Supreme Chef

Chapter 1746 Give You a Chance

Chapter 1746 Give You a Chance

Meeting is not the goal, it is their goal to invite Lin Mu, the great god, away.They are just a six-star city, and they really can't stand Lin Shu's troubles.

"Why don't we inform Emperor Zong." An elder suggested.

"We informed Emperor Zong that with Lin Mu's jealous character, he will definitely come back to take revenge at that time, and we will be the ones who will suffer." His proposal was immediately opposed by some people.

"Then let's talk to him about the conditions. No matter what conditions he proposes, just leave our place." Another elder suggested.

"What will he do if the lion opens his mouth and wants our city?"


We discussed for a long time, but did not discuss a satisfactory answer.

"Okay, let's talk to Lin Mu first to see what kind of request Lin Mu has. If we can accept it, then we will agree. If we can't accept it, then we can only notify Emperor Zong." In the end, the city lord made the decision.

A group of people from the City Lord's Mansion set off in a mighty way, and came directly to the bottom of Fuman Building.

"It's from the City Lord's Mansion, and the City Lord has personally dispatched it. Could it be that the City Lord is also curious about what kind of things Lin Mu's Fumanlou can make?"

Seeing that the city lord came in person, someone guessed.

"Hmph! Are you curious? I think the city lord is here to negotiate terms and let Lin Mu leave." As soon as such remarks were made, someone immediately snorted.

"Master, the city lord and the elders of the city lord's mansion are asking to see you." A disciple of Fu Manlou found Lin Mu and reported.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Let them in."

Lin Mu was not surprised by the arrival of the City Lord's Mansion.They should have come a long time ago, even a little slower than Lin Mu thought.

"Master Lin." After the city lord came in, he cupped his hands respectfully and said.

Not to mention that Lin Mu's current cultivation base is at the same level as his own, even the great gods standing behind Lin Mu made him have to bend down.

"My lord, did you come here specially to congratulate me on the opening of the restaurant? Then Lin is really grateful, and I will prepare some food and drinks later to show my gratitude." Lin Mu said.

The city lord understood Lin Mu's words, and hurriedly said: "Master Lin misunderstood, I'm here to discuss terms with you, Master Lin, we want to take back this shop. As for the rent, we are willing to pay back ten times."

Lin Mu heard what the city lord said, and said, "My lord, this is not the right way to do business, is it?"

The city lord felt bitter, but he still said: "Master Lin, our Fenghuo City is just a small temple, and we really can't welcome a great god like you, Master Lin. Please also Master Lin, please hold your hand high."

Lin Mudao: "My lord, I understand what you mean, but I really don't know. I just came to open a restaurant. Is there any taboo here? I didn't say that I will start a sect in the last three days. Is it so Can't you?"

The city lord really wanted to find a wall to bump his head against. If it was an ordinary person who came to open a restaurant, he would open a restaurant, but Lin Dashen, who are you.You are No. 1 on the evil list in the fairy world, the person who is missed by the emperor and the ancient dynasty.If you come to open a restaurant, it could be fatal at any time.

But in this case, the city lord dare not say it.If Lin Mu is unhappy, then his Fenghuo City may change hands.

"Master Lin, you definitely don't commit any taboos when you come to open a restaurant. But Master Lin, I still hope that you will hold your hand high. I can help Master Lin to buy the best berth in the Nine Star City." The city lord really It's begging.

Lin Mudao: "The Nine-Star City is not very attractive to me, and don't you want to turn your Fenghuo City into a Nine-Star City?"

"Nine Star City!"

The city lord's group couldn't help but change their expressions when they heard Lin Mu's words.

It is their dream to become a nine-star city.

But it is too dangerous to cooperate with Lin Shu to become a nine-star city.And what did Lin Mu mean by this? Could it be that he wanted to abdicate on his own initiative?

Lin Mu seemed to see the city lord's worry, and said: "Don't worry, my lord, Fumanlou is not the emperor, but also an ancient dynasty. I can't do things like bullying others. I won't ask you to abdicate the city lord, I just I want to use your Beacon City, the city lord, as a springboard. My goal is the nine-star city closest to your Beacon City.

Of course, I will not borrow in vain. The benefit I can give is to help Fenghuo City become a nine-star city.The city lord can go back and think about this condition carefully, and when you think about it clearly, the city lord, it won't be too late to come to me again."

After hearing Lin Mu's words, the city lord was really moved.It's just a springboard, and my own beacon city may become a nine-star city. I'm afraid no one will not be tempted by such a transaction.

"Thank you for the kindness of Sect Leader Lin. We need to discuss it carefully, and please ask Sect Leader Lin for later." The city lord said.

Lin Mu said: "It's okay, I have time to wait."

After the city lord and others took people away, Yang Tian asked, "Will he agree?"

Lin Mu said: "He will definitely agree."

The city lord brought people back to the city lord's mansion, and the city lord's mansion suddenly became lively again.

"Is what Lin Mu said true? If Lin Mu really only uses us as a springboard to help us become a nine-star city, then this deal is really worth it."

"Can you trust Lin Mu's words? It's clear that Lin Mu is coveting our city."

"You can't say that. In the fairy world, Lin Mu was indeed regarded as a thorn in the flesh by the Emperor Zong and the ancient dynasty, but Lin Mu's reputation is still very good. We have never heard of Lin Mu. What kind of bully did he do? It's about women. From this point of view alone, Lin Mu's words are very credible."

"We haven't done it before, but it doesn't mean we haven't done it now. And we helped Lin Mu. When Emperor Zong asks us to settle accounts, what shall we do?"

"Enough!" The city lord said heavily on the table, and the room fell silent immediately.

"Squeak!" The door opened, and an old fairy walked in.

This is the old city lord with the highest cultivation and the oldest qualifications in the city, and also the father of the new city lord.He is already in the early stage of the Immortal Emperor, and he would not go out at all on weekdays, and has been hidden like a Dinghai Shenzhen in the city.

"Father, why did you leave the customs?" The city lord saw the person coming and got up quickly, and the rest of the people gave way one after another.

"I heard about what happened in the city, so I came here to see if there is anything I can help," said the old city lord.

When the new city lord heard his father's words, he quickly bowed his head and said, "It's all because the son is incompetent."

The old city owner said: "This has nothing to do with you. This incident is indeed a huge challenge for me in Fenghuo City. It is also a huge opportunity."

The city lord said, "Father, do you think this is an opportunity?"

The old city owner nodded and said: "Yes. I don't think I need to explain too much about Lin Mu's reputation in the fairy world. Besides, my Fenghuo City really doesn't mean much to him. He won't be involved in this matter. To deceive us, his goal should really be Donghai City controlled by the East Emperor Sect. It is a very deadly place for the East Emperor Sect."

(End of this chapter)

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