Supreme Chef

Chapter 1749 City Break

Chapter 1749 City Break (1)

Regarding Lin Mu's preparation to attack, Fenghuo City quickly reached an agreement.

Helping Lin Mu fight against Donghai City together, this is the most closely guarded and most actively prepared thing in Fenghuo City.

"City Lord, since this matter has been decided. We still need to discuss it with the head of Lin, after all, this time it is still dominated by trees."

City Lord Qi nodded, and went to Fumanlou secretly that night alone.

It's not that City Lord Qi doesn't trust others, but that this matter has a lot to do with it.It is related to the safety of his city, if one is not done well, it is very likely that the city will be massacred.

After coming out of Fumanlou, City Lord Qi was full of joy, as if he had seen the opportunity for Fenghuo City to rise in the future.

Lin Mu's Fumanlou had no intention of opening, but it was just a cover.Of course, if there are guests, Lin Mu will not refuse,

The teleportation array was quickly established, and a large number of people from Fumanlou entered Fenghuo City.But because of the previous arrangement, everyone was hidden.

But Donghai City has been very peaceful during this period of time.However, he is calm because he has received the clear order from the East Emperor Sect to completely destroy Fenghuo City, and even the East Emperor Sect has dispatched experts to support it.

"All the things of the city lord are ready, ready to go at any time." Said the former envoy who found the city lord of Donghai City.

"Okay! After three days, destroy Fenghuo City. Lin Mu may be able to deal with it alone, but he came here for the last three days, so let him stay here forever. At least let him become a bereaved dog." The lord of Donghai City said.

"Yes! City Lord, Lin Shu is too rampant, he really should be taught a lesson. Otherwise, he won't know how big the sky is." The envoy hated Lin Shu very much. If he caught Lin Shu, he would tear it to pieces. .

"City lord! City lord! It's not good! Fenghuo City suddenly launched an attack on our Donghai City, and the city gate has already fallen." Suddenly, someone guarding the city gate ran in and reported nervously.


Hearing this subordinate's report, the city lord couldn't sit still.

Fenghuo City actually launched an attack on its own Donghai City, and in just a moment, its most impenetrable city gate fell, how is this possible?

"A mere six-star city in Fenghuo City dared to attack us with great fanfare, and they even broke the city. How did you guard the city!" the envoy asked angrily.

This question is also what the city lord wants to know, and he also wants to know, why did the city gate fall suddenly when he swept across the Donghai City with a radius of millions of miles?

"This time, the main attack on our Donghai City was not Fenghuo City, but Lin Mu's Fumanlou. Lin Mu led people to form a powerful attack formation. Before we could react, he smashed the city gate It's overwhelmed," said the man below.

"Ling Mu dared to take the initiative to provoke a war. He has taken the courage of his ambition. Immediately notify everyone to destroy Lin Mu's Fumanlou." After hearing this, the city lord was shocked and angry.

He really didn't expect that Lin Mu would do it so quickly.Because he always thought that Lin Mu could only passively wait for him to attack Fenghuo City, and then passively defend.But he didn't expect that Lin Mu would take the initiative to attack.This is simply a shame, a great shame.

"Yes!" The subordinate agreed, and then went to convey the order.

"The people of Lin Mu, the city owner, all came from nowhere. There was no movement in the teleportation array within our monitoring range, and our spies in Fenghuo City did not find any spatial fluctuations. What about Lin Mu? Arrived." After the disciple left, the envoy also asked his own question.

The city lord also asked this question, and he also wanted to know.Where did the people in Fumanlou come from? Why did so many people pop up all of a sudden?

Lin Shu's teleportation array is completely from the world's strange book "Array".The teleportation array recorded there is several times better than the ancient teleportation array, and it's normal that people in East China Sea City can't find it.

Moreover, all the people who came to Fumanlou this time were elites. After these years of dormancy, Fumanlou has also cultivated many elites who are not weaker than the disciples of the last three days.

In addition, Lin Mu and Taoist Guang chose the strongest offensive formation and surprise attack in ancient times after research, and it was no surprise that they defeated the gate of Donghai City in one blow.

Lord Qi of Fenghuo City was also shocked when he saw that Lin Mu conquered the city gate in one fell swoop, and he couldn't even think about it.

This is the nine-star city of the last three days, and there is a big tree like the East Emperor Emperor as a backer behind it.

Such a city defense, even if he gathers all the strength of the city and launches a sudden attack, it is impossible to win with one blow.

"City Lord Qi, you should know where the City Lord's Mansion is. Take us directly to the City Lord's Mansion and deal with the people in the City Lord's Mansion. Donghai City will be completely captured." Lin Mu said to City Lord Qi.

Lin Mu brought very few people this time, only [-] elites.

According to the news that Lin Mu got from City Lord Qi, the power in Donghai City is just hundreds of Immortal King-level masters.As for the immortals at the Xuanxian level, there are millions of records.

Lin Mu hadn't reached it by himself, and with his [-] elites, he couldn't lose all the guards in the entire East Sea City.Therefore, Lin Mu's countermeasure is to break through the city gate first, create an illusion that they are about to break the city, and then go straight to the city lord's mansion, capture the thieves first, capture the king, and deal with the people in the city lord's mansion.

"I know, I'll lead the way." Victory is in sight, and City Lord Qi is also very excited.

City Lord Qi led the way, and Lin Mu led his people to quickly follow behind.

Soon everyone passed through the main road and saw the City Lord's Mansion in the center of the city.

"Several seniors have trouble." The formation of the City Lord's Mansion is the most complicated and also the most difficult to crack.

With Lin Mu's formation skills, it's not impossible to crack it, but it's just a waste of time. What Lin Mu lacks most now is time.

Daoist Guang and the others nodded, and then directly joined forces to forcefully tear apart the formation above the City Lord's Mansion.

Although the formation is exquisite and unparalleled, it was completely torn apart after only persisting for a while in the face of seven powerful immortal emperors.

"Kill! The history of the next three days and the previous three days will be created in your hands!" Lin Mu raised the shadowless knife in his hand and said to the hundred thousand elites.

These [-] elites were all selected in the next three days. They had conquered the sixth heaven, but they never thought about it in the last three days.

So they are also very excited about such a feat.I'm afraid they can brag to their descendants in this life, or even in the next life, which is enough to make them proud.This is a real feat, this is a battle that truly rewrites history, and history will be completely and completely rewritten in their hands.The fate of not being able to enter the previous three days in the next three days will be completely ended in their hands.

(End of this chapter)

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