Supreme Chef

Chapter 1720 Enlightenment Land

Chapter 1720 Enlightenment Land (1)

This is definitely a subversion, the secret history of everyone's cognition of ancient times.The destruction of ancient times was actually man-made, because someone was scheming behind the scenes, plotting something.

At the cost of destroying an era, it is really unimaginable what exactly is pictured.

"Elder Supreme, how can we find and wake up the prince?" Someone asked.

"There are records in the classics, but there are still a few things missing. Let me tell you, you just go down and prepare." The elder Taishang said.

"Yes, Elder Taishang."

The same thing happened in other ancient dynasties.This time, Emperor Zong's test of the forest not only tested the depth of the forest.At the same time, it also gave these pretentious ancient dynasties a big warning.Let them have to advance, arrange some things, start some plans in advance.

Because of such a small-scale battle, the entire fairy world has undergone tremendous changes and changes.The cultivation style of the entire fairy world has once again been raised to an unprecedented height.

Lin Mu is also preparing. Once the place of enlightenment has not yet appeared, Lin Mu can only explore by himself.

In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed, and the fairyland seems to have calmed down a lot during the ten years.The only thing that has changed is the crack that runs through the fairy world and the myriad world.It got wider and also longer.

There are rumors that this rift may eventually connect with the last unconnected place - the world of comprehension.

In the world of comprehension, except for the people who ascended like Lin Mu, no one has ascended for many years.

What exactly happened in the cultivation world, no one knows.Lin Mu is also very worried. The cultivation world still has its own Fumanlou, as well as its relatives and lovers.

But now Lin Mu doesn't know anything about the cultivation world, and Lin Mu doesn't know what happened in the cultivation world.

Of course, in fact, some inexplicable changes have taken place in the world of comprehension.

A hundred years ago, the realm of comprehension had the same cracks as the realm of immortality.

But among some famous Jedi in the cultivation world, unimaginable rays of light erupted, completely blocking the crack and preventing it from spreading.

But in the past ten years, that crack has appeared again.And this time, those among the Jedi didn't seem to stop it anymore, but allowed the crack to develop.

"Yaqing, the crack has appeared again, and there is immortal energy coming out from it. The ancestor of the mermaid tribe said that this crack is connected with the fairy world." Xu Mei, who came back from searching for news from the outside, found Yu Yaqing and said.

At this time, Xu Mei was already a celestial being.A hundred years ago, after that crack was suppressed.Some special changes have taken place in the realm of comprehension. The monks in the realm of comprehension can already directly pass through the tribulation of ascension and thunder, and become immortals.This seems to be somewhat restored to the appearance of ancient times.

The emergence of such a change made everyone feel that they saw hope.

Especially the emperor's sect in the fairy world, they were suppressed too hard by Fumanlou, and they wanted to use this opportunity to fight back.They want to become immortals, and then rely on their advantages in immortal weapons to suppress Fumanlou.

But their wishes are good, but the reality is very cruel.The first eruption in the entire fairy world did not come from their Emperor Sect, but still from Fumanlou.

Xu Mei erupted all of a sudden, she survived the Ascension Thunder Tribulation, which is the cultivation base of the peak Sanxian.

It took another hundred years, and Xu Mei became the first person to survive the world of comprehension from the celestial celestial thunder.

Fumanlou still has the strongest combat power. Although Emperor Zong has immortal weapons, Fumanlou also has them.

The ancestor of the mermaid clan told Xu Mei and the others where they got the immortal energy of Fumanlou.

Of course, Xu Mei also knew that Fumanlou's real trump card was not herself.It was the ancestor of the mermaid clan.

The ancestor of the mermaid clan was not a projection at all.It was a wisp of remnant soul, after years of awakening and restoration, her remnant soul had fully recovered.

But even this percentage made Xu Mei feel that she was no match for her at all.

"Sister Mei, if the crack really connects with the fairy world, then we have a chance to go directly to the fairy world to find trees?" Yu Yaqing was also a little excited when she heard Xu Mei's words.

Xu Mei also nodded excitedly, and said: "As long as the crack is verified to be stable and safe, I think we can do it. When Lin Mu sees our cultivation, he will be very surprised."

Yu Yaqing said: "Sister Mei, go and call the other sisters, let's discuss the matter of Fumanlou."

The person with the highest level of cultivation in Fumanlou is Xu Mei, but the head of Fumanlou is Yu Yaqing.

Yu Yaqing's overall view and decisive character made her very successful in taking on the role of the head of Fumanlou.

Of course for Yu Yaqing and the others.Those who are not in charge are not what they want at all.

They just want to go to the fairyland to reunite with Lin Mu, even if the power is all over the world, so what.They don't have such ambitions at all, they just want to reunite as a family.

The sisters quickly gathered together because of the resources and exercises left by Lin Mu.They have all become immortals.

After hearing Xu Mei's words, everyone became excited.

They never stopped missing Lin Mu.And it keeps increasing.

Trees already mean everything to them.

"Sister Mei, when can I verify the stability of the crack?" Fan Xiaoxiao asked.

Xu Mei said: "It will take some time. I asked the ancestors of the mermaid clan. She said that there is some existence in the cultivation world, and she doesn't want the fairy world to be connected with the fairy world so soon. This can be regarded as a kind of protection for the cultivation world. We need to wait. But this is the trend of the times, and they can only delay it, but they cannot completely stop it. The ancestor of the mermaid clan said that if it takes ten years at least, or a hundred years at most, the crack will definitely be completely penetrated."

"Ten years." Fan Xiaoxiao was a little disappointed after hearing Xu Mei's words.

Others also felt a little disappointed, they thought it was only a year or two at most.

"Little girl, you can't wait so much, do you want to go to the fairyland? Isn't it itchy from you?" Xu Mei said to Fan Xiaoxiao teasingly.

"Are you itchy?" Fan Xiaoxiao counterattacked with a pretty face in embarrassment.

Xu Mei admitted generously, and said, "I do feel a little itchy. When the time comes, you little girl, don't fight with me."

Fan Xiaoxiao said: "I don't, I want to fight with you."


Hearing Fan Xiaoxiao's words, all the girls giggled happily.

Compared with them, they can wait for a long and long life, whether it is ten years or a hundred years.


Immortal world, in the residence of Fumanlou.

With an excited look on her face, Gu Xuan ran up to Lin Mu and said, "Little daddy, little daddy, good news. Good news. Someone enlightened appeared, let's hurry over."

(End of this chapter)

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