Supreme Chef

Chapter 1711 The Emperor of Sword Sect

Chapter 1711 The Emperor of Sword Sect (2)

Standing there, Lin Mu let the sword energy rage, let the sword energy cover the sky and cover the sun, and let the stars shake.


When the sword energy approached him, Lin Mu uttered a sound, and a sound wave rushed out of his mouth, directly changing the color of the sun and the moon.Let the world be turned upside down.

The word forest is a combination of the nine-character mantra of Taoism.It is the unique knowledge and essence of Dao Zun's life.

Lin Mu couldn't perform it before, not because Lin Mu didn't comprehend it, but because Lin Mu's body couldn't bear such pressure.

The nine characters of Taoism are mastered by Lin Mu now, and there are few moves that do not need to use Taoism and mana.

For other moves, you need to rely on Taoism.However, although Lin Mu's body has achieved the holy body, Daoji is still like a pool of stagnant water, without any ripples, which is also very strange for Lin Mu.But the tree is now a holy body, and there is still time to explore the reason why Daoji is a pool of stagnant water.

The Dao sound of the forest collided with the sword energy that filled the sky, and a large piece of the sky was directly shattered. The galaxy outside the sky was completely stirred up, and there were constant collisions of stars, and then the impact finally disappeared.

Chaos Qi appeared here, and the chaotic gas was misty, covering up all the secrets of heaven, and turned the universe here completely upside down.

With Lin Mu and Emperor Jianzong in it, I can't tell the difference between heaven and earth, the universe, Yin and Yang.

People outside looked at it and felt that it was difficult for them to breathe.

This is really too strong, the two of them standing there without making a move have already created such a power.


Emperor Jianzong didn't say a word, just took a step forward, and a Xinghe sword fell directly from the nine heavens.

This is a sword qi composed of brilliant starlight. These starlights all come from outside the domain, the eternal starlight in the supreme galaxy.

Each of these rays of light is extremely hot and can melt everything, comparable to sky fire.At this time, tens of thousands of rays of light merged to form a galaxy sword energy, which was definitely enough to destroy the world and burn everything.

This is one of the unique skills of the Sword Emperor back then, named Fenjian.It was realized by the Sword Emperor in a strange and chaotic galaxy. After tens of thousands of years of precipitation, it finally became the Sword Emperor's unique knowledge.

Now he has also become the emperor's unique skill.

"Fenjian! It's been so many years since the Sword Emperor disappeared, and I haven't seen this peerless move." Some elders of the Sword Sect expressed emotion, and even some elders of the Sword Sect looked pale. Tears.

Fenjian has always been enshrined in Jianzong, the tallest sword tower.

But since the Sword Emperor, no one in the entire Jianzong has been able to reproduce the Fenjian.

Countless geniuses of Jianzong have tried it, and even Gu Jian has comprehended it for a hundred years.

But even so, in the end, Gu Jian could only exert [-]% of the power of Fen Jian.

It is impossible to achieve this kind of situation where the stars of the sky are turned into swords.

In the end, Gu Jian understood that this sword technique was not so difficult to learn.It's because the burning sword is related to blood, which is a kind of inherited sword move.

Except for those with the blood of the Sword Emperor who can learn it, the rest of the people have no way to learn it.

But this is not a bad thing for Gu Jian.This made Gu Jian embark on another path, a path that belonged to him but was different from Sword Emperor.

Lin Mu's heart trembled slightly when he saw the sword move that burned everything.

Lin Mu has never really touched the tricks of the Immortal Emperor, this is the first time.But now it seems that the reason why the Immortal Emperor can be called the Immortal Emperor is definitely not for nothing.

Lin Mu couldn't see any flaws in the move of burning sword that the emperor was using now.

"Witch Saint Fist!"

Without any flaws, Lin Mu could only choose to mobilize the witch energy and use the witch holy fist to fight against it.

Wu Shengquan is full of golden light, and at the same time full of sacred aura.

Such a punch blasted out, as if it was about to tear the sky apart.

This is the ultimate move of the ancient witch god. One punch is enough to break through the sky, and one punch is enough to open up a universe.

Where Fen Jian passed, everything returned to nothingness, and everything turned into dust and dead silence.

And the circle of trees went out, and everything was dyed with a golden layer of sacredness.Everything seems to have spirituality, fighting with the trees.

The ancient witch god, who created the world and endowed everything with vitality.Represents dominance and vitality.


The moves of the two collided again, the universe was shattered once again, and the chaos became more and more intense.

Even a trace of this chaotic energy can crush a mountain range, and even a single strand can collapse the ground.


The ground completely left, and a huge basin appeared.At the same time, terrifying ravines continued to spread and extend one after another, leading to the farthest place.


The Kunlun Sacred Mountain was also affected, and gullies appeared one after another.

From these gullies, ground fires erupted continuously.

And these ground fires have a tendency to spread.

"Not good! This is Yan Volcano. It is the first line of defense of Kunlun Mountain. It has erupted now. If the people inside don't come out in time, they will all be trapped inside." Someone looked at the ground fire that came out. , said in horror.

Below Kunlun Mountain, there is a sacred tree that never goes out all the year round.The burning flame of this sacred tree is the same as the chaotic fire.It has never been extinguished all year round. This sacred fire is the first barrier of Kunlun Mountain.

But I don't know why Kunlun Shenshan appeared this time, why it didn't appear.

But now he was beaten out by Lin Mu and the emperor of Jianzong. If the people in Kunlun Shenshan don't come out now, they will be completely blocked in Kunlun Mountain by Yanhuo.

Being blocked in Kunlun Mountain is really not such a fun thing.There are infinite dangers in Kunlun Divine Mountain, and any one of these dangers is enough to kill a giant or any genius.

Staying in Kunlun Mountain and not going out, they have only one dead end.

"It's on fire below, Uncle Wu De, let's get out of here quickly?" Gu Xuan looked at the burning fire below, and said anxiously.

"Let's go out."

After Wu De finished speaking, five of Wu De released his domain at the same time, and then left Kunlun Mountain in one step from the space that Lin Mu had left just now.

And after leaving, the five people disappeared into the vast forest in a flash of light, without giving those who were ready to do anything a chance at all.

"There is someone to respond, we have no chance at all, we should be the last of the evil star group of four." Said the Immortal Emperor who was watching secretly.

"The origin of that Immortal Emperor is somewhat mysterious. It seems that he is not a person of this world. The method he uses is also different from that of this world." Another Immortal Emperor said.

"It is indeed a bit mysterious. If we can really find him, maybe we can find out some secrets." The Immortal Emperor spoke again, and then the three of them walked together to find Taoist Guang.

Taoist Guang can be said to have been born out of nowhere, and he was extremely tyrannical when he appeared.He even beheaded an Immortal Emperor of the same level in order to avenge Lin Mu.And it was a one-shot kill.

How difficult it is for the Immortal Sovereign to be killed, these Immortal Sovereigns know best.But Taoist Guang can kill with one blow, which shows how tyrannical Taoist Guang is.

(End of this chapter)

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