Supreme Chef

Chapter 1767 The most cattle guard

Chapter 1767 The most cattle guard (3)

Just when Lin Mu was thinking about his future, a horsewhip suddenly came towards Lin Mu's face.

The whip came at an extremely fast speed, and the person who whipped it was not a weak person.If this whip is hit, the bones will be broken and the tendons will be broken, and the body will be smashed to pieces.

Fortunately, Lin Mu's reaction was fast enough. The moment the horsewhip came over, Lin Mu's figure had already disappeared in place.


The whip hit the wall of the city gate that Lin Shu was leaning against just now, and there was a crisp sound, and a hole one inch deep appeared on the stone wall.

The stones and trees used to build the city walls have been carefully inspected.The stone used to build the city wall is a material that the forest has never seen before.

But this material is very hard.Even the Shadowless Knife can't easily leave traces on it.

But the whip left traces on it, it can be seen that the person who swung the whip just now really wanted to kill Lin Shu.

The city wall has the ability to heal itself, and it didn't take long for the traces to heal perfectly.

However, this still angered Lin Mu, and Lin Mu looked at the person who was waving the whip.


The first thing Lin Mu saw was not the man waving the whip, but his mount.

This is a white horse with snow-white coat and no impurities, but it is different from ordinary horses, it has a single horn.

This is the sign of Pegasus.

Tianma has the blood of the dragon and is a remnant of ancient times.

The speed of Tianma is unparalleled in the world. It is said that a fully awakened Tianma can master the rules of speed.

But Pegasus is very difficult to breed, especially for purebred Pegasus, the survival rate is terribly low.

But the snow-white Pegasus in front of him is obviously a purebred Pegasus.Purebred Pegasus was almost unheard of in ancient times.

And Lin Mu saw one here, obviously the owner of this horse has a very extraordinary background.


The whip was waved down again, apparently the owner of the horse felt that Lin Mu had been looking at the horse for too long.This is obviously a kind of disrespect to oneself.

This time Lin Mu didn't dodge, Lin Mu raised his hand and grabbed the whip that was coming towards him.

Lin Mu firmly grasped the whip in his hand, no matter how hard the owner of Tianma tried, he couldn't break free.

"You let go!"

A startled sound sounded above Lin Mu's head, Lin Mu followed the sound, and saw the owner of the horse for the first time.

The owner of Tianma is a fully paid woman. The woman's appearance is very delicate, and she can be said to be a peerless beauty.But the heart is just too vicious.

Whether it was the first shot against Lin Mu or the second shot against Lin Mu, he always came here for Lin Mu's life.

Such a woman is absolutely femme fatale.

"I told you to let go, didn't you hear?" The woman scolded again.

Lin Mu said: "If you tell me to let go, I will let go. Who do you think you are?"

"You're just a disciple of the city gate, and you actually disobeyed me. Are you looking for death?" When the woman spoke, she also increased more strength in her hand, but she was surprised to find that she couldn't Shake the trees.The trees seem to take root under the feet and grow there.

"It's okay to let me go, but you have to tell me first, why did you kill me?" Lin Mu didn't want to die without knowing it, and Lin Mu had to die clearly if he wanted to die.

The woman said arrogantly: "Do you need a reason to kill you? A slave like you, I will kill you if I kill you. I will give you one last chance. If you still don't let go, I will send you to hell."

Lin Mu was annoyed in his heart. Even if the Supreme Academy wanted to train Supreme, such wanton murder was really outrageous.

But Lin Mu rolled his eyes, smiled slightly, and said, "Okay! If you told me to let go, then I will let go!"

Lin Mu suddenly let go, and at the same time used some ingenuity.


Lin Mu let go of his hand suddenly, the woman hadn't reacted in time, and Lin Mu played tricks.The woman also fell directly from the Pegasus and sat on the ground without any image.

The skirt was messy, revealing a lot of spring.

"you wanna die!"

The woman really became angry from embarrassment, she got up from the ground all of a sudden, and then the whip in her hand pierced Lin Shu's chest like a swimming dragon.

The riding whip in the woman's hand is obviously not an ordinary thing.

With such a stab, Lin Mu didn't dare to be careless.


Lin Shu dodged, and the whip pierced into the city wall, easily piercing through the city wall.

"You want to kill me again and again, so you can't blame me." Lin Mu's eyes were sharp, and then he stepped forward and came directly in front of the woman.

"So fast!"

The woman didn't expect Lin Shu's speed to be so fast, and she was also taken aback.

But she didn't even have time to study why Lin Mu had such a fast speed, Lin Mu had already punched like lightning.

Lin Mu punches, but the woman blocks.

However, the woman was no match for Lin Shu's strength at all, her body was directly sent flying, and hit heavily on the city wall behind, she was hit in a mess.

"You lowly slave, you dare to hurt me, I want you to die!" The woman was really angry, her hair was flying, and the woman's anger can be imagined.


The woman shot directly, using a very mysterious handprint.

This handprint is very suitable for this kind of close combat, because Lin Mu feels that with the deduction of the handprint, the woman's strength is constantly rising.

"Big news! Big news! Feng Wu and that tree fought at the city gate."

People with good faith spread the news immediately.

"What! Are you talking about Feng Wu, one of the four beauties in the academy, and Lin Mu?"

"Of course it is, let's go and see it. Such a good show doesn't happen every day. This Lin Mu is really stunned, and he actually offended Senior Sister Feng Wu. This time, if the Tian family doesn't need to take action, Lin Mu will definitely be finished." gone."

"Then I have to go and see the last side of this forest."


Everyone was moved by the wind, and they all went in the direction of the city gate.

Of course, Lin Mu doesn't know what four beauties this phoenix dance is.In Lin Mu's eyes, there are only two kinds of women, one is his own and the other is not his.

Feng Wu is not her own, so Lin Mu will not have any compassion for the fragrance and jade.

Feng Wu took a shot, and with a palm, Lin Mu felt a sense of oppression in strength.

Lin Mu has no doubt that such a palm can blow up a star.

Such a beautiful woman, smashing a star with one palm, this kind of picture is so beautiful, it is unimaginable.

"A woman is a woman after all, hard work is not what you are good at!" Lin Mu shook his head, said jokingly, and then made a decisive move.


Lin Mu punched out without hesitation.

The fists and palms intersected, and there was a sound of breaking Feng Wu's bones.Then the whole person was sent flying by the trees again, and his delicate body hit the city wall again.

"Feng Wu, she was blown away!" Seeing such a scene, everyone couldn't believe it.

What kind of character is Feng Wu? Simei doesn't just refer to looks, but also strength.Among the many female disciples of the Supreme Academy, Feng Wu's strength is definitely at the forefront.Even counting the male disciples, Feng Wu belongs to the top row.But it was such a phoenix dance that was blown away by Lin Shu.

(End of this chapter)

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