Supreme Chef

Chapter 1718 True and false decree

Chapter 1718 True and false decree (3)

After all, what Lin Mu is presenting now is the Supreme Will, and the Supreme is an existence that is more than a star and a half higher than the Great Emperor.

The Supreme Paper unfolded slowly, and four big characters like the brightest stars in the sky flew out from the Supreme Paper.

"The forest stands!"

These are the four characters flying out of the supreme paper, and these four characters are like the four-wheeled sun, illuminating the entire land.

The coalition forces on the opposite side were so directly suppressed that they couldn't even breathe out.

"When there is time, the Tao is circulating, which guarantees the immortality of the handwriting. This is definitely the supreme method!" Someone exclaimed.

Lin Mu is very fortunate that he can still use the time rule.Otherwise, this matter is really not easy to handle.

The emperor's decree is so mysterious, if Lin Shu can't use the time rule.It's really impossible to fool those people who live on the opposite side.


The supreme paper glowed, directly suppressing the will of the emperor completely.The emperor's will no longer shines, and is completely suppressed below.

This is even more convincing, the authenticity of the Supreme Will.

Of course they didn't know that Lin Mu's limit was only these four words.

If there is one more word, it will be exposed immediately.But fortunately, four words are enough to fool everyone.

"Seeing that this is the decree of the Supreme Being, all the Supreme Beings from ancient times said that my boss is the one who is truly destined to be established. I think your so-called emperor must have known this decree and wanted to kill my boss. Killing the hope of the fairy world. You are simply shameful, and you are selfishly trying to kill the hope of others. People like you should be smashed into pieces." Xue Linglong said loudly, using Long Xiao , so that everyone can hear clearly.

"It turns out that the truth of the matter is like this, which really makes sense. Lin Mu has always been so miraculous that he was hunted down by Emperor Zong all the way, and he is still safe and sound. Even if he thinks he must die several times, he can It is definitely not a coincidence that he escaped from birth. Lin Mu is definitely a person who is qualified to aspire to the Supreme, and he is definitely a person who can lead us through the end of the world." Among the crowd, some people have already begun to discuss.

Even began to question the emperor.

Although it is only an individual, but for Lin Shu, this is enough.

But for Emperor Zong, this was an extraordinary disaster.

Because there is the first one, it is very likely that there will be the second and third ones, but it will cause a chain reaction of collapse, which will definitely be a devastating blow to the reputation of Emperor Zong.

"There is no supreme will in this world at all, and the supreme will in your hands is simply forged by you!" Someone on the other side spoke loudly, reprimanded loudly, and shouted at the same time.

Such an idea must not be allowed to take root, otherwise it will be very troublesome.

Blood Spirit Dragon sneered, and said: "You said we forged it, and I also said that your emperor's will was forged. And you said I forged it. If you have the ability, you can forge one for me to see. Anyway, if you let me I must have a way to forge the will of the shitty emperor. I think I am incapable of forging the supreme will."

Lin Mu and the others can even forge the will of the Supreme Being, and the mere will of the Great Emperor is really not a difficult task for them.

If the other side said yes, Lin Mu and the others would definitely be able to forge an emperor's will every second.

But the Supreme Will, Lin Mu and the others believe that even if they are given a few days or a few years, it will be in vain.

Because among them, there is no one who understands the rules of time like Lin Mu.As long as there is no such person, it cannot be forged, Lin Mu and the others forged the Supreme Will.

The people on the opposite side fell silent when they heard the words of the blood spirit dragon.Because they really can't fake it.

However, their silence strengthened some people's doubts about the Great Emperor.

At this time, Wu De, who was hiding in the crowd, began to fully play the role of instigating.Encourage everyone to stand on Lin Mu's side.

Wu De is good at robbing tombs, and Wu De is also very good at such inspiring things.

Since the beginning of the cultivation world, Wu De has used such a stunt to escape from the melee several times.Several times, he beautified his own tomb robbery into an awe-inspiring thing.

This is also Wu De's ability, and of course Wu De also relies on this to make a living.Without this ability, Wu De didn't know how many times he was besieged.

There was Wu De, a big fool, fooling around in the crowd, and there was such a "supreme decree" in mid-air. Sure enough, many people chose to withdraw or be neutral.

"Today, I want to see what is so special about your supreme decree." Finally, a master on the other side couldn't help but want to find out the authenticity of this supreme decree.

But how could Taoist Guang and the others make him succeed? Taoist Guang made a decisive move.To confront the opponent head-on, Taoist Guang is after all a great power in ancient times.People who once fought against the Supreme, although their cultivation base has not fully recovered now.But in the realm of Immortal Emperor, there are not many people who are opponents of Daoist Guang.


Daoist Guang shattered the opponent's attack with one palm, and at the same time made the opponent groan, suffering a dark loss.

"I also want to see today, what's so special about your emperor's decree, and see how you forged it." Grandpa Yan also made a move, and directly grabbed the emperor's decree.

Grandpa Yan is the disciple of the legendary peerless and ruthless Immortal Emperor. In the realm of Immortal Emperor, he has almost no opponents.

Even Daoist Guang praised Grandpa Yan's methods very much.I also appreciate the teachings of this legendary immortal emperor in the fairy world.

According to the emperor's will, how could the other party let Grandpa Yan take it away.Someone on the other side also made a move, but they couldn't stop Grandpa Yan at all.

If one person can't stop it, then two people will act together.


The two shot at the same time, and finally stopped Grandpa Yan.

But they blocked Grandpa Yan, but they didn't block Yang Tian.

Yang Tian shot directly, and then tore off a corner of the emperor's will.

"Haha, this is your emperor's will. It is a joke to be ruined so easily. You also said that your emperor's will is not fake. I don't think it is even a high-quality imitation, at most it is It's a counterfeit." The blood spirit dragon's ability to turn black and white is definitely not blown out.

After what Xue Linglong said, it was clearly the emperor's will.I was stunned by the will of many people.

Xue Linglong and Wu De sang together, one on the bright side and one hidden in the crowd.Combined with Lin Shu and Taoist Guang, this fake supreme will was produced.

Without a single soldier, the momentum was completely reversed.The direction of public opinion suddenly moved in a direction favorable to the trees.

"Lin Mu, you have deceived the crowd with your demonic words, your crime cannot be punished, you will die today!" The other party finally couldn't wait any longer, and decisively chose to attack.

If this is the case, if they continue to wait, they will suffer in the end.The majesty of Emperor Zong will be severely suppressed, which is definitely not good for them.

(End of this chapter)

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