Supreme Chef

Chapter 1729 Contest with the Emperor's Son

Chapter 1729 Contest with the Emperor's Son (1)

Hearing Bai Yixian's proposal, before Lin Mu could answer, Gu Jian took the lead and said, "Count me in."

Lin Mu glanced at Gu Jian and said with a smile: "Since the two of you have such a passion, let's try it out."


All three emperors roared angrily.

They are the sons of the emperor, the most supreme existence.They are absolutely unbearable to be underestimated and treat them as chips in the game.


Although all three of them were injured, they also possessed the secret treasure.So even if there are injuries, they are not afraid of the three trees.

The battle was on the verge of breaking out, and it had entered a fever pitch from the very beginning.

The emperor of Lin Mu and Leizong, the emperor of Bai Yixian and the Puppet Sect, the emperor of Gu Jian and the Star Sect.

Lei Zong's son is naturally good at using Lei Dao. Lin Mu, the son of Puppet Sect, observed it and found that he was also very extraordinary.

The great puppet art has been completely fused into his blood.Every plant and every tree.A flower, a bird, even a space can become his puppet and can be used by him.

The emperor of the Star Sect naturally uses the Tao of Stars.The way of stars he uses is somewhat similar to that of Lord Nine Obsidians.

However, Lord Nine Stars has gone further than him, Lord Nine Stars has already embarked on a path of his own.The extreme state of this road is detachment and longevity.

The six people were fighting each other, and the three geniuses of the ancient dynasty were very leisurely.They were guarding again while watching the battle, and did not participate in it.

In fact, this is the result that the three hope to see. The six consume each other, and they are the ones who are cheap in the end.

It is true that they are the supreme geniuses of the ancient dynasty, but compared with Lin Mu and the others, the super-platinum generation who have experienced in the sacred land, they are still slightly inferior to the current emperor's sons.

Only the ancient princes who are completely sealed can compare with Lin Mu and the others and even surpass them.

So the current result is undoubtedly the best for the three of them.

The three emperors had injuries on their bodies, and when they fought against people who were very different, the injuries on their bodies might not be a problem.But like levels, people with balanced strength, such as Lin Shu, fight against each other.Such disadvantages will soon be infinitely magnified.

This is the case with the three emperors now. The three of them were soon completely suppressed by the three of Lin Mu.

In the past hundred years, both Bai Yixian and Gu Jian have made great progress.

And Lin Mu has already seen that Gu Jian is obviously stronger than the emperor of Jianzong.It's just that Lin Mu didn't know why no one followed the ancient sword when it came out.Although Dizi is very strong, if there is a better choice.Emperor Zong should make a wise decision immediately, it is absolutely impossible for a disciple who is more powerful than the emperor to act alone.This is not in line with common sense.

Of course, Lin Mu is just curious, and will not worry about Gu Jian.After all, the two are still hostile.


Lin Mu's iron fist started to move, and he punched directly on the shoulder of Emperor Lei Zong.


Emperor Lei Zong's shoulders were completely broken, and the white bones were exposed outside, looking very terrifying.

Emperor Lei Zong fell to the ground in disbelief.Even if he was injured, in his eyes, he should be stronger than Lin Shu, how could he be knocked down by Lin Shu.

"If this is the strength of the emperor, then I really feel very disappointed. Your strength is not worthy of that kind of protection. Even if you are allowed to remain silent for a few more lives, you will still be trash after you come out." Lin Mu said coldly .


Emperor Lei Zong roared angrily, and the thunder all over his body was galloping.

The broken arm, under the gallop of Thunder, quickly healed completely.

Looking at the healed arm, Lin Mu frowned slightly.

Thunder represents destruction, punishment, and death.

But this Emperor Lei Zong was able to let Lei Ting heal his wounds, and the healing was so fast.

It can be seen that he has already realized which step, he has understood that the end of death is life, and he has initially explored the origin of life and death.

From this point of view, he is undoubtedly extremely strong.Lin Mu has only just realized it, and he has just understood what the origin of life and death is.

But the emperor obviously didn't just understand, because judging from his aura, he has already traveled a long way on this road.


In the hands of Emperor Lei Zong, a Thunder God reminder appeared. This is the real Thor hammer, and it is a treasure to control the thunder in the world.

The treasure has no rank, it surpasses the immortal weapon.

It was discovered by Lei Zong together with the true understanding of Lei Dao.Half of Lei Zong's power today is due to the "True Explanation of the Way of Thunder", and the other half is due to this Thor's Hammer.

If there is no Thunder God Hammer, how could Lei Di easily enforce the law on behalf of the sky and fill in the test of the heavenly tribulation.

Most of it is due to the Thor's Hammer.

As for the origin of Thor's Hammer, no one can say clearly.

Even Lei Di said back then that he was not the first owner of Thor's Hammer.And he also said that he is not worthy to be its master.

One thing is for sure though, Thor is strong, strong.Represents the thunder of the world, the ultimate embodiment.


Emperor Lei Zong made a move, and the Thunder God Hammer in his hand slammed into the void.

Immediately, endless destructive thunderbolts appeared in the void, and these thunderbolts rushed towards the forest like a spider web.

This is the Thunder of Destruction, even if Lin Shu is now a sacred body, he has to avoid its edge.

You need to know the one that year, when it almost achieved Eucharist.In the end, he also died under the thunder of destruction, so even if Lin Shu is now a holy body, he still dare not try it lightly.

The trees dodged to avoid it, and the thunder like a spider web flew into the air, but it destroyed a mountain range that spread tens of thousands of miles in the distance.

Seeing Lin Shu dodging, Emperor Lei Zong couldn't help but grinned, and said, "You're not the Eucharist, aren't you very strong? Don't dodge if you have the ability?"

Lin Mu didn't answer, but this didn't prevent Emperor Lei Zong from ridiculing him.

"Today I want to see whether it is the Holy Body or the Thunder Dao that is stronger, so that everyone in the world can have a witness, and let everyone in the world prove it with their own eyes.

Lin Mu encountered trouble here, and Bai Yixian and Gu Jian also encountered trouble.

The two emperors have their own bottom cards. If it weren't for being such as Desperate, they would not have shown their cards.

After all, this is the hole card, and if you use one, you will lose one.With one of their lives, there is another danger.

The unknown cards are the ones that really threaten and frighten people.The known hole cards are not so powerful.

The hole card of the emperor of the puppet sect is a puppet refined from an ancient mummy, and this mummy is definitely no worse than the one in this corpse breeding ground.This caused great trouble for Bai Yixian.Because this kind of ancient god corpse doesn't know pain or tiredness at all.

(End of this chapter)

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