Supreme Chef

Chapter 1759 Torn Brand Name Battle

Chapter 1759 Torn Brand Name Battle (1)

The ghost ship disappeared, and it was time for Lin Shu to continue on the road.Although this kind of coincidence makes Lin Mu a little puzzled, but this is not the main contradiction, and it can be put aside later.

Lin Mu continued on the road, and after Lin Mu went on the road, the weak water behind him disappeared abruptly.As if it had never appeared, or it appeared just to wait for the trees.

The forest continued to move forward, halfway through, and the number of dead bodies on the ground became less and less, not because it was not dangerous here.It's because there are fewer and fewer people who can come here.

Moving forward for another month, Lin Mu himself was in danger several times.

"There is the sound of fighting in front. Could it be that there are people from the fairy world in front?" Those who can get here should be the elite of the elite, the genius of the genius.If you want to get here by luck, that is a dream, don't even think about it.

Lin Shu moved forward quickly, heading towards the direction where the fighting sound came from.

When Lin Shu really approached, he also saw clearly what happened.

There were indeed people fighting again, but it wasn't people from the fairy world who were fighting with the strange creatures in this mysterious area, but people fighting with people.Both of them are Immortal Monarch cultivation bases, and the fight here is still very lively.

From the looks of it, both of them should be from the Immortal Realm, and both of them were wearing Emperor Zong's clothes.However, Lin Mu didn't know him. It seemed that they should be some geniuses from Emperor Zong Xuezang. The background of Emperor Zong was still very scary.

The two should be brothers and sisters, which can be seen from their dialogue.

"You and I belong to the same sect, but you want to treat me like this. If the master finds out, how will you explain it!" said the junior brother who was seriously injured and was at a disadvantage.

"Confession? You died here, what else do I need to explain? Isn't it normal for a lot of people to die here?" said the brother who had been pressing and beating.

"Do you have to kill me just because of the quota?" The younger brother was very unwilling and died here like this.

"Yes." The senior brother didn't hide it, and then ruthlessly struck down with one palm.Just beheaded his junior brother who had been with him for tens of thousands of years.

Lin Mu just looked at it like that, and didn't mean to intervene at all. Anyway, it was fighting between them.Those who died were all members of Emperor Zong, so what did they have to do with him.

After the junior brother died, the senior brother also took off a sign from his waist and wrote his name on it.

Such a move surprised Lin Mu a little.

Lin Mu came out from behind, came to stand opposite this senior brother, and asked, "What is the sign in your hand?"

Seeing that Lin Mu actually offered to deliver it to his door, the senior brother smiled cruelly and said, "I didn't expect that there was someone who offered to deliver it to my door. It's really very good. It seems that I'm lucky today."

Lin Mu said: "I ask what brand is in your hand?"

The senior brother was taken aback when he heard Lin Mu's words, and said, "You don't have a sign in your hand?"

Lin Mu really wondered if he had met an idiot, if he had a brand in his hand, would he still ask him.

"But it doesn't matter if you don't have it. If you don't have it, you can also get extra points by bringing your body back." After the senior brother said this, he suddenly shot at Lin Mu.

The senior brother is a mid-term cultivation base of Xianjun, so he didn't put Lin Shu in his eyes at all.

The later the cultivation base is, the bigger the gap will be.With his cultivation base in the middle stage of Xianjun, let alone crushing one early stage Xianjun, even crushing ten would not be an accident.

But he met Lin Mu.


Lin Mu slapped the senior directly, slapped it out, and slapped the senior brother directly in the face, sending the senior brother flying out.

"You've hidden your cultivation!" The senior brother got up from the ground after being sent flying by Lin Mu's slap, his eyes were full of horror.

Lin Mu said: "Did I hide my cultivation? This has nothing to do with you. I just want to know what is the stone tablet in your hand? Tell me, I can spare you."

The senior brother looked at Lin Shu and was really scared.If a person who can blow himself away with a single slap wants to kill himself, it is as easy as crushing an ant.

The senior brother didn't dare to hide anything from Lin Mu anymore, and told everything he knew.

It turned out that because of Lin Mu's delay of one year, the enrollment quota of Supreme Academy was already full.However, for those who have already walked to the door, the Supreme Academy did not completely close its door to prevent them from entering.The Supreme Academy also gave them a chance.

That is, they were given a batch of special name tags. As long as they could snatch the opponent's name tags and write their names on them, they would get one point.

The time is only three months. After three months, the three people with the most points or the last surviving can enter the Supreme Academy.

After Lin Mu heard this, he couldn't help but frown.

Although before coming here, Lin Mu had already heard Taoist Guang talk about the Supreme Academy's Iron Blood Cultivation Plan.

But I didn't expect that the degree of iron and blood seemed to be a little stricter than I imagined.

Those who can finally walk to the door are all geniuses of one side and one domain.Each of them has a great possibility of becoming an Immortal Emperor and Immortal Emperor in the future.

But now here at the Supreme Academy, they can only fight each other.It's just for one, the place to enter the Supreme Academy.

Such ruthlessness really surprised Lin Mu.After all, those who died were not ordinary immortals, but all geniuses.


Just when Lin Mu was thinking, the brother suddenly attacked Lin Mu and wanted to cut Lin Mu down with one blow.

However, Lin Mu was already on guard against him. Lin Mu cut his brother in half with a clean and sharp knife, and then completely crushed his spirit.

From the seniors, Lin Mu collected five name tags, not including seniors and juniors.

Apparently, these five people were the ones that the two of them had jointly beheaded before.

However, the two senior brothers couldn't hold back in the end, and took the step of turning against each other and killing each other.

These nameplates are ownerless, and whoever engraves their name on them will own the nameplate.

Lin Mu was not polite, and directly engraved his name on all of them.

In the depths of the mysterious land, in a place with light, there is an ancient college that makes people forget the time.

This is where the Supreme Academy is really located. At this time, on the martial arts arena of the Supreme Academy, different names and numbers are flashing on a stone tablet.

There are fewer and fewer names, but more and more numbers behind the names.

"Ling Mu? We don't seem to have given the sign to this person?" The elder in charge of guarding saw a name rising rapidly, quickly reaching the top ten and replacing another name, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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