Supreme Chef

Chapter 1766 The most cattle guard

Chapter 1766 The most cattle guard (2)

Lin Mu regarded them as a group of youngsters who hadn't been weaned yet, which made everyone who came here feel ashamed and angry.

"Ling Mu, are you looking for death!" Someone gritted their teeth in hatred, and said every word.

Lin Mu raised his glasses to look, and the speaker said, "I want to die, but you don't have the ability to kill me."

"Lin Mu, you..."

"Don't be fooled by him, if we take the initiative, the reason will not be on our side." The people of the Tian family still have some brains, and they know Lin Mu's plan.

Lin Mu looked at the man from the Tian family, smiled contemptuously, and said, "Not bad. After being beaten once, you become smarter. Do you need me to beat you harder to make you smarter."

The members of the Tian Family looked at Lin Mu, and said with a gloomy expression, "Lin Mu, you are courting your own death now!"

Lin Mu nodded and said, "I've said it before, I'm looking for death. But you are too weak, you don't have this ability, you don't have this ability, so you should go back to breastfeed."

The people of the Tian family looked at the trees, and the real steel teeth were about to be crushed.

"Lin Mu, I'm going to kill you now!" The Tian family was furious, and then decisively shot Lin Mu.

But before he could make a move, there was one more person in front of him.

This person is truly magnificent, wearing a sky-colored robe, as if he really regards the sky as a long robe.

This dress obviously has a lot of origin, and it may be an ancient treasure.Moreover, this person also gave Lin Mu a very dangerous feeling.

"Senior Brother Tianjun!" The provocative person from the Tian family hurriedly cupped his hands when he saw this person appearing.

And the people behind him also bowed their hands. Obviously, this Senior Brother Tianjun is still very prestigious in the entire academy.

"Idiot!" Brother Tianjun said lightly.

But just this one sentence made the person from the Tian Family tremble all the time, even trembling when he spoke, and said: "Tianjun...Senior Brother, I..."

"Go back, don't be here, and embarrass the Tian family." Brother Tianjun said.


Those from the Tian Family who dared to disobey Senior Brother Tianjun turned around and left, but before leaving, he still gave Lin Mu a hard look.

But Senior Brother Tianjun never looked at Lin Mu from the beginning to the end.Obviously in his mind, Lin Mu was not an opponent worthy of his serious consideration.

But for this point, Lin Mu didn't feel anything, anyway, it wasn't the first day that people didn't pay attention to him like this.

Tianjun left with the members of the Tian family, and the rest of the people also dispersed.

It was a good show, but it came to an end like this.

Lin Mu continued to close his eyes, preparing to guard his city gate.But before Lin Mu started to practice, three people came hand in hand.

"Brother Lin, it's been a long time. We thought you wouldn't come?" Bai Yixian was still so chatty.

Lin Mu opened his eyes, glanced at the three Baiyixians, and said, "Why are you planning to provoke me, the gatekeeper?"

Bai Yixian smiled and said: "Brother Lin, you can be regarded as the best guard at the gate of the Supreme Academy. The vice president personally escorted you, and even beheaded the Immortal Emperor. You will be offended when you come. Among the academy, the top five The family. With such a prestige, I dare not touch the bad luck."

Lin Mu said: "Are you reminding me that I have offended many people? If so, I really don't mind. If I kill you, I will also offend the forces behind you."

Lin Mu and Bai Yixian are definitely enemies and not friends, they just respect each other.

Bai Yixian smiled and said, "Brother Lin, I didn't come to fight with you today. I brought the two of them to drink with you."

Lin Mu said: "No time, didn't you see that I was guarding the city gate?"

Bai Yixian said: "It's okay, just drink it here. This is a good wine I got recently, Brother Lin, let's taste it."

Lin Mu raised his hand to grab the wine glass thrown by Bai Yixian.

However, at the place where the wine glass and the palm of the forest tree intersect, there is a small fragment of space.

Apparently Bai Yixian also used some tricks to deliver the wine.

"This wine is not bad, but the person who delivered it was a bit short." Lin Mu took the wine glass, took a sip and said.

Bai Yixian smiled slightly, then gave Gu Jian and Jiuyao Xingjun a glass of wine each, and said, "You two have a taste too."

Gu Jian and Jiuyao Xingjun took the wine glasses and drank them all in one gulp.

After drinking, Bai Yixian said: "Brother Lin, don't blame brother for not reminding you. In three months, we newcomers will have the first chance to be baptized and nirvana after entering the academy. I hope you can seize these three months, Brother Lin. It's time to get ready."

Lin Mu frowned, he had never heard of this matter, and said, "What baptism? Nirvana?"

Bai Yixian said: "I forgot, Brother Lin is watching the city gate now, so the news must have been blocked."

Lin Mu snorted coldly: "Believe it or not, I hit you and tell the truth?"

Bai Yixian was not angry, but continued: "After three months, there will be an assessment for new students. Those who are outstanding will have the opportunity to be baptized in the longevity medicine pool."

Lin Mu was startled when he heard Bai Yixian's words, and said, "There really is a medicine for longevity!"

Before, Lin Shu could only feel the existence of the longevity medicine from the outside.But now it seems that there is really a medicine for longevity in the Supreme Academy.

After a pause, Bai Yixian continued: "The number of places is limited, I hope you can hurry up and practice, Brother Lin. In addition, I have to tell you that there are many people who don't want you to participate. I'm afraid Brother Lin will have a hard time in the past three months." It won't be too happy, I hope you can persist, Brother Lin. This is considered as a special care for you as a brother."

Lin Mu said: "I also hope that after three months, I can see you again."

The root tree of Bai Yixian is not very clear, but thinking about the emperor and the ancient prince, they certainly don't want Bai Yixian to survive.

Bai Yixian said: "Brother Lin, let's compare to see whose life is longer."

After the three Bai Yixians left, Lin Mu also began to think about the baptism in three months.Such a baptism is definitely an opportunity for Lin Mu.

Although it is said that in his hands, there is juice left by the longevity medicine.But this amount is too little.

In a short time, it will be very difficult for Lin Mu to break through his cultivation.But if you open a part of the treasure house of the Peerless Eucharist, it is still very possible.

The true treasure of the Peerless Eucharist, even one percent of the trees have not been developed.Many talents have not been awakened, which requires Lin Mu's careful planning and careful development.

Lin Mu has already figured out the number of roads to the Supreme Academy.It is to cultivate the strongest at all costs.They don't care about death at all, as long as the strongest can emerge, everything is worth it.

So if you want to survive, you can only become stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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