Supreme Chef

Chapter 1716 True and false decree

Chapter 1716 True and false decree (1)

After bringing these masters over to worship, Lin Mu no longer needs to plan for Fumanlou's consolation for the time being.

In the following time, Lin Mu made his own plans instead.Although Xue Linglong and Wu De have gone out to collect information.

But Lin Mu didn't stay idle either. While groping for an epiphany, he communicated with scripture villains.See if there is such a record among the classics collected by Dao Zun.

But it's a pity, obviously Dao Zun is not interested in such unofficial history.None of those verses are about a one-stroke epiphany.


Lin Shu exhaled a turbid air, and Daoji was still like a pool of stagnant water, without any ripples.

Lin Mu didn't know how many times he had failed.Once enlightened, it was much more difficult than Lin Mu thought.

"It's still not successful, and I haven't even found a way." Lin Mu sighed, and then gave up.

"Little dad, it doesn't matter. Try a few more times and you will succeed." Seeing that Lin Mu had stopped practicing, Gu Xuan immediately ran over to comfort Lin Mu. "Gu Xuan is really like a caring little padded jacket, this may be the only consolation for Lin Mu's failures and failures.

Lin Mu smiled and said, "It's okay. My little dad is already used to it."

"Boss! Boss! It's not good." At this moment, the Blood Spirit Dragon suddenly flew in from the outside, panting.

"What's wrong again, is that Emperor Sect again, did you join in the crusade against me?" Since knowing that Lin Mu is not dead, the Emperor Sect headed by the Four Great Emperor Sects has started to woo various forces to hunt down and absolutely kill him. Kill trees.

Lin Mu is here, and he can hear it almost every day, and that, that sect has joined the team to crusade against him.In this case, the trees are already numb.

"Boss, this time it's not the Emperor Sect who joins in the rebellion against you, but four emperor sons of the Four Emperor Sects who hold the Emperor's decree. They said that they have the handwriting that the Emperor will kill Lin Mu in their hands. Therefore, they invite everyone People, all participated in killing you." Blood Linglong finally finished all his words in one breath.

Lin Mu frowned after hearing what the blood spirit dragon said.

The emperor's decree, this is naturally the will of the emperor himself.But on top of that insistence, there is actually a will to kill himself, which is really a bit strange.

"Boss, this is some decree that I printed back. The words written on it are convincing. If someone who doesn't understand the truth reads it, it will really be a fool." Xue Linglong said.

Lin Mu looked at the so-called Great Emperor's decree, and his heart trembled, because Lin Mu could see that this decree was absolutely true.

Because in this decree, it is stated that the last time he was killed by the emperor jointly.

However, as written above, the reason why they sniped and killed Lin Shu last time was really weird.

According to the decree above, the last time the four great emperors stayed in the world, the last ray of spiritual body was dispatched together, and it turned out to be because of the bad luck of the forest.Because of the appearance of forest trees, it may trigger the early arrival of the end of the world.

Lin Shu doesn't understand this point very much, even if what the Four Great Emperors said is right.But how do they know that they will appear in that life, even the four of them are not from the same life.What's more, his own fate cannot be checked at all, how did the Four Great Emperors know that his appearance would trigger the end of the world in advance?

So from this point of view, the last time I was beaten to Earth by the Four Great Emperors, there should be deeper secrets.

But what Lin Mu needs to consider now is not this, bullshit secrets.What Lin Mu needs to consider now is how to deal with this so-called Great Emperor's decree.

On the emperor's decree, it is very clear.He is ominous, and may trigger the end of the world in advance.

If anything has anything to do with the last days, people will become blind, and they will not look for the reason carefully.

If this is really the case, then he is tantamount to making an enemy of the whole world.At that time, even if you pull in more offerings, what problems can you solve?

Such a crisis is really unprecedented for Lin Mu.

"Boss, how should we deal with it now? The Great Emperor's decree really makes us very passive?" Xue Linglong said.

Lin Mu was also thinking carefully, but soon Lin Mu thought of how to break the situation and how to solve the immediate crisis and trouble.

"Boss, have you figured out a way?" The blood spirit dragon can be regarded as connected with Lin Mu, and when Lin Mu thinks of a way, the blood spirit dragon will naturally feel it.

Lin Mu slapped the rubbing in his hand on the table, and said, "This emperor's decree is false."

"Boss, if you do this, I'm afraid few people will believe us. As soon as we squeezed our upper lip and lower lip, we said that the emperor's decree is false. It's really unreliable, what do you think, boss? Even if we want to say that he If it is false, then shall we produce some decent evidence?" Xue Linglong asked.

Lin Mu said: "We don't need to take any evidence, they can provide evidence to prove that our supreme decree is false."

After listening to Lin Mu's words, Xue Linglong also understood Lin Mu's plan.

In Wu De's hand, there are several supreme papers dug out from that ancient tomb.

The supreme paper is the special paper for the supreme writing method, which represents the supreme authority of the supreme.Each chapter of paper has undergone special refining before finally becoming the supreme paper.As for other effects, I haven't found any special effects yet.

When Wu De got it before, he thought it was a tasteless thing, and it wasn't of much use.

That is to say, you can't improve your cultivation, and you can't comprehend anything at the same time.It's really tasteless and can't be more tasteless.

But even so, Wu De was not willing to throw away the supreme paper.It's just that he didn't expect that the chicken ribs that he wasn't willing to throw away would come in handy.

Soon Wu De was found back. After Wu De took out the supreme paper, who would write it was another problem.

Lin Mu and the others are all immortals, so they must be easily deciphered.

Only by letting Daoist Guang write it, can it not be discovered.

After being written by Taoist Guang, and Lin Mu provided a lot of geniuses and treasures, the last supreme decree appeared like this.

After finishing writing, Lin Mu used a special method to refine the supreme paper for the final sacrifice.

"How is it? How does it compare to the decree against the enemy?" Lin Mu didn't see the emperor's decree with his own eyes, so he could only ask Xue Linglong and Wu De.

The Blood Spirit Dragon took a closer look, then nodded, and said, "It should be more similar to the decree of the Great Emperor."

(End of this chapter)

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