Supreme Chef

Chapter 1770 Planting

Chapter 1770 Planting (2)

Lin Mu's ignorance made everyone in the Tian family angry.

"Lin Mu, if you can't give my Tian family an explanation today, this matter will definitely not go well." A coercive voice came from behind everyone in the Tian family.

When the voice came, everyone in the Tian family gave way to a passage, so that the speaker could come from behind.

The speaker is Tianjun, the real genius of the Tian family, the top row in the Supreme Academy.He is one of the few people who are often mentioned and admired by his disciples.

Seeing Tianjun approaching, Lin Mu opened his eyes, patted the dust that didn't exist, and said, "Finally a decent one came, it's worth letting me say a few words."

"Lin Mu, you..."

The rest of Tian's family were furious when they heard Lin Mu's words.

They just thought that Lin Shu was arrogant before, but it turned out that Lin Mu didn't take them seriously at all.It's completely ignoring them, not paying attention to them at all.

"Lin Mu give me an explanation for the Tian family, otherwise today will be your death date." Tianjun said coldly, as if he didn't want to talk nonsense with Lin Mu.

After listening to Tianjun's words, Lin Mu said: "At first I wanted to explain, but now I don't think it's necessary to explain. Since you want to fight, let's have a fight. After the fight is over, I will give it to you." You explain."

"Just because you are worthy, it's wishful thinking to compete with Senior Brother Tianjun." People from the Tian family said mockingly.

"Saving you deserves to talk to me, get the hell out of here." Lin Mu responded coldly.

"Ling Mu, you want to die. You have slandered my Tianjia so much. Today you will die without a place to die." The person from Tianjia who was reprimanded by Lin Mu said angrily.

Lin Mu said: "If you have the ability, you can end it, don't talk to me here, it's useless."

"I'll kill you today to see how arrogant you are." The person who spoke was also a genius of the Tian family.It's just that Tianjun is too dazzling, which eclipses all the rest of the people.


The genius of the Tian family sold it directly, and with one punch, a piece of sky fell directly on the top of Lin Shu's head.

There are stars and thunder in the sky, representing a world.

"Nothing new!" Lin Mu snorted coldly, and then punched him directly.


Lin Mu's fist blasted into the sky, and the sky was directly torn apart by Lin Shu, and the genius of the Tian family was also greatly shaken.

Lin Mu didn't intend to give him a chance at all, and when he took a step forward, a golden light appeared under his feet, which was the embodiment of the law of speed.


Seeing Lin Mu's punch, Tian Family's genius couldn't help but change color, despair appeared on his face.

Even Feng Wu couldn't block Lin Mu's punch, so what could he do to block it.

He dared to make a move, relying entirely on his own cultivation and the space here.

He knew that Lin Mu was a body refiner, but he thought that fighting in such a space, as long as he opened up the space, he would have a chance.

It's just that he didn't expect that Lin Shu's speed was beyond his imagination.

But just when he thought he was going to die, Tianjun made a move.

Tianjun directly swayed a piece of sky, which was too big to imagine.

The sky shrouded the genius of this Tian family, and Lin Mu's fist also hit the edge of the sky.


The edge of the sky shattered, and the golden fist wind raged, as if it was about to tear the sky apart.

But in the end, the area of ​​the sky was too large, and Wu Shengquan didn't completely tear him apart.

But this was enough to shock Tianjun and the person protected by Tianjun. Lin Mu's Wusheng Fist almost destroyed half of the sky.

When Tianjun fights with humans, there is no one who can destroy half of his sky through pure power.

But today Lin Mu did it, and the person hiding in the sky was also drenched in cold sweat from being frightened.

Just now he really thought that he was going to die, really thought that he would not be able to see the sun tomorrow.

Of course, if Tianjun hadn't made a move, he would indeed have died.

Lin Mu stopped, and Tianjun also stopped.

"You didn't kill him?" Tianjun said suddenly after stopping his hand.

Lin Mu smiled slightly after hearing Tianjun's words, and said: "It seems that not all of your Tian family are idiots, there are still two smart people."

Lin Mu's words once again made the Tian family gnash their teeth.But this time they were not impulsive, even Tianjun showed his importance, they would not seek death so much that they would die by themselves.

Of course, this Tianjun is indeed a smart person, and his contact with Lin Mu just now also let him know Lin Mu's strength.

If Lin Mu really wanted to kill this exorbitant person, there would be no corpse left behind.Not to mention it would not be in such a place, and even their Tian family might not be able to find it in a short time.

Therefore, through the above judgments, it can be known that this person should not be killed by Lin Mu.

"Senior brother Tianjun, don't be fooled by him. Maybe he is challenging the coercion of our Tian family?" Someone also thought of this, stood up and said to Tianjun.

Tianjun gave a cold glance, and immediately everyone shut up, not daring to say another word.

"Who killed him, with your ability, you should be able to see him." Tianjun asked.

Lin Mu said, "I did see him, but now that I think about it carefully, he should not be the murderer."

"Whether it is the murderer or not is for my Tian family to judge, not for you to judge. No matter who it is, whoever kills my Tian family, my Tian family will investigate to the end." Another member of the Tian family said.

Lin Mu sneered, and said: "Really? You said such righteous words, so let me tell you. It was Feng Wu who caught him and threw him at my door. You go and catch Feng Wu to confront him. You can't catch him." , you are not from the Tian family, not a man."

The person who spoke in Tian's family froze when he heard Lin Mu's words.

Who is Feng Wu? He is one of the four beauties of the college, and his strength is even more first-class.The most important thing is that Feng Wu's back is the Feng family, and the Feng family is not weaker than the Tian family's existence. Asking him to go to the Feng family to ask for someone is no different from courting death.

"You should go, don't you know the truth? I'll ask someone to take you there. I'll wait for you here and see how you brought him to me." After Lin Mu finished speaking, he took the ring from his storage ring. Among them, he took out a chair and sat down on the chair.

As for the person from the Tian family, his face turned blue and red.

Tianjun said quietly: "We must invite you to investigate clearly, people from my Tian family can't just die inexplicably like this."

When Tianjun spoke, it was obvious that he himself couldn't stand it anymore, and he didn't want to let the people of the Tian family continue to embarrass the Tian family.

"You don't need to invite me, this girl is here. Lin Mu, I let you go during the day, but at night you actually spitting blood. Today, my aunt, I must teach you a good lesson." Feng Wu said angrily.

When such a major event happened, it must be impossible to hide it.After Feng Wu heard it, she left and rushed over.She can't bear such injustice, because it's not fair to her.

(End of this chapter)

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