Supreme Chef

Chapter 1714 One Way to Enlightenment

Chapter 1714 The way to enlightenment
Taoist Guang led Lin Shu and the others, and quickly left the range of Kunlun Mountain to a safe place.

After coming out of the space channel, the tree also stuck to the ground.

"Little dad! Little dad! What's wrong with you?" Gu Xuan said anxiously while supporting Lin Mu.

Lin Mu looked at Gu Xuan and said, "I'm fine, just take a rest and I'll be fine."

Being beaten is not invulnerable, being surrounded by more than a dozen immortals and being beaten, and still unable to fight back, even if the trees are made of iron, they cannot bear it.What's more, the road foundation of the forest is like a pool of stagnant water, and it cannot use magic power. It is not easy to persist until now.

A few people guarded Lin Mu's side, until three days later, some blood gradually appeared on Lin Mu's face.

The recovery ability of the Peerless Saint Physique is many times stronger than that of the Immortal Divine Physique.

Lin Mu breathed out a foul breath, and stood up from the ground.

"Little Daddy, are you alright?" Seeing Lin Mu waking up, Gu Xuan rushed forward to ask.

Lin Mu shook his head and said, "I'm fine."

"Little Daddy, what happened to you just now? Why did you use one trick to become like this?" Gu Xuan asked everyone's question.

Lin Mu shook his head and said, "I'm not too sure, and I don't know what happened. It may have something to do with my mana not recovering. I will pay attention to it in the future and try not to use this trick."

Lin Mu really didn't know what happened.Because everything just now was really strange and incomprehensible to Lin Mu.

Taoist Guang also said to Lin Mu, "This move is indeed a bit weird, as if it revived the soul of the ancient times. It's better to use it less in the future."

Lin Mu nodded and said, "I will try to use it less in the future."

"Witch God Body Refining Technique" has never had any problems, and it has been making great progress all the way.Now something went wrong suddenly, Lin Mu was really caught off guard.But fortunately, it's just a problem with the moves, not with his own Peerless Eucharist.

"Witch God Body Refining Technique" can't be used as he likes for the time being, Lin Mu has to find a way to solve the problem of his Dao foundation.

Otherwise, the tricks of the physical body cannot be used, and Dao Ji is completely like a pool of stagnant water.When Lin Mu faced the enemy, he had no choice but to go up and fight hand-to-hand.

It's okay if it's an ordinary enemy, but it's very difficult if it's an enemy like Nine Obsidian Lord.

Daoist Guang and the others had never encountered the problems Lin Mu encountered before.So they can't give trees, what a good way.Even Lin Mu himself has no good solution.

Because of this, something is not in line with common sense.Logically speaking, since one's body has already achieved the Holy Body, then one's Dao foundation should also melt, but Lin Mu's Dao foundation has not changed at all, and it is still so stubborn, which makes Lin Mu really unable to understand.

In the end, the experienced Daoist Guang said, "Perhaps when you advance to Xianjun, the problem of Dao foundation can be easily solved. The realm of the Immortal King is a process of comprehensively mastering Dao principles and cultivating Dao. Xianjun The state of Tao is a comprehensive understanding of the Tao, a process of shaping the Tao. If you can fully understand the Tao, then maybe you can melt your Dao foundation."

"Little dad can't practice now, how can he advance to the realm of the fairy king?" Gu Xuan asked.

Guangdao said humanely: "It is not necessary to practice to advance to the realm of the fairy king. The realm of the fairy king is a process of comprehensively understanding and reshaping the Tao. As long as you understand it, you don't necessarily need to practice. Once you realize the Tao This is how it happened.”

After listening to Guangdao's words, Wu De licked his face and asked, "Then do you have any way to let me directly enlighten to something?"

Taoist Guang glanced at Wu De, and said: "If this road is not a last resort, I advise you to go step by step. Because this road is extremely difficult, not everyone can walk through it. And once Enlightenment has indeed happened, and it’s not just one case. But have you heard of it, is there anyone still there?”

Everyone recalled it carefully, and it seems that they have never heard of that strong man in the fairy world who realized the Tao all at once.

"Grandpa Guang, why is this?" Gu Xuan asked curiously.

Daoist Guang said: "Once enlightened, it is against the law of heaven. It is contrary to the law of heaven. Apart from the most powerful catastrophe, there will be ominous things happening. This kind of ominousness, almost no one can resist it."

After Gu Xuan and the others listened to it, they never thought that such tribulations would come upon enlightenment.

After a while, Gu Xuan said worriedly: "Then Grandpa Guang, is there really no other way?"

Taoist Guang shook his head, and said: "This is the best solution I can come up with, but trees are unparalleled sacred bodies, the only ones in the sky and on the earth. Maybe they can survive the catastrophe and resist the ominous."

Lin Mu said: "That's it, I will take the road of enlightenment."

Lin Mu had already made up his mind, so Gu Xuan and the others stopped persuading her.Things decided by Lin Mu are difficult to change.

"Senior, how can we meet the conditions for enlightenment?" Lin Mu asked.

Lin Mu has only heard about things like enlightenment once.What kind of conditions are really needed, Lin Mu is not clear at all.

Guang Dao said: "I'm not too clear about this, after all, I haven't had such an experience. And people who have had such an experience are basically dead. I didn't leave any words to explain it, so I'm afraid I can't give you advice on this." .”

"Old Skeleton, you have lived for so many years in vain, why don't you know anything. Note that you did it, and you can't even come up with a decent method now." Xue Linglong said.

Lin Mu smiled, and said: "Forget it, this matter is not something that happens overnight. I will just explore slowly. Maybe one day the opportunity will come, and I will directly realize the Tao."

Guang Dao said: "Then there is no need to wait like this. Although I don't know the way to realize Taoism once. But I still know that there are a few places where such things have happened."

Xue Linglong said: "It's just a waste of time to know the place, but we don't know how to go there."

Daoist Guang said: "When one realizes the Tao, one must pay attention to the timing, location, and harmony of people. Since such a thing has happened there, it proves that it is definitely different. It proves that there are definitely some unusual things there." If we go and have a look, it may not be of any benefit.”

"Yes, it appeared there once, maybe it will appear a second time." Gu Xuan said encouragingly.

Wu De, who had been silent all this time, seemed to have thought of something, and said: "I remember an epitaph I read before, which seemed to record something about enlightenment. It seems that it really has something to do with the location, and there are some special things. In some places, there will be some strange images at special times. For example, such visions as flying fairy wonders and mirages."

"Uncle Wu De, is what you said true?" Gu Xuan became even more excited after hearing Wu De's words.

Wu Dedao: "It's true how the epitaph was written. If you don't mention it, I really forgot about it."

(End of this chapter)

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