Supreme Chef

Chapter 1758 Weak Water

Chapter 1758 Weak Water (2)

The ghost ship will appear here, and Lin Mu's eyes can't help but tremble slightly.

The ghost ship comes from the underworld. It is a ship that transports souls in legends, and it is also said to be a warship of the underworld.

The ghost ship is very mysterious. So far, Lin Mu is the only one who really knows the secret and prototype of the ghost ship.

The ghost ship moved from far to near, and finally stopped in front of Lin Shu.

Up or not?this is a problem.

It was Lin Mu's luck that the ghost ship Lin Mu was able to go on it once, and then come down unharmed.But this time, Lin Mu was not sure whether he could come down after going up.

The sailor on the ghost ship does not have much attack power, but its pet is very dangerous.Even though Lin Mu is now at the level of Immortal Monarch, Lin Mu still feels that he is very dangerous.

But if it doesn't go up, I'm afraid the river and forest will really be hard to get through.

"Little friend, I didn't expect us to meet again." The ghost ship docked, the bow turned around, and the sailor who Lin Mu had seen in the cultivation world appeared in front of Lin Mu.

Seeing the sailor, Lin Mu was also a little surprised.

This is the sailor of the comprehension world, how did he drive the ghost ship to the fairy world.

"Young people, don't be surprised. Our boats are not restricted by the heavens and the earth. I can sail the boat to the cultivation world, I can sail the boat to the fairy world, and even any place in the world, as long as there are ghosts. ’ said the boatman.

Lin Mu looked at the puppy lying beside the boatman, and then remembered that the puppy next to the boatman could hear his own voice.


The puppy next to the boatman seemed to hear Lin Mu calling him a puppy, and grinned at Lin Mu.

Seeing this puppy-like thing, Lin Mu felt even more incredible.Because of Lin Shu's feeling, the cultivation base of this puppy seems to change from place to place.

"Its cultivation base is not fixed. It can become what kind of person it meets. When it meets you, it can display the cultivation base of the immortal king. If it meets an immortal emperor, it will also It can make full use of the immortal emperor's cultivation." The boatman explained.

"Then what about meeting the Supreme?" Lin Mu blurted out.


The puppy grinned at Lin Mu, as if provoking Lin Mu again.

"Let's talk about it when we meet him, I don't know." The boatman said with a grin.

Lin Mudao: "Senior, you said the ghost way. Could it be that this is the ghost way, a place leading to the underworld?"

The boatman said, "If you ask me, I don't know. Are you going to get on the boat or not? Do you want to cross the river?"

Lin Mu hesitated and said, "I definitely want to get on the boat, but senior, do you agree with me getting on the boat?"

The boatman looked at Lin Shu, laughed and said: "Little devil, you are still playing tricks with the old man. Don't worry, the old man will not kill you. Since we meet again, even if we are destined, I will give you a ride." .”

Lin Mu's eyes lit up, and he said, "Senior, what you said is true?"

The boatman said: "If you ask again, I'll sail away. I don't have time to chat with you. I'm here for business."

"Okay! Okay! I'm on board!" Lin Mu jumped onto the boat excitedly.

"Senior, what business do you come here for?" Lin Mu asked.

The boatman didn't hide anything from Lin Mu, and said straight to the point: "Weak Water suddenly appeared here, let me see what's going on."

"Weak water? The legendary weak water made of souls?" Lin Mu couldn't help being surprised when he heard the boatman's words.

According to legend, Ruoshui is the moat of the underworld. According to legend, Ruoshui is formed by the souls of some heinous ghosts.

No matter who it is, even the supreme one, it is impossible to pass through the weak water with his own strength, because everything can be smelted here.Of course, except for the ghost ship, this special existence exists.

"Yes, this is Weak Water. It suddenly appeared here, and I'll come and see what happened here," the boatman said.

Lin Mu understood what the boatman said.Lin Mu originally thought that this was not marked on purpose, but it turned out that it appeared suddenly.

Otherwise, there will be weak water lying here, not to mention the trees, no matter who comes, don't even think about passing.

"Senior, have you found anything?" Lin Mu is still very curious about the underworld, of course not only Lin Mu, but everyone else is also curious.

"I found nothing but you," said the boatman as he rocked the boat.

"Senior, I want to ask, is your ghost ship the only one?" Lin Mu asked after shaking for a while.

The boatman said, "I don't know either."

Lin Mudao: "I once saw a lot of ghost ships and a very tall building ship under a crack in the fairyland. But they were all damaged and sank under the canyon."

Hearing Lin Mu's words, the boatman stopped suddenly, turned his head to look at Lin Mu, and said, "Did you really see it?"

Lin Mu didn't know why the boatman was so excited, but he still said: "Yes, I really saw it. It is said that there is a place where the ancients worshiped the heavens. Under the crack, there are a lot of ghost ships."

Hearing what Lin Mu said, the expression on the boatman's face became darker, and he said, "It seems that I'm really the only ferryman."

Lin Mu said: "Senior, what do you mean, you mean that except for you, all the remaining ghost ships were buried there?"

The boatman didn't answer Lin Mu's words, but continued to rock the boat.

The rest of the journey was boring and monotonous, because the boatman didn't say a word.

Fortunately, the ghost boat reached the other side soon. Lin Mu jumped off the boat, bowed to the boatman, and said, "Thank you, senior. If there is anything you can use in the future, please tell me."

The boatman said: "If you gather all the soul-suppressing charms in the future, you can reopen the underworld, which is the best report for me."

Lin Mu was startled, and said, "How did senior know that I have the soul-suppressing talisman?"

The boatman said: "The soul-suppressing talisman comes from the underworld. I know much more about the underworld than you, a kid."

When Lin Mu thought about it, it seemed that there was such a truth. People came from the underworld. They didn't understand the underworld, but who knew about the underworld.

Lin Mudao: "Senior, I will work hard, but now there is only one soul-suppressing pearl missing. Can you please remind me, old man, where is the remaining soul-suppressing pearl?"

The boatman said: "If I knew, I would have looked for it a long time ago. Will it be your turn?"

After hearing what the boatman said, Lin Mu also realized that he had really made a very low-level mistake.Indeed, if the boatman knew about it, it would be his turn to look for some soul-repelling beads there, wouldn't he have looked for it by himself long ago.

"But you have already got two, I believe you are destined. The third lesson will belong to you, and I should go to pay homage to my old friend." After the boatman finished speaking, the ghost boat disappeared. In the boundless twilight.

(End of this chapter)

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