Supreme Chef

Chapter 1751 Already thought about it

Chapter 1751 Already thought about it
The lord of Donghai City was killed in one move.Although he asked for this, it also reflected Lin Mu's extraordinary strength.


Lin Mu killed the city lord with one move, which really aroused everyone's blood.Even the people in Fenghuo City were completely ignited with high fighting spirit because of Lin Mu's actions.

The trees are really too strong, and the fairy world is a world where the strong are respected.Only the strong will be truly respected and followed.

As for the masters of the East Emperor Sect and Donghai City itself, Taoist Guang naturally took the initiative.

The whole battle ended in less than an hour.Fumanlou completely wiped out everyone in the entire City Lord's Mansion.

Lin Mu didn't intend to stay in the City Lord's Mansion, but directly opened the treasure house of the City Lord's Mansion, and completely emptied the treasure house.Then he took the people from Fumanlou and Fenghuo City and quickly left Donghai City.

By the time the people in Donghai City reported it, the City Lord's Mansion had been completely emptied, leaving nothing behind.

"Master Lin, we have already won. Everyone in Donghai City is dead, why don't we take advantage of the situation and directly occupy Donghai City." City Master Qi found Lin Mu and asked his puzzlement.

What a great opportunity just now, it is clear that they can directly occupy Donghai City, but why did Lin Mu give up.

Lin Mu smiled and said: "Because I'm a bad person, Emperor Zong and the ancient dynasty all want to kill me and hurry up. I'm just destroying Donghai City of Eastern Emperor Zong. If you are Emperor Zong, you Will we let it go? And this time we took the initiative to attack, they have even more reason to unite with some other emperors and sects. But if we retreat and leave at this time, there will be no trouble, because outsiders will only think that We're just protecting ourselves."

After listening to Lin Mu's explanation, City Lord Qi really did not expect that Lin Mu was so young.He thought so thoroughly, and he was not blinded by the immediate interests.As far as this point is concerned, even I am afraid I can't do it myself.

"Master Lin, why don't we take Donghai City? Donghai City is always a threat to us here." City Master Qi has already made a move, so he is completely tied to the big ship Lin Mu. On the boat, so what he is thinking about now is not only the trees but also his beacon city.

Lin Mu said with a smile: "City Master Qi, don't worry, we must take the East Sea City. But we want a peaceful evolution, and we still have to wait for the East Emperor Sect to send a new city lord. By then, the new city lord will definitely come They are seeking revenge. As long as we defeat them again, we can enter the city openly."

After hearing Lin Mu's words, City Lord Qi said, "It's too risky for Master Lin to do this. The overall strength of Donghai City is still far above our Fenghuo City. If we wait for Donghai City to come and besiege, Fenghuo City will probably lose everything." no longer exists."

Lin Mu patted City Lord Qi on the shoulder and said: "City Lord Qi don't need to be so nervous, I will naturally have a way to deal with them at that time. And City Lord Qi, we are winning now. Everyone's morale is at the peak, and they are being defeated by us. These people from the next three days are killed, do you think there will be any morale for them?"

After hearing what the two mothers said, City Lord Qi also understood why Lin Mu had to emphasize the next three days just now.It turned out that from the very beginning, Lin Mu had foreshadowed and paved the way for the second battle.

This kind of intelligence is indeed not comparable to him.City Lord Qi finally realized the horror of Lin Shu, Wushuang's cultivation base, coupled with such a mind.If Lin Mu is not the champion in the last days, whoever will be the champion, if Fumanlou does not march for three days, whoever marches for three days.

Even City Lord Qi had a kind of realization at this time, he felt that this time he was not just betting right.It is very likely that I will really do what my father said, follow the trees into the sky and transform into a dragon, maybe I have a chance to transcend.

Everyone in Lin Mu quickly returned to Fenghuo City, City Lord Qi directly invited Lin Mu to his City Lord's Mansion, and even prepared to give up his seat to Lin Mu.

However, Lin Mu insisted not to sit down, and City Lord Qi had no choice but to give up.But this also reassured him, at least he didn't have to worry, Lin Mu was worried about his position.

Lin Mu took out [-]% directly, and handed over the things brought out from the treasure house of the City Lord's Mansion of Donghai City to City Lord Qi.

"City Lord Qi, you deserve these things," Lin Mu said.

City Lord Qi checked the contents of the storage ring and was completely stunned.Because what the tree gave was much more than I expected.

"Master Lin, isn't that too much? I, Fenghuo City, really didn't put in much effort. These things are really too much for me." City Lord Qi said frankly.

Lin Mudao: "City Lord Qi, you don't have to refuse this. These are indeed what you deserve. I promised you to help your Fenghuo City become a nine-star city. If you want to become a nine-star city, you don't have the resources. These are yours. It’s for your training and recruiting.”

City Lord Qi said: "Master Lin, you have only been here for three days, and you still need to recruit some people. This is still a bit too much. I only need one achievement."

Lin Mu shook his head and said, "For the time being, Fumanlou is not involved in the matter of recruiting soldiers and buying horses. City Lord Qi can just keep it at ease."

Whenever Lin Mu's Fumanlou recruits disciples, it always takes high-quality products as its route.Therefore, Fumanlou has never recruited troops on such a large scale as other sects.Therefore, the number of people in Fumanlou is always small, but Lin Mu can guarantee the number of people in Fumanlou, each of whom is selected from the best.

This is the boutique route designated by Lin Mu long ago, and it has continued until now.

After Lin Mu returned to his Fuman Tower, the City Lord's Mansion in Fenghuo City was boiling.

They guessed before that Lin Mu could give Yi a good result.Later they saw that Lin Mu took the lead in attacking the city, and Lin Mu completed the final lore.They even think that it is a luxury for Lin Mu to give one cent.

But none of them expected that Lin Mu would give [-]% in the end.This greatly exceeded their expectations.

"The city lord only relies on these resources, and we can all become a seven-star or eight-star city. This time, our choice seems to be right." Some elders who opposed it before quickly stood up and expressed their views.I'm afraid I'm late, and I don't have my own share among those resources.

"City Lord, we have resources in our hands now. We have finally expanded the power of our City Lord's Mansion. Now, if you want to, start recruiting. Among the people left in our Fenghuo City, there are still some special existences." Elder Dog said.

City Lord Qi said: "Elder Dog still needs to discuss with my father. The elders will wait again, and I will go back as soon as I go."

(End of this chapter)

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