Supreme Chef

Chapter 1719 The Ancient Prince

Chapter 1719 The Ancient Prince

However, the situation has changed, and the emperor's decree is no longer dreadful.

The majesty of the emperor's decree has been completely suppressed by the "supreme decree".

The people on the opposite side made a move, Taoist Guang, Grandpa Yan and Yang Tian also led the masters on Lin Mu's side to make a strong move.

As for the remaining people, under the leadership of Lin Mu and Wu De, they shot with all their strength.

With Lin Mu leading the way, everyone in Fumanlou will naturally work hard.

The battle of millions of people is already a battle-level scale for the earth.But for the vast and boundless fairyland, a war with such a large number of people is nothing more than a small-scale war.

As for the masters, Taoist Guang and others have achieved complete suppression.As for the level of forest trees, with forest trees Wu De as the leader, it is even more devastating.

And because of the appearance of the 'Supreme Will', someone on the opposite side is obviously half-hearted, so the ending is naturally self-evident.

In less than a day, the army that came to crusade this time was already defeated.

Everyone dropped their helmets and armor, and Lin Mu won a perfect victory.

"Such a coalition army is too shy to come and crusade. Go back and tell your emperors and sons to come and die by themselves. Otherwise, we won't welcome them next time." Xue Linglong roared loudly.

The members of the coalition army heard the shout of the blood spirit dragon, and they were all depressed and wanted to vomit blood.

This blood spirit dragon is really too cheap.

This battle is just a wave to the real fairy world, but its meaning is very different.

Because of the emperor's will before, many neutral people chose to fall to the emperor's sect.

But now, because of the emergence of the Supreme Will, this kind of thinking has been completely shattered, and neutral people are still neutral.And Emperor Zong's alliance was also easily disintegrated by the 'Supreme Will'.

"Boss is not happy at all, the combat power on the other side is really weak." Said the blood spirit dragon who was not happy with the fight.

Lin Mu said: "They didn't come here to fight at all this time, they just came to explore the way, and test us by the way."

When Lin Mu spoke, the four characters on the supreme paper completely collapsed.

This is just imitating the 'supreme will', and it is not easy to persist for so long.

"Fortunately, it's only scattered now. If it had been earlier, I'm afraid it would have been troublesome." Xue Linglong said.

Lin Mudao: "Sooner or later, the result will be the same. Those with profound cultivation can tell the truth at a glance."

Xue Linglong said: "I think what we have done is very real, they shouldn't be able to see it?"

Lin Mu said, "If I hadn't seen the decree of the Great Emperor, I would have thought that what we did was true. But after reading the decree of the Great Emperor, I don't think so."

Taoist Guang also nodded, and said, "I never thought that the great emperors of the present age have already reached such a point, almost touching the edge of the Supreme Being. All the decrees left by their spiritual bodies already have such power and influence." I'm afraid we can't hide the truth from many people about the supreme decree we made."

Gu Xuan said: "But we have already torn up its emperor's decree, does this still prove that it is strong?"

Yang Tian opened his mouth and said: "It is only because we tore it up that we can prove its strength and its authenticity. That paper is just ordinary paper, which can deceive others, but cannot deceive experts. It is just a piece of paper. The copy is not the original text at all. And I shot with all my strength, but I just tore a corner of the copy."

After Gu Xuan and the others listened, shock appeared in their eyes.

They didn't think about it.They tried their best, and the corner they tore off turned out to be just a replica.

"Then little dad, will they use the truth to provoke again?" Gu Xuan asked with some concern.

Lin Mu shook his head and said: "No. They didn't expect this time that we would have this fake 'Supreme Decree'. If they provoke the real one again, they will be humiliating themselves. They won't be so stupid , our crisis can be regarded as a complete solution."

Lin Mu and the others guessed right, this time the crisis was resolved.However, it can be seen that Lin Mu and his supreme decree are false, and there are no longer a few people.

Almost all the strong men in the ancient dynasty can be seen at a glance.

Among the ancient dynasties, there are more records about the supreme decree.Although Lin Mu and the others used supreme paper, the workmanship was indeed a bit rough, and they couldn't hide it from the eyes of experts at all.

"This forest is really lucky, and the crisis was easily resolved in this way. These so-called emperors are careless enough." Among the ancient dynasties, a Zong Lao said.

"However, the current emperor sects, especially the four emperor sects, are really not to be underestimated. Unexpectedly, in the era when we could not seal them, the four emperor sects would have reached such a height that they almost succeeded. Such a The background has already disregarded us, and we can no longer underestimate it." Another Zong Lao from the ancient dynasty said.

This time, it was not just a test of Lin Shu, but it was also telling the people of the ancient dynasty, and telling them that their so-called pride was nothing more than that.

Their great emperor is already comparable to their king back then.Tell them that in the era when the Supreme Being did not appear, their starting point and background were almost exactly the same.

"It seems that we should wake up our ancient prince. We can't wait any longer. In the final battle, we must not fall behind." An old man who has lived for a long time and knows what secrets the ancient dynasty hides Open your mouth and say.

People in the ancient dynasty, hearing such words, couldn't help being shocked, and asked: "Did the king really leave blood?"

The kings of the ancient dynasties almost disappeared together with the Supreme. Everyone believed that they did not leave any blood.Now hearing such a secret, how could they not be excited.

"There is indeed a bloodline, but not every ancient king succeeded. And the price the king paid to leave the bloodline is unimaginable. It is even more tragic than the records in the books I keep. And after such a long and long time, even I don't know if the prince is still there." The old and unimaginable Zong Lao sighed and said.

"If the prince really exists, our ancient dynasty might have a chance to return to the peak and prestige of that year." Elder You Zong said excitedly.

"If the prince is alive, we really have a chance. If the prince is dead, then we have no chance." The elder Zong who has the ancient secret said.

"The king paid such a huge price, can't he still keep the prince?"

Elder Zong, who grasped the secret, shook his head and said, "It's difficult. What happened in ancient times was even more tragic than we imagined. Some people were planning and planning shocking things, which caused an unimaginable crisis. It is possible There is Supreme, and there may even be someone we can't imagine, destroying the ancient times. Although the king paid a huge price, it is still difficult, very difficult!"


Hearing such ancient secrets, everyone gasped.

(End of this chapter)

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