Supreme Chef

Chapter 1712 The Emperor of Sword Sect

Chapter 1712 The Emperor of Sword Sect (3)

Someone went to Taoist Guang, but the battle between Lin Mu and Emperor Jianzong was still going on.

Taoist Guang and the others are only secondary, the real main thing is the battle between Lin Mu and Emperor Jianzong.

If Emperor Jianzong really killed Lin Mu, it would definitely be a happy thing for everyone.

But if the emperor and son are defeated in the end, there are still a few people in this fairy world who can block Lin Mu. I am afraid that there will be no one in the entire fairy world who is Lin Mu's opponent.At that time, Lin Mu will truly achieve the general trend, and his cultivation base will make great strides.When Lin Mu came back to settle the matter, their life would probably be very difficult.


The two shouted loudly at the same time, and then rushed towards each other together.

Lin Mu's cultivation level is not as good as that of Xianjun, but Lin Mu has the Wushuang Holy Physique, which can completely make up for the gap in cultivation base.

The Emperor Jianzong pointed at the sword, and the stars all over the sky were drawn by him, and they all gathered in one place.Gathered together, continue to burn everything.

And now that the sword light is gathering, its power is even greater than before.

This is also Fenjian, but it is just another change of Fenjian.

Lin Shu is also Wushenquan.


The two fought hard again, fists collided with fists, bones collided with bones.

Fen Jian made Lin Mu's fist blacken a lot, this cannot be said that Fen Jian is not strong.On the contrary, this just means that Fen Jian is not as powerful as you.

Lin Mu is already a unparalleled holy body, although the treasure house in the body has not been opened yet.But the Eucharist is the Eucharist, a physique that even the Supreme One would envy.It is impossible to be destroyed and destroyed at all, but Fenjian can hurt him, which in itself shows how powerful Fenjian is.

Lin Mu's skin was burned, but the bones of Emperor Jianzong were broken.


Emperor Jianzong snorted, took a step back, and distanced himself from Lin Mu.

Lin Mu looked at Emperor Jianzong, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "The bones are so hard that they are not broken."

The physique of Emperor Jianzong's son was indeed somewhat beyond Lin Mu's expectation.

If it is an ordinary person, it is considered a fairy, and it is like this to bear Lin Shu's punch head-on.I am afraid that this arm is also abolished.But this Emperor Jianzong only broke a bone.

This is indeed remarkable, such a physique is absolutely comparable to that of a fairy.

The physique that can only be possessed by an immortal emperor, he already possessed it as an immortal emperor.It can be seen that he also attaches great importance to body training, and according to Lin Mu's deduction, the physique of Emperor Jianzong should have started from birth.Otherwise, the foundation would not be so solid, and the emperor would not be so good.

In fact, Lin Mu guessed right, when the emperor was just born.The Sword Emperor has already collected the world's elixir and started body training for the emperor.

Being able to lose the emperor's son is equivalent to growing up in the pool of holy medicine since he was born.

This kind of physical training, and it is still persistent.Whether his physique is strong or not is very difficult.

Emperor Jianzong was unmoved by Lin Mu's compliment.

He formed the sword seal on the spot, then exhaled directly and opened his voice, reciting the supreme voice.

"Sword burns the world!"

This is the final change of Fen Jian, and he can perform it all.This made the elders of Jianzong really excited.

They seem to have seen how the emperor killed Lin Shu.They seem to have seen how Lin Shu's blood spattered on the spot.

All the starlight burned up, forming a peerless starlight sword.

At the same time, the fairy sword under the emperor's feet also released a ray of imperial energy, which merged into the starlight fairy sword.

"Emperor Qi? Could it be that this is the fairy sword that the Sword Emperor used back then?" Some people were so amazed when they saw the fairy sword at the emperor's feet, bursting out a wisp of sword energy.

Lin Mu also had a dignified expression, blending into the attack of Emperor Qi, and the attack itself had undergone a qualitative change.He became more inclined to the attack method of the Immortal Emperor.

Lin Mu observed carefully for a while, and said to Emperor Jianzong, "You are really much worse than Gu Jian. You only know to follow your father's path, stick to the rules, and you still can't break the cage after all..."

The emperor said: "The road of the strong is always the right road. I will finish the road that my father didn't walk back then. I will finish it for my father. Back then, my father cut off all the stumbling blocks with a sword in his hand. It can clear the world's roadblocks."

Lin Mu shook his head and said: "If this is really the road of the strong, your father would not disappear inexplicably. Your father has already proved that this is a road of failure. But you still insist on going your own way, I should say you Stubborn, or do you insist?"

"I don't allow you to insult my father, die to me!"

The emperor let out a roar, and then decisively shot at Lin Mu, ready to split Lin Mu with all his strength.

Facing the menacing blow that was inevitable, Lin Mu also chose to respond forcefully.

"Witch dominates the world!"

This is a new technique that Lin Mu has learned to achieve the Peerless Holy Body from "Witch God Body Refining Technique".

The origin of "Witch God Body Refining Technique" is really too mysterious. The more Lin Mu studied it, the more he felt the magic of "Witch God Body Refining Technique".

Lin Mu didn't know such a book, which could be the supreme body training method in ancient times.How could it appear on the earth? Could it be that there was a period of glorious and splendid years on the earth.Even beyond the current fairyland, and the ancient times before.

If this is the case, then the history of this world will probably be rewritten again.

Because in the entire fairyland, there is no record about the earth.

And as far as Lin Mu knew, so far, there were two practitioners who came out of the earth.One is him, and the other is Lao Tzu.

There are others, Lin Shu has never heard of anyone until now, who came from above the earth.

As soon as Wu Batian came out, a huge black shadow with a height of ten thousand feet appeared behind Lin Mu.

This seems to be the shadow of the ancient witch god left in this world, but it is too vague.No one can see clearly what this shadow looks like.

But one thing is certain, this shadow is very strong, very strong.


Lin Mu made a move, and the black shadow followed suit.

With just one grab, a large area of ​​space was completely shattered.

Lin Mu grabbed like this, towards Jian Fen Tianxia, ​​towards his disciple.

The black shadow seemed to be the creator of this universe, the only true god in this world.


Soi Ying's palm fell down, and Byte and Jian Fen Tianxia clashed together.

But what is surprising is that there was no earth-shattering explosion this time.

The emperor of Jianzong was swept away with just this one blow.


The emperor vomited blood, his body flew out, and his whole arm drooped feebly.Apparently he was injured, and not badly.

"Emperor lost?"

Such a result is somewhat unacceptable.Not only the people of Jianzong, but also other people expressed that they couldn't accept it.

Because in their impression, the emperor would never be defeated.

Even Nine Obsidian Lord, Gu Jian, and Bai Yixian, the super-platinum generation, the pinnacle powerhouses who have been the champions for several generations, are even worse than the emperor.

The emperor's son has already surpassed them in terms of blood.The blood of the emperor's son comes from the immortal emperor.

When the Immortal Emperor becomes an Immortal Emperor, his bloodline will be recognized by the Dao of Heaven and baptized by the Dao of Heaven. This is the most powerful bloodline under the Dao of Heaven.It can only be passed on to their strongest descendants, and only such descendants can be regarded as disciples.

Possessing such a bloodline already has a great advantage in itself.No matter learning anything or comprehending anything, you must be a few steps faster than anyone else.

(End of this chapter)

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