Supreme Chef

Chapter 1728 Hate Your Pride

Chapter 1728 Hate Your Pride
Lin Mu walked to the opposite side of them, looked at the six people on the opposite side, and said, "You don't need to hide it, you all have injuries. Is it related to the flying fairy light above?"

The six of them were shocked when they heard Lin Mu's words, but their expressions didn't change much.

They did have injuries, and they were the first wave to arrive here.

Looking at the endless stream of flying immortal light, looking at the thick chaotic energy that blocks the entrance of the cave.

They couldn't calm down anymore, they rushed up immediately.

But obviously they underestimated the danger here, as soon as they rushed up, the flying fairy light burst out.

The six people couldn't react in time, and all were injured by Feixianguang.

This flying fairy light is not what they saw.So safe, so harmless.

It's dangerous actually, although the six of them have teamed up in an instant.

But they were still injured by Fei Xianguang in an instant.

"We do have injuries, but it's very easy for the six of us to kill one of you." Among the six people on the opposite side, a person wearing a lightning and thunder crown said.

Lin Mu looked at him and said, "You are Lei Zong's son, and Yin Yang Er is your Lei Zong's?"


Emperor Lei Zong did not deny that he is the son of the emperor, and he has the strongest blood in the world.In his eyes, only those who are the same emperor as him, or the ancient princes of the ancient dynasty, are worthy to be his opponents.He has never paid attention to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu said: "Are you very proud? But your pride is in the wrong place. I hate proud people like you the most. Especially blindly proud people."


After Lin Mu finished speaking, he made a decisive move.

Lin Mu has never had the habit of not taking revenge after being plotted against.

Lei Zong let the yin and yang elders block his way, which is tantamount to cutting off his hope and future.

If it wasn't for the weirdness of Feixianguang here, I'm afraid I would have missed the opportunity in the cave.

Lin Mu would never tolerate such hatred, it would not be in Lin Mu's character if he endured it.

Seeing Lin Mu attacking, Emperor Lei Zong raised his hand to hang Thunder Galaxy, and then fell down with a bang.

The galaxy is boundless, tearing apart the sky, like a real thunder galaxy descending from the nine heavens.

The Thunder Galaxy represents destruction, and it hits the forest to destroy the forest.

Representing the ray of destruction, it bloomed in front of the Thunder Galaxy.When Thunder Galaxy approached the forest, it turned into a sword that destroyed Galaxy.

The destructive light tore apart everything, the earth, mountains, rivers, and space, making everything around it illusory.

The strength of the emperor is definitely not inferior to that of Lord Jiuyaoxing and Bai Yixian.

Nine Obsidian Lord used the accumulation of life and death in nine generations to have the prestige of today.The emperor only has such power in Xuezang, and then retreats.

This is the gap, after all, everyone's starting point is different.

But if that's all it is, Lin Shu is still fearless.Facing this Thunder Galaxy, formed a sword of destruction.

Lin Mu raised his fist directly, and then punched it directly.

Lin Shu urged Wu Shengquan to resist the sword of destruction with his body.


The fist and the tip of the Xinghe sword clashed, and the infinite destructive light burst out, completely strangling the space into a pile of fragments.

The Sword of Thunder Galaxy broke inch by inch, and the Thunder brushed past Lin Mu's body, unable to hurt Lin Mu's body at all.

Lin Mu moved forward without hesitation, swung his fist, and smashed the Thunder Galaxy into pieces every inch of it.

The six people present were all stunned when they saw the trees so vigorously.

They never put the current generation's wizards in their eyes, because in their eyes, these current generation's wizards cannot be compared with them.

But Lin Mu's shot changed their views.

Because Lin Shu is too strong, stronger than they imagined.


Lin Shu broke the last section of the galaxy into pieces, making the entire space glow with stars.


Emperor Lei Zong coughed up blood, and flew backwards.

"Emperor is nothing more than that!" Lin Mu didn't force him to come forward, but stood in place, completely looking down on Emperor Lei Zong.

Lin Mu's overlooking was even more unacceptable to him than killing him directly.


Emperor Lei Zong got up from the ground, roared, and was about to rush towards the forest again.

But as soon as he took a step, he stopped his footsteps.

Because he saw two people walking over from a distance.

"Brother Lin, did we meet again?" Bai Yixian cupped hands with Lin Mu in a distant manner.

Lin Mu looked at the white-clothed fairy, and felt that the white-clothed fairy had become even more terrifying after not seeing him for a hundred years.

Moreover, the Yuantian vine in Bai Yixian's hands has already begun to bloom.The next step is the result.

Yuantian Vine is a holy medicine, and the fruit it produces is even more miraculous and has indescribable effects.

There was one in Lin Mu's chaotic world, and Lin Mu didn't take it.

Lin Mu looked at Bai Yixian and said, "Brother Bai, why is the gourd almost ripe again, are you going to give me another gourd?"

Lin Mu and Bai Yixian are definitely not friends, and it is definitely not an exaggeration to say that they are enemies.

When he was in the sacred land, he wanted to put Lin Shu to death, but of course Lin Mu didn't intend to let him live.

The white-clothed fairy smiled and said: "Brother Lin is really joking. Last time, Brother Lin stole a fruit from me, and I haven't asked for it yet. I happened to meet Brother Lin today, so please give it back to Brother Lin first." me."

Lin Mu looked at Gu Jian and said, "Hey, he told us to ask for the holy fruit. Have you eaten it? If you haven't eaten it, should you give it back?"

"Eat!" Gu Jian replied concisely.

Lin Mu said: "Unfortunately, I also ate it, so I'm afraid I can't return it to you. After I digest it, I can return it to you after digestion."

Bai Yixian said: "Brother Lin's hundred years of silence, I don't know if your cultivation has increased, but your verbal skills have indeed increased a lot."

Lin Mu looked at Bai Yixian and said, "Whether my cultivation has improved, you can come and try it, or if you both want to try it, you can do it together."

Bai Yixian smiled slightly, and said: "Brother Lin, I will definitely come to ask for advice some other day, but it seems that today is not the time to settle matters between us. I have more important things to do today."

After Bai Yixian finished speaking, he looked at the emperor of the puppet sect.And Gu Jian also looked at the emperor of the Star Sect.

Gu Jian and Bai Yixian were also blocked, otherwise it would be impossible to arrive now.The two of them, like Lin Mu, have revenge and will never wait for the gentleman to take revenge for ten years.

The emperors of the Puppet Sect and the Star Sect were equally fearless when they saw Gu Jian and Bai Yixian looking over.

They are the sons of emperors, from the ancient snow to the present.They have the strongest blood of the Immortal Emperor, and their starting point is higher than everyone else.When they were born, they were already immortals.Their father, at every level, has laid the most solid foundation for them, and they enjoy the treasures of genius that others can't imagine.In their eyes, no one is their opponent except their own kind.

"Brother Lin, how about we compare and see who can deal with our opponent first?" Bai Yixian suggested.

(End of this chapter)

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