Supreme Chef

Chapter 1723

Chapter 1723

Lin Mu looked at the envoy who was standing there like a log, and said, "If you don't want to leave, do you still want to keep me here for dinner? I don't care about food here?"

When the envoy heard Lin Mu's words, he really gritted his teeth and 'creaked'.

I have seen one that attracts people's hate, but I have never seen one that attracts people's hate like Lin Mu.

"Since Lin Mu is toasting you and not eating fine wine, you should bear all the consequences yourself." The envoy said angrily.


Lin Mu shot directly, and slapped the messenger to the ground with a slap, his body was almost completely split open.

"You talk too much nonsense, this is the result you should bear. You can get out now." Lin Mu said coldly.

The messenger wanted to refute, but he finally held back.He also knew that Lin Mu would really kill him if he talked nonsense about how much he weighed.

The messenger got up from the ground and finally chose to leave.

"These bastards really think that they want us to sign with a few insignificant people." Xue Linglong said angrily.

Lin Mudao: "Even if their head, the Supreme Elder, really signed the contract, I would not sign it."

"That's right, the path of those old guys has come to an end. It's useless to keep them." Gu Xuan continued.

"Forget it, don't worry about them, get ready to get involved in the abandoned land." Lin Mu might as well study the abandoned land more if he has time, Lin Mu really doesn't want to deal with those bullshit contracts.

Lin Mu and the others were going to study the abandoned land, and after the envoys sent by Emperor Zong and the ancient dynasty returned to Emperor Zong, Lin Mu aroused the anger of the crowd again.

The fact that the two armies are fighting without killing each other is not only the case in the world, but also in the fairy world.Of course, Lin Mu didn't kill him, he just beat him up.

"This forest tree is really lawless, it really deserves to be punished, and it cannot be kept!" An elder in the Emperor Sect said angrily.

"Lin Mu is indeed to be punished. It is too much. Such a person should not exist in the world." After the elder of the emperor's sect finished speaking, someone immediately echoed him.

Then waves of crusades broke out among the emperor sects and ancient dynasties.

But Lin Shu couldn't hear all of this, and even if he heard it, it wouldn't hinder anything.

Taoist Guang arrived the next day, and it seemed that Taoist Guang came after a fierce battle.He was obviously a little embarrassed, and he must have suffered a loss.

"Senior, did someone from the Emperor Sect ambush you?" Lin Mu asked.

Daoist Guang shook his head and said, "It has nothing to do with Emperor Zong. I went to some places to investigate some secrets and verify some guesses."

When Lin Mu heard what Taoist Guang said, he stopped asking.

Because Lin Mu knew that even if he asked, Daoist Guang might not necessarily answer.

"After this time the matter is completed, I may have to leave for a long time, and may enter no-man's land." Taoist Guang said to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu frowned when he heard Taoist Guang's words, but he still didn't ask any more questions.

Everyone has their own secrets. They have saved Daoist Guang, and of course Taoist Guang has helped him a lot.

"Old Skeleton, don't talk about your affairs first. Let's talk about the abandoned land first. You should know something about the affairs here, right?" Blood Spirit Dragon urged.

Daoist Guang said, "I do understand something, but I never thought that those two people had entered this place. And there is such a secret hidden here."

Hearing Taoist Guang's false and true words, Xue Linglong felt itchy in his heart, like a hundred claws scratching his heart, and asked directly: "Old Skeleton, don't talk about those empty words, just get something practical. Just talk about it here Is there any danger, what should we pay attention to?"

Guang Dao said humanely: "Actually, Abandoned is what you call it in this world. In the past, it was not called Abandoned Land. It is called Corpse Land. This is a very special place for raising corpses. Even if the corpses here have passed through thousands of years of reincarnation, It is also incorruptible. The real danger here is the corpse of the strong buried here.

The corpses of these strong men have been nourished for countless years.Some strange changes have already taken place, and many corpses have become real god corpses. Although they have not produced consciousness, their instinct is only to kill.There are absolutely no shortage of corpses buried here at the level of Immortal Emperors, or even beyond the level of Immortal Emperors.Even ancient mythical beasts are not impossible. "

After Taoist Guang finished speaking, Lin Mu and the others gasped.

Because this is indeed a bit unexpected, there is even the possibility of ancient beasts in it.

If it is an adult ancient beast, even if it is a corpse, even if the Immortal Emperor encounters it, he can only turn around and run away.

As for Immortal Kings like Lin Mu and the others, they might not even have a chance to escape.

The danger is beyond imagination.

"Tell the news to other people, and let them decide whether to enter it." Lin Mu said to Wu De and the others.

"Okay!" Wu Qiong agreed, and went down to inform the people below.

Immortal Emperor-level masters will definitely not enter here.

Because that is really too dangerous, and it is already the end of the world, and there is a great danger in the world.

If there is no [-]% certainty of becoming the Immortal Emperor, the Immortal Emperor and others will never venture into this place.Because it's really not worth it, and it's also too dangerous.

After Wu Qiong notified the news, many people really gave up their plans to enter.

Their cultivation base is still too low, not to mention the ancient beasts, even the corpses of some immortal emperors or emperors, I am afraid that they are enough to kill them.

If there were really ancient beasts, they might not even be able to stand firmly.

"Boss, it's just this time. Can one or two of those disciples or the emperor's son enter inside? Shall we rob them?" Blood Spirit Dragon said eagerly.

Lin Mudao: "Maybe, maybe not. Those emperors are the treasures of treasures. Every time they dispatch, I am afraid that they have to go through countless calculations. If they are sure that the opportunity here has nothing to do with them, I am afraid won't show up."

Xue Linglong said: "Then their lives are too boring, they don't even have the courage, how can they be detached in the end."

Lin Mu said: "Their father has already walked most of the way for them, and they have already taken advantage of their innate advantages. So even if they don't come to take risks, the road they walk may not be as far as ours."

Blood Linglong said: "After all, they are still flowers in the greenhouse, they won't grow big. If they meet us, they will still kill them."

"Little Daddy, let me go in this time. Ming Zhe has already said that although it is very dangerous, it is also a heaven-defying opportunity for me." Gu Xuan ran in from the outside and begged in front of Lin Mu .

"Little Fatty really said that?" Lin Mu asked.

Gu Xuan said: "If you don't believe me, watch it, I've already recorded it. The little fat man will not make fun of my life, nor will he lie to you."

After Lin Mu looked at it carefully, he said, "In this case, you can go in, but remember to be careful."

Gu Xuan jumped up excitedly and said, "I will be very careful."

(End of this chapter)

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