Supreme Chef

Chapter 1739 Ominous

Chapter 1739 Ominous (3)

Lin Mu looked at the head of the snake that was biting towards him, and slashed downward with all his strength.


The Shadowless Knife chose the monster's eyes this time, the eyes are the most vulnerable place, no matter for humans or animals, the eyes are the most vulnerable place.

The monster's eyes are obviously also the most vulnerable place, but it is smarter than Lin Mu thought.

When Lin Shu's shadowless knife slashed down, he chose to close his eyes in time.


Lin Mu's Shadowless Knife chopped on its eyelids.Suddenly a series of sparks were aroused.

The monster's skin is really tough enough to be able to compete with the Shadowless Knife.

However, the position of the eyelids is still more fragile than other places.

Such a knife, in addition to sparks, also brought a string of blood beads.

The blood of this monster is obviously different from that of humans. The blood of the monster is not bright red, but a variegated color.Simply put, it is a mixture of various colors.It seems that its blood is also mixed with the blood of various animals.


The monster was in pain and let out an angry roar.This roaring sound directly passed into the depths of Lin Mu's soul, as if it wanted to tear Lin Mu's soul apart.

Lin Mu knew that when he just came in, the roar that sounded in the depths of his soul came from this monster.

But at the beginning, the distance was too far away.Facing it head-on now is the real feeling of terror.

Lin Mu felt that his soul was about to fall, no wonder no one who realized the Tao survived.

Facing such a monster, few people could survive.


Just when Lin Mu felt that he was about to fall, the Soul Requiem Talisman began to show its power.The soul-suppressing talisman emitted a dim blue light, stabilizing Lin Shu's sea of ​​consciousness, and making Lin Shu's sea of ​​consciousness no longer turbulent.


Suddenly the monster let out a scream, as if its tail was stepped on by something, it retreated extremely quickly, avoiding the trees far away.It seemed that Lin Shu was an existence even more demonic than him.

Lin Mu was also taken aback by such a sudden change.Lin Mu didn't know what happened to the monster.

"It's the soul-suppressing talisman!" Lin Mu's mind flashed, and he finally thought of what made this monster so afraid.

But this monster is not afraid of anything else but the soul-suppressing talisman, which makes Lin Mu strange.But it doesn't matter, as long as you can find the weakness of this monster.

Since the monster is afraid of the soul-suppressing talisman, it would be good if he had a soul-suppressing talisman to deal with it.

The soul-suppressing talisman is now in Lin Mu's sea of ​​consciousness, and Lin Mu really has no way to mobilize it.However, imitating the soul-suppressing talisman was not difficult for Lin Mu.

Lin Mu's hands drew mysterious trajectories in the void, and the lines condensed with the power of the soul gradually took shape in the void.

This is the shape of the soul talisman.

The monster on the opposite side showed a fearful expression just by seeing Lin Mu's gesture of raising his hand.


The monster roared, took a step back, and then rushed towards the forest.

Seeing the monster rushing towards him, Lin Mu didn't choose to retreat. On the contrary, Lin Mu pressed forward with both hands, and the Soul Requiem Talisman was pushed out by Lin Mu.


The soul-suppressing talisman came into contact with the monster, and burnt black smoke emitted from the monster's body. At the same time, the indestructible skin of the monster was easily pierced.

Lin Mu knew that the origin of the soul-suppressing talisman was very mysterious, but Lin Mu didn't expect that the soul-suppressing talisman would have a miraculous effect on this strange ominous situation.

This is really puzzling, Lin Mu doesn't know why this happened.I don't know where this ominousness comes from, and why I am so afraid of the soul-suppressing talisman.But now the soul-suppressing talisman is effective, which is enough for Lin Shu.


The monster was wounded and let out an angry roar.

Obviously, this weak human being in front of him has completely angered him.

The monster roared and rushed towards the trees, his speed reached a limit.

However, Lin Shu's speed was also extremely fast, and at the same time as it moved, Lin Shu also moved, and the soul-suppressing talisman in his hand directly condensed into palm thunder, and it was printed out with a palm.The monster was hit again, and a huge hole was blasted into its body.Turbid blood flowed out, this blood was very corrosive and toxic, every drop was enough to poison the life of a city.


The monster screamed in pain. The nine snake heads and eighteen eyes all glowed a strange crimson.

After finding something that could restrain the monster, Lin Mu chose to take the initiative.

Lin Mu's body flew towards the monster like an arrow.

The monster looked at the soul-suppressing talisman in Lin Mu's palm, with anger and fear in his eyes.

But when he saw Lin Mu, something that he could only treat as food, he dared to take the initiative to bully him.The monster still rushed up, it must teach Lin Mu, a weak human being, a lesson.


The monster roared loudly, and then rushed towards the trees.


Lin Mu didn't plan to let the monster run away this time, Lin Mu directly stamped his palm on the places where its nine heads and body were connected, Lin Mu wanted to kill it with one blow.Because this place makes Lin Mu feel uneasy, Lin Mu must leave here as soon as possible.


Thick and highly toxic smoke came out from the place where the tree's palms met the monster's gun.


The monster screamed in pain, and the nine snake heads twisted wildly, and then all bit them fiercely towards the forest.


This time, Lin Mu was determined to kill the monster, so Lin Mu used the law of time to freeze the monster.

Time exists no matter in that world, whether it comes from another world or not.Time is useful to it.

Its nine snake heads were completely frozen in midair, unable to move at all.


Lin Mu imprinted the soul-suppressing talisman in his palm directly on the Wuying Knife, then swung the Wuying Knife vigorously, and slashed towards the crack that had already opened.


The Shadowless Knife combined with the soul-suppressing talisman really cut into the monster's flesh this time.

Variegated blood splashes almost corroded the entire space.

Lin Mu propped up his domain to resist the turbid blood that splashed out.


The turbid and corrosive blood came into contact with the area of ​​the forest, causing the area of ​​the forest to corrode and emit blue smoke, as if it was about to collapse.


Looking at the domain that was almost completely corroded, Lin Mu also roared, and then used his arms to use the ultimate power that the holy body could use, and slashed downward with all his might.


Finally, Lin Mu's Shadowless Knife chopped off all nine of the monster's heads.

But this is not the end, for this kind of unknown monster, Lin Mu doesn't know what kind of abilities they have.

So Lin Mu used the Shadowless Knife and the soul-suppressing talisman again to crush all the nine heads into minced meat.

(End of this chapter)

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