Supreme Chef

Chapter 1750 City Break

Chapter 1750 City Break (2)

City Lord Qi looked at Lin Mu, and was actually quite shocked by the [-] elites brought from the next three days.

City Lord Qi lived for three days, possessing the highest quality resources and the best cultivation conditions.He never even puts people in the middle three days in his eyes, and as for the next three days, he can't get into his eyes at all.

But now the [-] elites all came from the lower three days, but they miraculously broke into the nine-star city of the upper three days.

Of course, City Lord Qi understood that all this was caused by the man in front of him.If there were no trees, everything he saw would not exist.


10 people yelled loudly at the same time, and the sound was like startling a dragon, directly shaking the clouds above the sky.


Lin Shu went down with a knife and directly split open the door of the City Lord's Mansion, and then everyone rushed in.

"Lin Mu!" The envoy who was rushing out, ready to command, couldn't help being surprised when he saw Lin Mu rushing in first.

Lin Mu looked at the messenger, grinned, and said, "Is it surprising? There are even more unexpected ones."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, without waiting for any reaction from the messenger, the Shadowless Knife fell on the head.


Lin Mu's knife cut the messenger in half.

With a slight shake of the arm, the soul was completely shaken away.


Lin Mu shook his arm and rushed in with the people.

When Lin Mu rushed to the main hall with his people, the city lord who heard the news also waited outside the main hall with all the people in the city lord's mansion.

The city lord was equally shocked by Lin Shu's arrival.

From the moment my subordinates came to tell me that the city gate was breached, until Lin Mu stood in front of me, it didn't even take me long to burn a stick of incense.This speed is a bit too fast, and I don't even have time to dispatch troops.

Looking at Lin Mu's [-] elite, the city lord was a little scared, but he still said: "Lin Mu dares to fight me alone!"

Lin Mu looked at the city lord and sneered, "You think I'm stupid, or you think you have too much IQ. You are an immortal emperor, and I have just stepped into the threshold of an immortal emperor. You let me fight with you alone. And I know you're going to delay time, and I'm still wasting time with you here, do you think I might be joking about my life?"

The city lord of Donghai City, when he heard Lin Mu's words, his teeth were itchy with hatred.

"Lin Mu, I am willing to proclaim myself a cultivation base, and use the cultivation base of a fairy king to fight against you!" said the city lord.

Lin Mu said: "It's a pity that I don't want to fight with you, and you are not my opponent at all. Why should I waste such time with you?"

The city lord sneered and said, "Don't you dare, Lin Mu? You claim to be invincible at the same level, don't you even have such a little courage?"

"It's not that I don't have the courage, I just don't want to waste my life." Lin Mu said lightly.

"Sect Leader, we support you. We can support you! We hope that the Sect Leader can beat him to gain power!" Among the crowd below, the crowd said passionately.

"Are you afraid of Lin Mu?" the city lord of Donghai City said mockingly.

His people are still being mobilized, and it will take half an hour to fully assemble.He believed that as long as his people could surround the City Lord's Mansion, the trees would be hard to fly.

Lin Mu looked at the city lord and said, "I'm not afraid, I'm just afraid that you will still be disappointed when you die. Since you are willing, then let your wish come true."

Before the city lord could proclaim himself a cultivator, Taoist Guang made a decisive move.

As soon as Taoist Guang pointed out, he directly sealed the city lord's cultivation base to the same level as Lin Shu - the early stage of Xianjun.

The city lord looked at Taoist Guang with fear for no reason.Taoist Guang can seal his own cultivation by raising his hand.This shows that Daoist Guang has the ability to instantly kill himself.


Lin Shu stepped out in one step, and his speed reached the limit in an instant.

Lin Mu didn't want to waste any time, because Lin Mu didn't have much time to waste.

"Well done, die!" Seeing Lin Mu bullying him, the city lord also called out hello, and then took the initiative to attack, preparing to kill Lin Mu.

The fairy weapon used by the city lord is a long spear.The long gun should have some origin, because it gives people a sense of immortality.

It's just that the gun is a good gun, but the opponent he met was wrong, and his master foolishly wanted to fight Lin Mu with his self-proclaimed cultivation base.

Lin Mu's figure suddenly turned into a bubble and disappeared before the eyes of the city lord when he was about to be stabbed by the spear point.


Seeing the tip of his spear, he shattered the phantom.The city lord couldn't help being startled, the next moment Lin Mu felt a chill on his back, a feeling like a glow on his back.


Lin Mu's Shadowless Knife pierced his body directly, and slashed along his back.It easily split him in half.

With just one move, the city lord, who is the Immortal Emperor, was cut in half by Lin Mu.

Everyone who watched this scene was terrified.

They all know that Lin Shu is very strong, but this strength seems a bit outrageous.

It was just a face-to-face meeting, a sealed Immortal Sovereign died tragically just like that.

The city lord's body was torn apart, and the soul came out of the torn body, ready to escape immediately.

But just as he was about to escape, two divine sense knives that were comparable to the power of his divine soul appeared directly in his divine soul.

You must know that his cultivation base is only sealed, and his soul power is still at the level of the Immortal Emperor.

But the Divine Consciousness Saber sacrificed by Lin Mu can compete with his.



Two divine sense knives pierced directly into his soul.Then his soul was completely torn apart.


The city owner was very unwilling, because he was unwilling to die like this, and he was unwilling to die so quickly.

He is the Immortal Emperor, destined to shine in the last days.But he was beheaded by Lin Mu, such an early stage fairy.

At this moment, he finally realized how stupid he was. He was stupid because he shouldn't have asked for such a fight at the same level.

Otherwise, even if Daoist Guang made a move, he should have some leeway with all his strength.And I have helpers, elders, subordinates, and masters from Emperor Zong.

These are the capitals he has to deal with, and these are the capitals he uses to procrastinate with Lin Mu.

But he chose the stupidest method, and he saw the smile on Lin Shu's face before he died.It seemed to be telling him that he had been tricked by Lin Mu.

Lin Mu should have calculated him like this from the very beginning, letting him fall into the trap designed by Lin Mu.

In fact, what Lin Mu was waiting for was to make such a request, so that Lin Mu would have the opportunity to resolve all the battles in the fastest time.

In fact, Lin Mu really thought so.

Either way, it's a waste of time.This is the only way to save time.Of course, before Lin Mu would not agree immediately, if he agreed too quickly, he would feel that there was a ghost on the contrary.You just have to dig a hole and wait for him to jump.

(End of this chapter)

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