Supreme Chef

Chapter 1715 Winning Enshrinement

Chapter 1715 Winning Enshrinement
Wu De's words strengthened everyone's confidence.

"If there is such a record, then we can rule out many places. It will be much easier to find." Taoist Guang nodded and said.

"Then let's go back now, and then go around to find out where there have been similar visions." Gu Xuan seemed to be afraid of Lin Mu, and left alone again, holding Lin Mu's arm tightly.

Lin Mu looked at Gu Xuan's appearance, touched Gu Xuan's head, and said, "Everyone will follow your arrangement today."

"Yeah, we can go home together." Gu Xuan exclaimed excitedly.

Lin Mu and his party secretly left for the last three days, and returned to the residence lent to Lin Mu by Wendao Academy.

Back here again, Lin Mu also saw many people who followed him in the past.

Wu Qiong, Kuang Feng... and others who came with me from the next three days have already made great progress.

Although Wu Qiong and Kuang Feng had never entered the divine land, they had already become Immortal Kings at this time.

Especially Kuang Feng, his aptitude is indeed good.He has never entered the divine land, and at this time his strength is comparable to that of the king of immortal kings.

It can be seen from this that the initial starting point and foundation do not actually explain any problems.Because no one can say for sure in the future.

Kuang Feng and Wu Qiong were also very excited to see Wu De.

"City Lord Lin!" Both of them shouted excitedly.

They really haven't seen each other for too many, too many years.Lin Mu treats them like brothers, and without Lin Mu, it can be said that they would not be where they are today.

Lin Mu looked at Fumanlou, which has grown many times stronger than before under the management of these old people, and said with emotion: "Thank you for your hard work."

"What are we working so hard for? If it weren't for the city lord who helped us find such a blessed place, maybe we can only spend the next three days struggling with nothing to do." Wu Qiong said.

Lin Mu said: "I've said it long ago, I'm only helping you with external force. The real strength depends on your own efforts. Without your own efforts, no matter how much external help I give you, it will be in vain. "

The return of Lin Shu made the entire Fuman Building boil.

Everyone chose to get drunk tonight.

Lin Mu also invited Yang Tian, ​​Grandpa Yan, and those who had helped him, the Immortal Emperor and the Immortal Lord over here.

"Seniors, boy Lin Mu, thank you all for your generous actions back then. It can be said that without your generous actions back then, I would not be standing here today." Lin Mu sincerely thanked you, and then drank the wine in his bowl do.

"Boy Lin, you are too polite. We have already said that I am betting. We think you can win, so we have a mutually beneficial relationship." Yang Tianyi waved his hand and said.

Lin Mu smiled and said, "I've said it before, seniors, if there is no help from seniors at this time, what will I have in the future?"

"Boy Lin, the old man doesn't argue with you about these useless things. I think you invited us here today, and you have good wine and good food. There must be other things." Yang Tian said.

Lin Mudao: "I'm not being polite to seniors anymore. In fact, I invite you to come here today, hoping that you can accept my position as a priest in Fumanlou."

Lin Mu had already had such an idea, and his Fumanlou was indeed anti-war very quickly.But my own Fumanlou has no background, no top masters.All these have determined that Lin Mu will definitely fall into a disadvantage in the dispute with Emperor Zong.

And want to gather so many masters in a short period of time to complete the reversal of the battle situation.It is really too late to rely on the growth of the trees alone.

So if you want to complete such a reversal in a short time, you can only find foreign aid, win over these masters, and become Fumanlou's enshrined.

"Seniors, I know that my temple in Fumanlou is small, and I really can't give you any useful things. But there is one thing that I can give, but others can't. When you are in the sacred land, I have already achieved a ninth-rank pill king. As long as you seniors have any needs for pills, no matter what level of pills they are, I can refine them for free." Lin Mu took the initiative to say.

Lin Mu thought about it, and this was the only attractive thing he could take out.

In the current fairy world, there is no ninth-rank alchemy king.There is only one tree.

What does Jiupin Pill King mean? It means a steady stream of high-quality pills.It means that no matter whether they are in the stage of Xianjun, Xianhuang or Xiandi, they don't need to worry about pills.

For people whose cultivation base has reached their level, finding medicinal materials is no longer a difficult task.The real difficulty is how to turn these herbs into elixir.

The high-level alchemy kings in the fairy world are all under the control of Emperor Zong.Those casual cultivators who want to refine medicine pills also need to pay a huge price.And sometimes, even if they are willing to pay the price, no one dares to take their jobs.After all, their existence would threaten the status of Emperor Zong.

If Lin Mu is willing to help them refine it for free, it will definitely be a blessing to them.

"I am willing to be an enshrinement of Fumanlou." Grandpa Yan, who had always been reticent, was the first to stand up and support Lin Mu.

With this first one taking the lead, the rest will go much more smoothly.Many people who were old friends with Grandpa Yan all chose to side with Grandpa Yan and agreed to Lin Mu's request.

Seeing Lin Mu looking at him, Yang Tian said, "Boy, you don't have to look at me like that. My identity is a bit special and sensitive. It's really not good to be your enshrinement. If I become your enshrinement, maybe I will bring you More trouble. But if you need my help, I, Yang Tian, ​​can still be obliged. After all, helping you kid is also preparing for your future. And there are pills to take, so why not do it Woolen cloth?"

Yang Tian's words were not only for Lin Mu alone, but also for those old friends whom he had invited.

Yang Tian wanted them to weigh the pros and cons by themselves, and then let them make their own rough judgments.

Fortunately, these masters don't need to spend ten days and half a month to make a judgment.

Everyone quickly made a choice, and most of them chose to accept Lin Mu's invitation.

Only a small number of people did not accept it, but they were all willing to, like Yang Tian, ​​come to help Lin Mu when he was in need.

For these people, Lin Mu did not go to save them, because of the decisions made by these high-level immortals.They will never give up their choice easily.

But for Lin Mu, these newly added offerings are enough.

For this dinner, Lin Mu brought four immortal emperors and sixteen immortal masters to Fumanlou.

Although there is still some gap between the number and background of such masters compared with the real Emperor Zong.

But at least Lin Mu also has the ability to protect himself, and he also has people and strength that make Emperor Zong fearful.At least when Emperor Zong's people came to kill him, Fu Manlou would not have to wait passively to die.

(End of this chapter)

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