Supreme Chef

Chapter 1747 Someone from East Sea City

Chapter 1747 Someone from East Sea City

After hearing what the old city lord said, everyone seemed to understand a little bit.

"Father, what do you mean, Lin Mu's attention is really not in my beacon city?" asked the current city lord.

The old city owner said: "You look too high on our Fenghuo City, and you underestimate Lin Shu's ambition too much. Lin Mu is destined to be the existence of dragons flying to the sky. How can such a real dragon be left behind in our small Fenghuo City? Quite the opposite , this time, for me in Fenghuo City, it is an opportunity to go to heaven with the real dragon."

When everyone heard the old city lord's words, they couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Because according to the old city lord's analysis, things seem to be true.

His own Fenghuo City is indeed not too big, and it is really meaningless to Lin Mu.And Lin Shu's reputation in the fairy world is indeed good.His own Fenghuo City has no enmity or grudge with him, he really doesn't have to do anything to him, this will easily arouse the enthusiasm of the public.

"Old City Lord, this is indeed an opportunity for us. But if Emperor Zong pursues it, what should we do? After all, Emperor Zong dare not move the trees, will he let me go? We can't bear it either, The anger of Emperor Zong and the ancient dynasty." Someone said worriedly.

The old city lord stroked his beard and said: "Do you think there will be anything for us if Lin Shu is dealing with Emperor Zong? And as long as we have a good relationship with Lin Mu, you think that with Lin Mu's character, he will treat us Do you want to die?"

When everyone heard this, they silently calculated in their hearts, and everything became clear in their hearts.

As the saying goes, if the sky falls, the big ones will stand in front, and they will hide behind, so there is really no danger.Besides, is he just asking Lin Mu to open a restaurant?What's the matter.

And even if Emperor Zong really pursued it, he could be said to be persecuted by Lin Mu, no matter what he said, it would not do him any harm.

"Father, I understand. I'll go tell Lin Mu now." The current city lord said.

The old city lord said: "You say what you say, but you must remember that you are half-hearted. If you want to cooperate with Lin Mu, you must sincerely cooperate with Lin Mu. If you go to Qin Muchu, you will end up with nothing but neither side. benefit."

"Old city lord, we don't have to do this, right?" someone said.

The old city lord snorted coldly: "Do you think that Lin Mu is easy to deceive, or Emperor Zong and the ancient dynasty are easy to deceive. If we want to choose one side to cooperate with, we can only be single-minded. Only when you treat him sincerely, will he be regarded as an ally. Now It is already the end of the world, and the time left for us to think and hesitate is getting less and less. This is the last chance for us in Fenghuo City."

The current city lord nodded heavily, and said, "Father, I understand."

"The city lord is back again. A decision has already been made. Whether Lin Shu will go or stay is all in one fell swoop."

Someone watched the city lord come back, and immediately started talking.

"We just wait and see. It is a choice for the city owner, and it may not be an opportunity for us."

"My lord, I have thought it through so quickly." Lin Mu said with a smile, looking at the returning city owner.

"Master Lin, you are too polite. I really can't bear the word 'my lord' now. I am willing to accept your conditions and requirements, and I am also willing to cooperate with you." The city lord said bluntly.

Lin Mu looked at the city lord and said, "Then I don't know the city lord, do you have any other requests?"

The city owner said: "I don't have any requirements other than the return proposed by the head of Lin."

When Lin Mu heard the words of the city lord, he immediately made a decision, saying: "Okay! The city lord is indeed a man of courage. The city lord is so happy, I can't be too stingy. Since I proposed this matter, the safety of Fenghuo City, Nature is also under the protection of my Fumanlou."

When the city lord heard Lin Mu's words, he also heaved a sigh of relief.At the same time, he was also glad that he chose to obey his father.Otherwise, if I agreed to Lin Mu's request and put forward a bunch of conditions, then maybe I wouldn't be able to get Lin Mu's protection and safety.

In the last days, what is most important, safety is the most important.

"City Lord, Donghai City sent people over." A subordinate of the City Lord's Mansion ran in to find the City Lord to report.

"So fast." The city lord's face changed slightly when he heard his subordinates' words.

Lin Mudao: "Anyway, he came to look for me, so you just let him come directly to Fumanlou."

The city owner said: "That's fine, I'll meet him at Fumanlou."

This is also the city lord's expression of his attitude. Seeing the envoy from Emperor Zong in Fumanlou is enough to explain everything.

"The city lord has made a choice and is going to cooperate with Lin Mu. We have to think about it in the long run." People outside couldn't calm down after hearing the news.

A small restaurant made the entire Fenghuo City unable to calm down, and all of them took action.

They have to start choosing to stand in line, or stay in Fenghuo City, acquiescing to the fact that they stand with Lin Mu.

Either leave Fenghuo City and completely draw a line with Lin Shu.

Of course, there are people who make two choices, and some people choose to leave immediately.

And some bold people chose to stay.Because they are going to fight once, they think that Lin Shu's future will be better.

The envoy of Donghai City was quickly brought to Fumanlou.

The person who came was an envoy of the immortal monarch, who also had quite a status and real power in Donghai City.

So after entering, Lin Shu and the city lord of Fenghuo City were completely ignored.

"City Lord Qi, is this your choice?" After the visitor entered, he didn't look at the trees at all, and asked the City Lord of Fenghuo City directly.

"I don't understand etiquette at all, so I will teach you how to understand etiquette on behalf of your master." Lin Mu snorted coldly, and then shot directly, grabbing the messenger.

"Lin Mu, what are you doing!"

The envoy had also heard of Lin Mu's evil name, but before he thought that this place was his own territory for the last three days, and Lin Mu didn't dare to do anything about it.But obviously in this world, there is nothing that Lin Mu dare not do.

"On behalf of your master, I will teach you what etiquette is." After finishing speaking, Lin Mu forced him to salute himself and the city lord of Fenghuo City separately.

Seeing the strength of Lin Mu, the city lord of Fenghuo City was a little frightened, but more relieved.After all, if Lin Mu is not strong, then the unlucky one will be himself.

At the same time, the city lord of Fenghuo City also felt very relieved.Usually, anyone who comes to Donghai City can call and drink to him.Even if his cultivation base was lower than his own, he dared to treat himself as his subordinate, and he had already held his breath.

(End of this chapter)

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