Supreme Chef

Chapter 1771 Planting

Chapter 1771 Planting (3)

Feng Wu came, all the parties arrived, and everyone looked at Lin Mu again.The best guard in the history of this Supreme Academy.

They never thought that a person guarding the city gate could stir up so many bloody storms in the Supreme Academy.

"If Lin Mu can't produce evidence today, just wait to bear the anger of my Feng family and Tian family!" Feng Wu said aggressively.

Lin Mu said: "I said silly girl, don't you understand human language? I have already said it just now, it's not you, you still ask me what evidence I have."


Feng Wu was about to get angry, but when she came over, she did hear Lin Mu's words, and Lin Mu did say that it was not hers.

"This is the picture I recorded with the Immortal Stone of Memory, you can see for yourself." Lin Mu threw out the Immortal Stone, and then a picture appeared.

Looking at the screen, everyone understood everything, especially the one who was frozen in the final frame, it was really Feng Wu.

Feng Wu couldn't believe it when she saw such a scene.Because she had never done such a thing at all, how could she appear here.

"Silly girl, although you hate me, you are not so stupid. It is obvious that someone is pretending to be you. They want to plant and frame you, and then kill three birds with one stone. Who is it, silly girl, you can check it yourself, and I will not keep it." You." Lin Mu said.

"Lin Mu, you are looking for death!" Lin Mu called out one by one silly girl, Feng Wu's face is gone.

The phoenix dance was performed directly for nine days, and everyone retreated.

And Lin Shu just shook his sleeves, and scattered the flame feathers that could easily tear apart the mountains.

"Lin Mu, I will find out the truth of the matter. If I find out that this matter still has something to do with you, I will definitely come back and kill you." Feng Wu left such a sentence, then turned around and left in big strides .

Everyone made way for Feng Wu so that Feng Wu could leave.

Feng Wu left, but Tianjun did not.

"Although you didn't kill the disciples of my Tian family, they died because of you. You still have to pay the price." Tian Jun looked at Lin Mu and said calmly.

There is still such a logic among the world, but after Lin Mu has seen Emperor Zong's shamelessness, he is basically immune to this shamelessness.

"Actually, if you don't say this, the enmity between us can't be easily exposed like this. You sent the Immortal Emperor to assassinate me. I just took back the account and was banned. Brother Li, I haven't taken it back yet. .” Lin Mu also responded to Tianjun without fear.

Tianjun said: "Wait until you pass the new disciple assessment before talking such big words. After you pass, I will give you a chance to get back the interest. But I hope that the premise is that you can survive until the day of the disciple competition. We Walk!"

After Tianjun finished speaking, he took the people from the Tian family and left, and of course took away the corpses of the people from the Tian family.

Feng's family and Tian's family were gone, so there was no excitement to watch, and the crowd gradually dispersed.

After everyone left, Lin Mu himself thought about who it was that wanted to frame him like this.

In the Supreme Academy, except for the Feng family and the Tian family, he didn't seem to offend anyone else.Of course, it cannot be ruled out that others want Lin Shu to die.After all, in the Supreme Academy, it seems that his enemies are not too few.And here, Lin Mu's enemies were gathered together.

Lin Mu thought for a while, and felt that no one is possible, but at the same time, everyone is possible.

This may be the disadvantage of having too many enemies, because there are too many enemies, and Lin Mu doesn't know who to suspect.

Since he didn't suspect the target, Lin Mu didn't bother to doubt, and continued to practice with his eyes closed.

Three months seems like a lot of time, but in fact Lin Mu is almost half a year behind the fastest person.

Those who can enter here are geniuses among geniuses. For geniuses like them, half a year can really change too many things.

Lin Mu is practicing, but the Supreme Academy cannot be calm.

Because Feng Wu was looking for the person who pretended to be her.Feng Wu has never been wronged like this, and now she is still being framed.

A month passed in a flash, and the frame-up this time was gradually forgotten.

The contest between freshmen disciples has been brought up more and more.

It's not just freshmen who pay attention to this, but old students as well.

Even some good and boring people have drawn up a ranking list of freshmen masters.

In some colleges, family-selected freshmen became top names.As for those who came from the fairy world, their rankings are relatively lower.

Although this noun doesn't mean anything, there will always be people who use this ranking to find trouble.

Because of his superb performance, Lin Mu is the one with the highest urination name among Immortal World and Ten Thousand Worlds, ranking No. 15, which happens to be one of the seed players.

It can be said that Lin Mu really created countless histories of the Supreme Academy, the most outstanding gate guard disciple, the highest ranked gate guard disciple...etc, various voices circulated in the academy.

But Lin Mu himself has always been very low-key.

"Senior Brother Lin, congratulations on becoming a seeded player. It is said that those who are privately selected as seeded players generally have a great chance of winning. Moreover, it is said that such privately selected seeded players have a limited number of chances when they actually start the competition. The right to be emptied." After Huang Yufei heard the news, he also came to congratulate Lin Mu.

Lin Mu smiled and said, "I really don't think there's anything to congratulate."

Huang Yufei said: "Brother Lin, isn't such a good deed worthy of congratulations?"

Lin Mudao: "There are still two months before the official competition. Do you think they put me in the No.15 position. Will I be able to rest in these two months? There will definitely be all kinds of people To challenge me, the purpose is to squeeze me from the fifteenth position. Do you still think that this is something worth celebrating and happy?"

Huang Yufei is not an idiot either, as soon as Lin Mu said it, she understood what was hidden in it.

"This is exaggeration! They are really despicable!" Huang Yufei said angrily.

Lin Mu smiled slightly, and said: "Actually, they are quite particular. If they rank me No.1, it is estimated that the competition will start two months earlier."

"Who is Lin Mu? Let him get out by himself. I want to see what qualifications he has to be ranked No. 15?" Before Lin Mu could open his mouth, the killing effect appeared, and troubles came to him automatically. coming.

(End of this chapter)

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