Supreme Chef

Chapter 1756 Can speak the grass of the chapter

Chapter 1756 Talking Grass

After entering this mysterious area that was rarely visited by people throughout the ages, Lin Shu also became completely careful.

After all, the danger here is completely unknown.No one can tell what kind of danger is here.Everything about it, even the legends, is vague.So even if it is a tree, you have to be more careful.

In the first period of time, the speed of the forest was relatively fast. After all, the erosion here was not too terrifying. Occasionally, in some special places, some light could still be seen entering.

But after going a hundred miles deep, it was completely dark and there was no light at all.And the consciousness here is almost completely suppressed.Even with Lin Shu's divine sense cultivation base, the place that can be explored is only five feet in radius.

In this place, the eyes are much more useful than the consciousness.

Because the impact on the line of sight here is minimal.Lin Shu is here, at least he can see the situation hundreds of feet away.

And it is because of being able to see that the trees stopped.

Because hundreds of feet away from the forest, there are at least hundreds of corpses lying here and there.It can be seen from the service of these corpses that these people are all immortals in this world.

Moreover, they are all from the real famous sects, and their bodies are exuding inviolable light, which tells everyone that they are real masters.

But now they are dead, corpse after corpse.They have completely lost their vitality, only their corpses show that they used to exist.

"What happened there? So many masters died here." Lin Mu stopped and stood there, looking at a place not far away, and whispered.

Among these corpses, the ones with the lowest cultivation level were all in the early stage of Xianjun just like himself.There is no cultivation base below Xianjun.

The place where hundreds of immortals died at once, you don't need to think about it to know where it is very extraordinary.

There are three ways to enter the Supreme Academy in the versions circulated in the fairy world.

The trees were chosen at random, but I didn't expect to encounter such a thing after walking so far.

Of course, Lin Mu would not blame himself for his bad luck, because Lin Mu knew it well.The situation of the other two roads should be the same as that of this road.The only difference may be that such a danger appears sooner or later.But sooner or later, such dangers are bound to arise.Because this place itself is destined to be impossible to be ordinary.

Lin Mu looked around carefully, but he didn't recognize anyone he knew among the hundreds of corpses of supreme geniuses.This reassures Lin Mu a lot, at least it can show that the danger factor for himself here is still very small.

Lin Shu approached there quickly, and his footsteps shook the ground.Then the hundreds of corpses scattered all over the ground were all shattered.

These corpses have all been hollowed out, and what is left here is only their skins, and the flesh and blood in their bodies have been completely hollowed out for some reason.

This kind of weirdness really shocked Lin Mu.

However, Lu still had to go, and he couldn't just go back the same way because of this.And now behind him, there is no way back.

Lin Mu's footsteps entered this dangerous area, and Lin Mu carefully paid attention to everything around him.Dare not have the slightest relaxation.

"What is that?" In front of Lin Mu's eyes, a bunch of green grass appeared.

It is really a new thing to be able to see vegetation here.And the grass that can grow in such an environment must be Wushuang's best without thinking about it.

But just when Lin Mu was about to step forward to investigate, he suddenly felt a warning sign in his heart, and then his body retreated rapidly.

Isn't it too strange that such a small grass suddenly appeared here?
There are hundreds of top masters who have died here, and they have traces of fighting in their lifetime.

Lin Mu is not sure what kind of grass can survive the tricks of a master-level master.

Lin Mu's body flew back on one side, but on the other side, the seemingly weak grass suddenly swelled.The skyrocketing blades of grass, like the scythe of death, pierced towards Lin Shu's body.

The speed of Lin Shu's retreat was already very fast, but the grass could ignore the space and appeared in front of Lin Shu in an instant.


The blade of the grass suddenly left a bloody hole on Lin Shu's body, and blood flowed out of it.As soon as the leaves rolled, they were absorbed by the grass.

When he got here, Lin Mu also understood how those people died.The murderer is clearly this weak murderous magic grass. It has all kinds of incredible abilities, but it needs to rely on the origin of the fairy to live.

So the hundreds of immortal monarchs all turned into a layer of skin.


Lin Mu frowned slightly, and then burned it with chaotic fire, and there was a piercing scream from the wound he was cut just now.

Then a stream of black juice flowed out from Lin Shu's wound.

This black juice is the seed left by the grass in the wound of the tree just now.

Lin Mu didn't know how it did it, but if this kind of seed stayed in his body, he would definitely become the carrier.Until finally, I was completely sucked dry by it.


Xiaocao didn't expect Lin Mu to kill her own child. After a fierce roar, Xiaocao stood up from the ground, the grass roots turned into a pair of legs, and rushed towards her very fast.

A small grass actually has long legs.Lin Mu had never seen or heard of such a strange thing.

But Lin Mu was not afraid when he saw it rushing towards him.

The trees directly sacrificed the chaotic fire, no matter what kind of plant you are.Even if you have wings, as long as you are a plant, Chaos can absolutely restrain it.This is the mutual generation and mutual restraint among the five elements.

Xiaocao forcibly stopped when she saw the chaotic fire thrown by Lin Mu.It sensed an instinctive danger from the chaotic fire.That was its natural nemesis, so the grass was scared, and it stopped.


The blades of the grass rubbed against each other, making a roaring sound like a beast.

Lin Mu didn't pay attention to these at all, and directly sacrificed the Chaos Fire, and pressed forward.

And he was under the package of chaotic fire, constantly moving forward.


Xiaocao seemed to want to try to see if he could kill the trees.But it's really a pity that just as its blades encountered the chaotic fire, the chaotic fire completely scorched the part it touched.

"If Mi has a new trick, then I'll leave here." Lin Mu looked at Xiaocao on the opposite side, and then talked to him with the high-vision that was used to talk to people.

"You killed my child, and I will make you pay the price." Just as Lin Mu was about to leave, Xiaocao actually spoke to Lin Mu.

(End of this chapter)

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