Supreme Chef

Chapter 1755 Heading to the Supreme Academy

Chapter 1755 Heading to the Supreme Academy
What Elder Helian said was right, after Elder Ma and Elder Liu followed the tree deep into the forest, what they faced was the trap that the tree had already set up.

Facing this trap that had been set up long ago, Elder Ma and Elder Liu didn't have any ability to fight back at all, so they were completely trapped inside.

After all, Lin Mu also has the Immortal Emperor.

The two leaders died, and the people they brought were naturally scattered, without anyone's command, and they were completely in chaos.

And Wu Qiong and Crazy, at this time, brought the two phalanxes under their jurisdiction and killed them frantically.

The killing formation composed of two phalanxes is like two huge meat grinders.In it, the left picture is rushed to the right, and every movement takes away the lives of tens of thousands of people.

Under such strangulation, even if they were from the last three days, even if they were elites, they were completely gutted.

Especially when they heard the order to retreat, they fled frantically, wanting to leave this hell-like place.

However, the people who had already been waiting outside in Fenghuo, who had been arranged by Lin Mu, came directly from the outside to hug the grass and beat the rabbit.

Originally, the strength of Fenghuo City was far inferior to that of Donghai City.But the people in Donghai City have completely lost confidence.So even if the soldiers of Fenghuo City were not as strong as Donghai City, they could completely suppress Donghai City.

In the final battle, Donghai City paid the price with the lives of two early Immortal Sovereign elders and [-]% of Donghai City's total strength.

Donghai City was completely defeated, and Lin Mu once again created a miracle.

However, such news has not yet spread throughout the fairy world.Lin Mu had already taken advantage of the victory and pursued, showed his banner of Fumanlou, and launched an attack on Donghai City as a victim.

Donghai City has just experienced two defeats, so there is no morale there.What's more, when Lin Mu brought people into Donghai City for the first time, he had already planted a foreshadowing in Donghai City.

All the formations arranged by the trees in Donghai City were immediately activated.Lin Mu used the long-arranged teleportation array to send people directly to Donghai City.

Attacking from inside and outside, the gate of Donghai City was undoubtedly breached easily again.

For Lin Mu, the City Lord's Mansion is even more familiar.Elder Helian didn't even have time to arrange anything, and he didn't even have time to familiarize himself with Donghai City before he was killed by Taoist Guang.

Donghai City has fallen!
After the fall of Donghai City, Lin Mu immediately moved into Donghai City with lightning speed.Then the headquarters of Fumanlou was directly moved from the next three days to the upper three days.

And almost without anyone reacting, all the handovers were completed, and even the formation of the moat was completely changed by Lin Shu.

Such a speed is definitely surprising enough.

By the time Ziyu knew about it, Donghai City had officially changed its name to Fumanlou.

Such news made Immortal Emperor Ziyu throw his cup in anger.

But now Immortal Emperor Ziyu sent people to exterminate the forest, it was obviously too late.

Moreover, Immortal Emperor Ziyu had his own fears. At such a critical moment, Immortal Emperor Ziyu really didn't dare to confront Lin Mu head-on.

In this case, it is very likely that others will take advantage of it.

A year later, Fumanlou has been completely stabilized.

Donghai City has been completely controlled by Fumanlou, and all parties have completely acquiesced to Fumanlou's entry for three days.

As for the people in Donghai City, not many escaped from Donghai City.On the contrary, many people asked to join Fumanlou. After all, Fumanlou has the most powerful alchemy building in the entire fairy world.

Fumanlou's pill building can provide ninth-grade elixir, which is unmatched by any other pill building in the fairy world.

Even Fumanlou can provide the pills of the Divine Consciousness Formation that have never appeared in the fairy world.

Such a pill has never appeared before.Its effect is more than ten times, or even dozens of times, that of the previous pill.It can make people recover in an instant, and it can restore their strength in an instant.

Moreover, this kind of elixir is exclusively sold by Fumanlou.No pill pavilion in the fairy world can replicate it.

"Seniors, I will leave Fumanlou to you. I have to go to the Supreme Academy." Fumanlou has completely stabilized, and it is time for Lin Mu to go to the Supreme Academy.

According to Taoist Guang's deduction, the Supreme Ancient Road will soon reappear.And the entrance to the Supreme Ancient Road in the Immortal Realm should be in the Supreme Academy.

So no matter from which aspect, Lin Mu must go to the Supreme Academy.

"Little Daddy, go early and come back early." Gu Xuan said with tears in her eyes, reluctantly.

Lin Mu touched Gu Xuan's small head, and said, "Don't worry, I will go and come back soon, you just stay here obediently."

"Boss, I really can't go with you this time. My inheritance has awakened a lot, and it's really not suitable for me." Xue Linglong also came to say goodbye to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu nodded, expressing his understanding.

Wu De said, "You know my reason, so I won't explain it further."

Lin Mu said: "Next time, you can spot the tomb before stealing it. Don't make enemies everywhere."

Wu De chuckled, and said, "I never look at the tombstone, I only look at whether it is useful to me."

Lin Mu is on the road again, and Lin Mu doesn't know what the road ahead will be like.But trees must keep moving forward, because only moving forward, constantly moving forward, can truly detach themselves.Only then is it possible to protect everyone around you.

For more than a year, the Supreme Academy has no secrets for the fairy world.

Immortal Realm already knows a little about everything in the Supreme Academy.And regarding the location of the Supreme Academy, everyone also knows that in the mysterious no-man's land, there may be the ancient past.

The location is already known, and the route is already known.But not all the people who really dare to go on the road.

Because it is a mysterious no-man's land, many people entered there in history, but no one came out of it alive.

There are many legends there, and it even has something to do with the disappearance of Immortal Emperor and Supreme.

Many dangerous legends there can even stop children from crying.

Of course, there are also many people who are conceited as geniuses, and they choose to go on the road.

The emperor's son, Jiuyao Xingjun, Gu Jian, Bai Yixian, the prince of the ancient dynasty... They all chose to go on the road, they all chose to find the Supreme Academy.

Going to the Supreme Academy is a huge test in itself.If you can't even pass the first test, then there is really no need to enter the Supreme Academy.

Lin Mu left quietly and found the way.The trees dodge directly into the mysterious area that is completely dark and decayed, where even light cannot shine.

(End of this chapter)

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