Supreme Chef

Chapter 1724

Chapter 1724

Lin Mu finally selected all the people who entered with him, Lin Mu did not demand that everyone act collectively.

Everyone has different opportunities, and acting together with each other will have an impact.Affect each other, and of course Lin Shu will not require everyone to act alone.

Lin Mu let them decide everything by themselves, Lin Mu will not help them make any decisions.

Lin Mu didn't abide by the so-called contract. As for Emperor Zong and the ancient dynasty, they had no choice but to swallow the bitter fruit themselves, and at the cost of sacrificing a cannon fodder, let their disciples above Xuanxian enter the abandoned land.

Lin Mu must act alone, and Lin Mu's goal is very clear, that is, the ancient mine with the wonderful scene of flying immortals.

Of course, although everyone's ultimate goal is there, not everyone is like a tree, going straight to the goal when they come up.

Because the outbreak of the Abandoned Land this time is not limited to this one place.In a few places, visions erupted.There are opportunities there.

Although they don't know as well as Daoist Guang about the dangers in the abandoned land.But they also understand that the reason why this place is called the Jedi is not a random rumor.

The greater the opportunity, the greater the danger.This is an unassailable truth, there are flying fairy wonders in the ancient mine, and there must be supreme opportunities.But the supreme opportunity must be accompanied by the most dangerous difficulties.

They are still very self-aware. If they can find opportunities to reach their psychological bottom line in other places, they will definitely give up the most dangerous place decisively.

Lin Shu didn't hide his whereabouts, Lin Shu flew across the sky like a comet, and flew directly towards the ancient mine.

And flying there with Lin Shu, there are seven or eight rays of light, two of which are familiar to Lin Mu, the ancient sword and the white fairy, and Jiuyao Xingjun did not come this time.

Logically speaking, for such a huge opportunity, Mr. Nine Stars should not be absent.But he happened to be absent, so there was only one explanation.

Either Lord Jiuyaoxing's cultivation reached a critical juncture and he couldn't escape, or Lord Jiuyaoxing found a comparable opportunity.

Lin Mu couldn't say exactly what the situation was.After all, whether it is strength or luck, Nine Obsidian Lord is extraordinary.

He might be cultivating at the most critical moment, or he might have found a more suitable opportunity.This is all possible, who made him Nine Obsidian Lord.

Except for these two Dao, Lin Mu doesn't know the remaining six Dao, but he presumably is either the son of the emperor, or the best successor of the Emperor Sect or the ancient dynasty.

However, Lin Mu felt that the emperor's son was more likely, and there was no other reason.Because in the time of Shentu, Emperor Zong and the most outstanding geniuses in ancient times were almost killed by Lin Shu.Even if there were, Lin Mu believed that they would not be so bold and not afraid of death, rushing forward blatantly.

"It's a good show. Lin Mu and the emperor collided again. I don't know if it's the emperor's disciple this time. I hope they fight more fiercely, so that we may still have a chance." Someone said timidly in the dark whisper.

But the others didn't agree with what he said at all, completely thinking that he was talking nonsense.

Lin Mu and the others had to fight so hard that they could have a chance.

However, this does not hinder their enthusiasm for watching the battle.

After all, this kind of series of genius battles is not seen every day.It will definitely be of great benefit to them if they can watch the whole process up close.

Forest trees cannot use mana, but the flying speed of the holy body is definitely not much slower than the speed rule.

The power of the Eucharist, there are many places worthy of Lin Mu to develop.The incomparably huge treasure house of the Eucharist is just the tip of the iceberg.


Suddenly, a dazzling light burst out in front of Lin Shu.The light came too suddenly, if it were an ordinary fairy king, it would definitely be penetrated in an instant and then shattered.

This is not an attack from the Immortal King, but an attack from the Immortal Monarch.

But fortunately, Lin Mu is not an ordinary fairy king, Lin Mu is a fairy king with a holy body and the law of time.

At the moment when the light was about to approach his body, Lin Mu directly used his body's instincts to move out sideways.

Lin Mu stood still in the void, and two aged immortals stood in front of Lin Mu.

"Lin Mu, if you don't abide by the covenant, you will be punished!" The two old immortals said in unison.

Lin Mu looked at the two old immortals, but didn't speak immediately.Because Lin Mu saw that these two old immortals were a little strange and extraordinary.

The two old immortals happened to be wearing Taoist robes, one black and one white, one representing Yin and the other representing Yang.

Moreover, the exercises that the two practiced were actually the same.One represents pure yang and the other represents pure yin.

Standing there, the two of them gave people a feeling of facing Tai Chi, heaven and earth, and the universe.This is definitely a top-notch Xianjun, not the kind of Xianjun who just broke through.

"Isn't this the yin and yang elders? Aren't they the most wanted criminals who were ranked fifth on the most dangerous list in the fairy world? Why did they appear here and block Lin Mu's path?" You followed Lin Mu and prepared to follow in Lin Mu's footsteps, The person who entered the ancient mine looked at the two old immortals blocking the way, and said with a slightly changed expression.

"It's really the elders of yin and yang. Didn't Lei Zong claim to have killed the two of them back then? How could they still appear here?"

"Hush! Don't speak nonsense, be careful to lose your own life." Someone who knew more about the inside story quickly persuaded everyone to silence.

"Brother, do you know what's going on inside?" Someone hastily asked.

The person who knew the inside story lowered his voice and said: "Could it be that you still can't see clearly? Lei Zong obviously didn't kill the two people, but subdued them, and made them willingly work for Lei Zong. The two became Lei Zong's servants and guardians.

After all, the yin and yang elders back then were truly extremely strong.With such a master escorting him, Lei Zong's emperor would definitely be safe and secure.And it is absolutely possible to reach the entrance of the ancient mine first, because in terms of speed, besides the trees, the rain can be faster than that of Emperor Leizong. "

"But Lei Zong did this, doesn't it mean that he deceived everyone? Back then, Lei Zong offered a reward to him and left?" Someone asked.

The person who knew the inside story snorted coldly, and said: "So what if you know? Even if you knew it immediately back then, so what? Do you think there will be someone who doesn't want to die and go to Lei Zong to ask for the reward they got? "

When everyone heard this person's words, they all nodded. Emperor Zong was synonymous with invincibility in this world.

Even if they knew, so what, no one would really eat the bear heart and leopard gall, and go to find the reward that Emperor Zong wanted, unless they didn't want to live.

Moreover, Lei Zong can't say that they didn't complete the task. They didn't let the yin and yang elders reappear, and their freedom was completely restricted. This is considered to have completed the task.

(End of this chapter)

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