Supreme Chef

Chapter 1738 Ominous

Chapter 1738 Ominous (2)

As for ominous, no one can say exactly what it is.

The three emperors didn't know about it either, but they still decided to stay and watch.Because this is not only about Lin Mu and his father, but also about their future.

Because they will definitely walk the path their father walked, and then they will also encounter this so-called ominous situation.

Lin Mu survived the catastrophe, but he didn't dare to move half a step.

Because Lin Mu already felt a deep danger, Lin Mu felt that as long as he moved a step, blood would definitely splash on the spot.

Lin Mu doesn't know what is hidden in the dark, Lin Mu can only respond to all changes without change, this is the only way Lin Mu can think of.

Later, Lin Shu simply closed his eyes. Since he couldn't see it, he might as well not even look at it.

However, although Lin Mu closed his eyes, he did not give up searching.Trees search every inch of space again.

The nine ghosts stood in their respective platforms, but none of them went out.

Because they know too little about ominousness, in comparison, this place is the safest.

Lin Shu carefully searched every inch of the space, but unfortunately, there was no Lin Shu and nothing was found.

Lin Mu searched again, but unfortunately still found nothing.

With Lin Mu's current spiritual cultivation, as long as he is in this world, by his side.Forest trees can definitely be found, unless...unless it is not in this world.

But in this world, how is it possible, it may come from that world.

Lin Mu didn't dare to think about it, because it was a bit surprising, and it might subvert all of Lin Mu's worldview.


Accompanied by thunder that is completely different from this world, a vague black cloud is flying out from a huge space crack.

Lin Mu is the closest to the space crack, and from the space crack, Lin Mu really feels that it is completely different from the Dao system of his own world.

This is indeed a bit surprising, and it is indeed a bit subversive.

But at this moment, Lin Mu didn't have time to study these things carefully, and the crisis in front of Lin Mu hadn't been resolved yet.

The speed of the black cloud is not fast, but it is impossible to refuse or avoid.

"Could it be that father and the others were kidnapped by this black cloud." The emperor was surprised when he saw the black cloud covering the forest.They didn't know what was in the black cloud.

Facing the approaching black cloud, Lin Mu didn't dodge, because Lin Mu knew he couldn't dodge.Since you can't avoid it, then take the initiative to face it, take the initiative to meet it.


Just as the trees were surrounded by black clouds, a piercing roar was heard.

This roar does not come from the outside, but from the depths of Lin Shu's soul.This roar is in the depths of Lin Mu's soul, it can disintegrate Lin Mu's courage and fighting spirit, and it will make people completely lose hope.

"There is a soul attack in this black cloud!"

Lin Mu regained consciousness in an instant, and then immediately used the Nine Slashes of Divine Sense to stir up a storm to tear up the roaring sound.

It was only just contact, and Lin Mu almost lost his way.If he really got in touch, Lin Mu didn't know what kind of danger he would face.


Suddenly, a black monster with nine snake heads but a dog body and horse legs appeared in front of Lin Shu.

Lin Mu has never seen this kind of creature, which is similar to all the spirit beasts in Lin Mu's cognition.Immortal beasts and divine beasts are completely different.It doesn't seem to belong to this world, it seems to be a patchwork of many monsters.

However, its strange shape does not delay, and it has strong strength.

The nine snake heads bit down towards the tree at the same time.Each snake head carries a different color of destructive light.

Lin Mu has no doubt that if such a destructive light erupts, it can definitely destroy a city or an ancient land with ease.

Facing the attack, Lin Mu didn't dare to go head-on.

Although Lin Mu wanted to understand them very much, it was completely unwise to blindly confront them head-on.


Lin Shu twitched and moved, his body was reaching an extreme.With the Holy Body plus the speed rule, Lin Mu is sure that with his current speed, no one in the world will surpass him in speed.

But this strange creature in front of him is challenging Lin Shu's thinking.

Because its speed is not much slower than the trees.No matter how fast the trees turn, it can keep up with the trees in an instant.

From the moment the tree entered the black cloud, the black cloud had already cut off the forest's way out.At this time, the forest is completely in a closed space, and it is impossible to get out at all.Lin Mu has already tried the strength of this blockade, and it is simply not a cage that he can break.

People outside are also unable to see clearly what's going on inside.

They hope that Lin Mu can bring out the ominous news, but they also don't want Lin Mu to come out alive.

This is also somewhat contradictory and tangled.

"Since you can't dodge it, let me weigh it. What's so scary about you monster?" Continuous dodging was ineffective, and Lin Mu simply gave up dodging, ready to weigh the monster's ability by himself.

Lin Mu took out the Shadowless Knife and slashed at one of the snake heads.

With the recovery of the trees, the Shadowless Knife also completely exploded with its original radiance, even stronger than the original radiance.The Shadowless Knife is infinitely close to the real Ninth Grade Immortal Treasure.Now it only needs one opportunity to become a true immortal treasure.


The Shadowless Knife struck the snake's head, but in Lin Mu's imagination, the scene of brain bursting did not appear.

Instead, it was his own arm, which was so numb from the shock anyway.


The attack of Lin Shu aroused the fierceness of this monster.

The other eight snake heads bit the trees directly from two directions.

Eight destructive rays of light erupted from the snake's head, ready to destroy everything at any time.

Seeing the eight snake heads biting towards him with lightning speed, Lin Mu didn't dare to stay at all, so he quickly dodged and escaped.

Fortunately, Lin Shu's speed was fast enough, barely escaping the attack range of the eight snake heads.

The eight snake heads collided with everything, and a destructive light burst out.

This is in the black cloud, if it is outside the black cloud.Lin Mu believed that this destructive light would surely cause thousands of miles of death.

Looking at the destructive light, Lin Mu himself took a deep breath.


But before Lin Shu could catch his breath, the nine snake heads were already upwards at the same time, ready to coil Lin Shu firmly to death.


Lin Shu didn't dare to stay, his body flew upwards like a sharp sword.

Lin Mu flew fast, and the speed of the snake head's pursuit was also extremely fast.

Lin Mu looked at the nine snake heads below, and realized that no matter what, he probably couldn't get rid of it.At the same time, Lin Mu also understood that from the outside, he might not be able to cause any fatal damage to it.

(End of this chapter)

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