Supreme Chef

Chapter 1787 Only For Breakthrough

Chapter 1787 Only For Breakthrough
The rest of the dozen or so people all stopped, looking at the trees in fear.

It's only been one round, and there are only ten of them left, so keep going at this speed.I'm afraid there will be no one left for them, even though there is the life-saving jade slip.But if the body is broken, if it wants to recover, it will cost a lot.

"Why don't you plan to come? If you don't plan to come, leave your name tag and I will let you go." Lin Mu said, looking at the person opposite.

The face of more than ten people on the opposite side was ashen after being discriminated against like this.

They are all geniuses in one domain, and they are all young supreme powerhouses in one world.

But now they are being looked down upon like this, and it's still in front of everyone.

"If you don't plan to leave a famous brand, how about we continue?" Lin Mu said relaxedly again.

The more relaxed the tree is, the more unsightly the face of the person opposite will be.Because the more this happens, the more they feel ignored.

"You don't come up, you don't go back, what are you going to do?" Lin Mu continued to taunt.

Because these people are not enough to help him break through, Lin Mu has to stir up everyone's anger.

"This bastard, what on earth is he going to do? People who taunt me like this. When he comes out, I must teach him a good lesson!" Gu Gong was also annoyed by Lin Mu's words. Just rush in now and give Lin Shu a hard blow.

Hongdao seemed to understand a little bit, because he heard Taoist Guang say something about trees.

Hongdao chuckled and said, "Just wait and see the good show."

Gu Gong said: "I really want to see what kind of show this kid is going to sing for me."

"This is the so-called elite of your five major families. If this is the level, I think you should hang out with me in the future." Lin Mu continued to provoke.

Anyway, they are all enemies, and they are here to find fault.So Lin Mu didn't care, and offended all of them to death.

The people of the five major families all had bad faces when they heard Lin Mu's words.This forest is really annoying.

"Don't think that if I talk about them, you will act like nothing has happened. What good things do you think you are? I will settle your father's account with you slowly." Lin Mu pointed the finger at the five emperors and spoke directly provocative.

"Lin Mu, are you looking for death?" Dong Dizi said with a very ugly face and a very bad tone.

"Hehe, aren't you tired of saying this? You can fight with me if you have the ability, but remember, I will bet your life with you before I do it. If you dare, you do it. If you don't dare, you just be honest Be a coward and hide behind them." Lin Mu said to the East Emperor.

The emperor of the East is really going to be mad, this tree is too bullying.

"Okay, I'll just..."

"Emperor, don't be impulsive." Just when the East Emperor was about to blurt out his promise, an old man came out and stopped him.

"Yo, why do you have to bring an old woman with you when you go out? Are you weaned?" Lin Mu taunted more and more.

For these emperor's children, Lin Mu really didn't have a good impression at all.Their father brought him from the fairyland to the earth. Although he has a lot of relatives and lovers, this is not the reason why Lin Mu doesn't hate them.

They are gone, but their children are still there, as long as the hatred continues to them.

Lin Mu's words were too detrimental, which made the Eastern Emperor feel like going crazy.

"Junior, don't be too arrogant." The old man also had a gloomy expression.

Lin Mu said: "I can be more rampant, if you are willing to listen."

"I see you, junior, you don't want to go out from here today." After the old man finished speaking, he was ready to make a move and directly captured Lin Shu.

But just as he was about to make a move, a bare hand came in directly, grabbed him, and grabbed him out of the martial arts arena.

"Those who are not disciples of the competition, dare to make a move in the martial arts arena, they will be killed without mercy!" This was Gu Gong's move, and it was also Gu Gong's voice.

Emperor Zong dared to provoke like that, which already made Gu Gong very upset. Zheng worried that there was no chance to make a move, so they took the initiative to give him a chance.

An elder from the emperor's side was killed by Gu Gong just like that, and he was killed as he was, and the people from the emperor's sect couldn't say anything.

After all, it was their initiative to violate the regulations first, and they would be punished if they violated the regulations. There is nothing to say about this.

"Nurse was taken away, why don't we continue chatting and discuss our bet." Lin Mu continued.


The Emperor Dongdi was finally completely enraged. In the hand of the Emperor Dongdi, a Seven Star Sword appeared.

According to legend, the real Seven Star Sword can command the mountains, the sun, the moon and the stars, and let the sun, the moon, the stars and the mountains and rivers be commanded by it.

"It's good to come."

When Lin Mu saw the sword coming from Emperor Dongdi, he didn't force him to retreat, but took the initiative to meet him.

Lin Mu's Shadowless Knife greeted him from bottom to top.


The Wuying Knife and the Seven Star Sword collided, and the energy fluctuations erupted directly shattered dozens of surrounding planets.It was blown up right here.


The son of the Eastern Emperor roared again, the seven-star sword glowed, and the seven-colored light burst out, directly attacking the seven big acupoints on Lin Mu's body.



The seven-colored rays of light collided with the forest's domain, causing the forest's domain to vibrate, as if it was about to shatter.

The power of the Seven Star Sword is still there, and it is stronger than Lin Shu expected.

It's just that the forest's domain is stronger and can block the attack of the Seven Star Sword.

"Blast me!"

The Emperor Dongdi really became ruthless, and all the seven-color rays of light exploded. Such power is really unimaginable.

This place has become a sea of ​​seven-color light, everything is being shrouded and will be destroyed at any time.



The continuous impact caused the forest's domain to fluctuate violently, and the speed of the fluctuation became more and more violent, as if it was really going to be blown apart.

"Let's go together and kill this arrogant person!" Nandi yelled, and then she was the first to make a move, rushing forward, preparing to besiege Lin Shu, and then strangled her.

The most poisonous woman's heart, this sentence is absolutely true.Except for such a vicious woman, no one can do such a thing as adding insult to injury.

(End of this chapter)

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