Supreme Chef

Chapter 1757 Weak Water

Chapter 1757 Weak Water (1)

Xiaocao actually spoke, such a weird thing, Lin Mu didn't even think about it.The weirdness in this unmysterious area is truly beyond comprehension.

Lin Shu was fully alert with chaotic fire to guard against the attack of Xiaocao.


All of a sudden, all the blades of the grass began to soar.

The soaring blades of grass grabbed into the void and completely tore the space where the trees were.

Then the grass began to devour the entire space, and it was going to use this method to completely kill the trees and the space.

Lin Mu really didn't expect such an attack method.

Nutrients in the space are continuously absorbed. Although the trees are protected by chaotic fire, this is not a long-term solution.


Lin Mu made a move, engulfing the power of the chaotic fire directly, and rushed out of the space.

However, on the way of the trees, countless blades of grass appeared, blocking the way of the trees.

These blades of grass are no longer weak and attractive.They became ferocious, and each one was like a magic tree growing in hell, blocking the way of the forest.



The forest trees swayed chaotic fire, and the chaotic fire burned the grass leaves in pieces.

But Xiaocao seems to have identified Lin Shu, and must let Lin Shu die here.It completely ignores the cost and blocks the trees regardless of the cost.As much as the forest is burned, it will immediately grow as much as it can't be filled.

"It depends on how long you can last, or how long I can last." Lin Mu knew that a battle of attrition had begun, and the competition was about who could last longer.

One day passed, and the trees no longer knew how many blades of grass had been burned.However, the number of grass blades has decreased significantly, and the space where the trees are located has also shrunk by more than half.There are fewer and fewer resources that can be mobilized by trees.

Three days have passed, and the space is enough for you to be completely attached to Lin Mu's body, and Lin Mu even feels his own origin trembling.

However, the grass was completely withered and turned yellow, and the grass blades it could grow were only a thin layer.


Lin Mu suddenly shouted loudly, and then mobilized some sources from the chaotic world, and the chaotic fire suddenly increased several times.


The raging chaotic fire devoured the grass in an instant.


The two remaining leaves of the grass rubbed against each other and let out an angry and unwilling roar.But in the end, it was still difficult to escape the engulfment of the chaotic fire.


Seeing that the grass had completely turned into ashes, Lin Mu finally breathed a sigh of relief.For Lin Mu, such a weird thing is indeed a bit tricky, because he has never encountered it before.

Lin Mu didn't want to stay here for a long time, so he left directly.

Lin Mu didn't know what kind of danger he would encounter if he continued to stay here.

As soon as the forest tree left here, a seed took root again in the sudden, and then quickly took root and germinated.It turned into a completely new grass, which is still so soft and beautiful, exuding divine light, very attractive.

However, if someone really dared to approach, then his end, I am afraid there is only a dead end.

After leaving this strange area, Lin Shu walked through this mysterious area for a month.Lin Shu has seen too many strange things this month.

For example, there are patches of buildings with ghosts floating around.There is precious light emitting there, but Lin Shu dare not approach at all.

Because Lin Mu wasn't sure if he would become one of those lonely ghosts.

Another example is the golden ant that is bigger than the mountain.There are also golden ants in the fairy world, but the golden ants in the fairy world don't grow up at all.But the golden ants here are more majestic than the mountains.

After Lin Mu encountered it, he walked around directly, not daring to approach it at all.

With such a weird mutation, God knows what kind of ability it has.

Along the way, Lin Mu encountered many strange things and saw more corpses.

These are the corpses of the immortals who entered this place before. If outsiders see them, they will definitely feel that every corpse here is very familiar to them.

Because those who can die here are all supreme geniuses.They are all famous geniuses in the fairy world.

Lin Mu even saw some, and once had a relationship with himself in the divine land.In the end, people who got good chances and rankings, but they didn't die in the sacred land, but stayed here forever.

But I'm afraid that no one can bring out such news.Their bones can only slowly rot here, and finally disappear.A generation of geniuses died in such a silent manner that no one except Lin Mu knew about it.

Lin Shu walked for another month. According to the location marked on the map, Lin Shu had traveled half of the distance.

But now Lin Mu has to face another choice, because in front of Lin Mu, there is a river that is not shown on the map.

The river is rushing, and the water in the river is completely yellow.This kind of yellow, yellow is weird, and yellow makes people feel chilling.

Moreover, Lin Shu was in the middle of the river. It was clear just now that there was a corpse that absolutely surpassed the Immortal Emperor floating in it.

It was the corpse of the Immortal Emperor, but at this moment, it could only be washed away by the dirty river water and never see the light of day.

The river wasn't marked on the map, but it's here now.

Lin Mu didn't know whether he was going to take a detour now or forcefully cross the river.The entire river is only less than a thousand feet wide. Standing on this side of the river, Lin Shu can clearly see the scene on the other side of the river.

It is true that the opposite side of the river is the way for the trees to continue moving forward.

Lin Mu looked at both ends of the river. There was no end in sight on both sides of the river.If there is a detour, Lin Shu doesn't know how far to detour, and if the detour is not necessarily safe.

The two sides of the detour are on the map without any markings. The danger there is probably more dangerous than the river.

In the end, Lin Mu chose to forcibly cross the river, because for the time being, this choice seemed to be the safest.

With a kick from Lin Shu, a huge boulder weighing ten thousand catties flew directly into the sky above the river.


As soon as the boulder approached, it was completely turned into powder, and then disappeared completely.

"Sure enough, there is a restriction!" There is an air restriction here, which Lin Mu had predicted before.


Lin Shu kicked a piece of rotten dead wood again and entered the river.

The dead wood entered the river, hit the whirlpool directly and sank to the bottom.

The real goose feathers are not floating above the river surface, and such a discovery made Lin Shu frown.

There is a strange air ban on the top, and the goose feathers are not floating on the bottom. Lin Shu doesn't know how to cross the river.

But soon Lin Mu saw a black-covered boat and rowed towards him.

"Ghost ship!" Lin Mu recognized the ship, it was the ghost ship he saw in the cultivation world.

(End of this chapter)

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