said indifferently.



Hearing Lin Mu's words, those immortal emperors gritted their teeth.

This tree is too irritating, but also too arrogant.They are also Immortal Monarchs, one level higher than Lin Shu.But the second mother dared to despise them so much, it was a slap in the face and it was even more painful.

"Ling Mu, come out and die!" A fairy yelled at Lin Mu directly with a sonic attack.

But facing such a sound wave attack, Lin Mu didn't even have the desire to move.

This sound wave attack couldn't get close to Lin Mu's body at all, and it was already shattered by the inherent formation of Kunlun Mountain.

The gate of hell has ended, and Kunlun Mountain has become the sacred mountain that even the Supreme Beings fear.


Not only was the sound wave shattered by the fairy, but most importantly, he also suffered a backlash.With a sound of shattering, Kunlun Shenshan's counterattack directly shattered the attacking fairy.

The Kunlun Mountains made even the supreme one flinch, how could he be attacked casually like this.

Such an attack is really an insult to Kunlun Mountain.He asked for it, and he deserved to die.

Lin Mu took down a fairy king without a single soldier.The occurrence of such a thing made those who hated trees gnash their teeth even more.

This tree is really too hateful, provocative like this, seduce others to take action, and then let Kunlun Shenshan fight back instead of him.

"Is there any more? Come up a few more, one is really not enough to kill?" The blood spirit dragon exaggeratedly shouted.

Hearing the outrageously cheap words of Xue Linglong, those people gritted their teeth even more.Lin Shu is hateful, and Lin Mu's fairy pet is not much better.

Blood Linglong, Gu Xuan, Taoist Guang and Wu De, they formed a group of evil stars.Now they are really notorious in the fairy world. Their bad reputation is really second only to Lin Shu.

Ru even said that if Lin Shu couldn't come out alive this time.The four of them will become the number one in the Immortal Realm's must-kill list, and they are still tied for the first place.

Of course, they can also break a record by the way, that is, the four of them will be the first to appear in a combination on the top of the list of immortals.

Of course, they have already broken the record now. They are the first person to appear in the second position in the form of a combination on the top of the Immortal Realm's must-kill list.

"If no one is really ready to make a move, I really have to leave." Lin Mu said pretending to be bored.

Although these immortal monarchs are already itching their teeth with hatred.But they still have nothing to do, because this is Kunlun Mountain.

Long-distance attack, there is already a precedent lying there.Entering Kunlun Shenshan is even more dangerous.And after entering, it is very likely that Lin Mu will be killed by the pit. The ghost knows why Lin Mu chose such a place.

The ghost knows if Lin Mu is real, and what kind of traps are set there.

The psychological pressure brought by the trees to them is still a little bit big.


But at this moment, a sword light pierced the sky.A white-clothed sword fairy stepped on a peerless sword and flew over gracefully.

Feeling the strength of the sword fairy, Lin Mu also raised his head to see the flying sword fairy.

The fullness of Qi and blood in this sword fairy's whole body is definitely the only thing Lin Shu has seen in his life.

With such a strong blood, Lin Mu thought that what he was facing was an immemorial divine beast.

The billowing blood energy, oppressing the entire sky here, already has the meaning of collapsing and shattering.

This is the real peerless powerhouse, definitely a real enemy.

The sword fairy in white came here, stopped at the same height as the tree, and looked at the tree like that.

There is a ban on the sky above Kunlun Mountain, and you can still fly here.Then there are only three explanations, either his flying sword is very strong, or his cultivation base is very strong, or both Feijian and him are very strong.

But now it seems that the possibility of the third case is obviously higher.He is very strong, and the flying sword under his feet is also very strong.

Such a powerful, but Lin Mu doesn't know each other.Who is the other party, the answer seems to be ready to come out.

This is obviously an emperor's son, and should be the emperor's son of Jianzong.Only people from the Sword Sect would have such a preference for white clothes, and would have such a preference for Immortal Sword.

"This is the emperor, I don't see anything special about it. But it's the same as us, with one head and two eyes." Wu De commented.

"How could it be exactly the same? Uncle Wu, you can see that he is clearly an immortal king, and we are clearly an immortal king. He must have come here at this time to challenge the little dad. An immortal king challenges an immortal king, so Shameless things are really not something ordinary people can do, which proves that his skin is much thicker than ours." Gu Xuan observed it for a while, and said jokingly.

The visitors seemed not to be affected by Gu Xuan's sarcasm at all.

The visitor stood on the opposite side of the tree, pointed the fairy sword directly at the tree, and said, "Come out and I will give you a fair chance to fight, and I can guarantee that they will not make a move."

After the emperor of Jianzong finished speaking, the guards here all frowned.

Even if you are the emperor's son, you can't represent us, can you?Besides, we are all immortals.

But the emperor's current status in the fairy world is too special.No one dared to touch these emperors, because it was predicted that they would be the key to survive the end times.At the same time, they may also be the key to finding the immortal emperor who has disappeared.

If the disappeared Immortal Emperor is found, many secrets can be solved, and even the secrets of the last days may be solved.

And apart from this, the cultivation of these emperors is simply not comparable to that of ordinary people.

They are the emperor's sons, and their bloodlines are already very outstanding.Coupled with the countless resources left to them by their parents, it is difficult for them to be superior.

Therefore, no one dared to move the emperor's son in the fairy world for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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