Supreme Chef

Chapter 1722 Covenant

Chapter 1722 Covenant
Lin Mu led Fumanlou's people to this abandoned land for the last three days.

Although this place is called Abandoned Land, it is actually a floating continent, floating outside the territory, vast and boundless, with no boundaries to be seen at all.

There are no coordinates here, there is only one route, and everyone can only take this route to get here.

Fumanlou was not the first to arrive. When Lin Mu brought people over, Emperor Zong and the ancient dynasty had already arrived here first.

The arrival of Fumanlou naturally attracted the attention of Emperor Zong and the ancient dynasty.

Seeing that Lin Mu's wings are so abundant, he can even challenge them head-on. These emperors and ancient dynasties all feel their faces are hot.

Once upon a time, Lin Mu could only be hunted down by them.Cultivation Realm, Immortal Realm, Divine Land, etc..., they chased and killed Lin Shu, and even drove him into a desperate situation several times, allowing him to survive from death.

But now, Lin Mu stood in front of them like this.Without any cover, they came in real body, but they didn't dare to hunt down any more.

The four immortal emperors and the twelve great immortal monarchs behind Lin Mu are not for decoration.

These are the most famous casual cultivators in the fairy world.Each of them has earned a great reputation in the fairy world, and each of them makes Emperor Zong fear three points.But now, they are all standing behind Lin Shu.

There has long been a saying in the fairy world, if the most powerful casual cultivators in the fairy world gather together.That will change the history of the fairy world, and they will make Emperor Zong tremble.

But this is a wish, and no one has ever fulfilled it.Because there has never been a person in the fairy world who can make these casual cultivators obey.They are all rebellious and impossible to command.

But Lin Shu appeared out of nowhere, and not only completed incredible reversals one after another.Now that these casual cultivators have been gathered together, the history of the fairy world has been rewritten by Lin Shu.

The end of the world is very sensitive, any slight loss may lead to the final loss of all games.Especially in the battle between the Immortal Sovereigns, it is necessary to be cautious, as a little carelessness may implicate the entire sect.

Therefore, although the opponent's Immortal Emperor has a large number of people, they dare not move and restrain each other.

The leader of Lin Mu occupied a piece of land by himself, did not take the initiative to provoke, and of course no one took the initiative to say hello.


Just as Lin Mu and the others settled down, there was a sudden explosion in the abandoned land, and the entire abandoned land began to vibrate.

At the entrance of an ancient mine, countless flying immortals suddenly appeared.

These flying immortals have different shapes, and each one is extremely vivid.

They flew to the nine heavens, and brought out the supreme chanting sound.

Listening to this scripture, people have a feeling of enlightenment, no wonder it attracted the two supreme beings to go there in their early years.

"This place is worthy of being the Supreme Enlightenment Land. This is the ninth time today. I really don't know what is under this ancient mine." Some people commented in shock, guessing what is under the ancient mine. .

"Little dad is really a place of enlightenment. Your physical condition, little dad, is expected to be resolved." Gu Xuan said excitedly.

Looking at this, Lin Mu was also a little excited.

Daoji's pool of stagnant water has worried Lin Mu for a hundred years.Lin Mu is already a Eucharist, but Lin Mu feels that this is still not enough.

Because Taikoo seems to have already confirmed that the witch gods who are truly indomitable, their witch god bodies are many times stronger than the holy body.

But in the end, they still disappeared in the torrent of history, and the road of relying on body alone will not work.

Of course, relying solely on the Fa should not lead to such a path.The supreme being of ancient times is considered the pinnacle of law, and even the way of heaven can be controlled.But in the end so what, didn't it still disappear?

Therefore, the path of co-cultivation of body and law should be the most correct in the end.

Moreover, the road that Lin Shu took was even more extraordinary, as Lin Shu gathered three thousand roads.To combine the Three Thousand Ways, gather the strongest scriptures, gather the strongest battle clothes, truly my words are the law, and my actions are the sky.

This is the real road of detachment, which has never been walked by the predecessors.Later generations are afraid that no one will go.

Because such a path is too difficult, whether it is to practice the Three Thousand Paths or to practice the holy body.

Every step costs blood and bone.

"Master, someone from the Emperor Sect is asking to see you outside." A disciple ran in and said to Lin Mu.

"Let him come in." Lin Mu said lightly.

Lin Mu knew long ago that he could not enter the abandoned land without any trouble.Lin Mu was already mentally prepared for Emperor Zong to come to him, so he was not surprised at all.

Soon the disciple brought an envoy from Emperor Zong to Lin Mu.

"Lin... Sect Leader Lin." The envoy from Emperor Zong was obviously not used to it. The wanted criminal with the highest reward in the history of this fairy world, this person who had been hunted down everywhere before, became a giant and a leader. .

"I'm not used to it, are you? I'm not used to it either. If you have something to say, just go away." Lin Mu was not polite and spoke rudely.


The envoy of Emperor Zong also felt a little embarrassed by Lin Mu's choking, but he still knew what his mission was.So I chose to be patient.

"I'm here to inform you that it has been agreed by our major emperors and ancient dynasties. This time, those who enter the abandoned land can only be cultivated below the Immortal King. I hope you Fumanlou can abide by it." Lin Mu didn't give him face, Naturally, he didn't need to give Lin Mu any face.

When Lin Mu heard this, he also understood that Emperor Zong was worried that he would get the opportunity here again, so he restricted it in this way.

"Little dad promised him that their emperors will not be able to enter, and we will secretly disguise ourselves to enter." Gu Xuan said to Lin Mu through a voice transmission from behind.

Lin Mu smiled, looked at the envoy of Emperor Zong, and said, "After finishing speaking, you can get out."


The envoy of Emperor Zong did not expect Lin Mu to be so impolite, so he directly took out a contract and said, "If you agree, just sign this contract."

This is a soul contract, once signed, if it is violated, the end will be very miserable.

Lin Mu roughly scanned the names on it, but didn't find anyone he was familiar with.

Obviously, Emperor Zong and the ancient dynasty found some cannon fodder to sign, and the purpose was naturally not to abide by the agreement.

"Since they are willing to die, let them die. I, Fumanlou, have no intention of going and playing with you idiots. It is best to go back and have your head, the Supreme Elder, also sign. You now You can get out!" Lin Mu said.

"Lin Mu, you are playing with fire. This is a mutual agreement between Emperor Zong and the ancient dynasty. Everyone has agreed. Are you going to become a public enemy?" the emissary threatened sharply.

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "Aren't I, Fumanlou, a public enemy now? Could it be that my popularity with Fumanlou is already very good?"


Lin Mu's rhetorical question left the messenger speechless.Because Fumanlou has always been a public enemy, no matter whether it is signed or not, it seems that nothing will really change.

(End of this chapter)

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