Supreme Chef

Chapter 1788

Chapter 1788
The Southern Emperor moved, and the rest of the people followed suit.

If they can kill Lin Shu, what they can get is definitely not just as simple as a famous brand.They can completely deprive Lin Mu of his secrets, as long as they unite, the academy will not do anything to them, and the academy will not think that it is wrong for them to do so.

When everything is settled, the academy won't have much to say.After all, there is a strong background behind them.


The members of the five major families were not far behind, except for Jiuyao Xingjun and a few others, the rest of them all rushed forward.

"Good come!"

Seeing that everyone was moving, Lin Mu became even more excited.

Seeing the helper coming, Emperor Dongdi directly manipulated the Seven Star Sword, commanding the surrounding stars to pinch the trees.

As long as the forest is controlled, and then the besiegers complete the fatal attack, the forest will surely die.

But what the Emperor Dongdi could think of, wouldn't Lin Mu be stupid enough to think of it?
Lin Mu suddenly exerted his strength, and directly used the power of his unparalleled holy body to forcibly fly the East Emperor.

Just as the son of the Eastern Emperor was anti-flying, a large chaotic formation pressed towards the trees.

The Chaos Dao Formation this time is different from what the Southern Emperor and Daughter did casually.This time it was her expected and arranged attack, so it should not be underestimated.

But for Lin Shu, the formation is simply not enough to hurt Lin Shu.

Lin Shu's first sky-cracking slash was made instantly, and the formation of nine knives, like a huge meat grinder, began to rotate and advance, and then disintegrated all the formations.

Breaking the formation with an array, this is Lin Mu's most powerful response to the Southern Emperor. He is telling the Southern Emperor that she is still weak when playing with him.


Being underestimated by Lin Shu in terms of formation, this is the bottom line of the Southern Emperor.

Her father is known as the number one teacher in the past and present, and she has received his father's true biography.In terms of formation skills, she does not admit that she is weaker than anyone else.

The plaque formation foundation appeared in the hands of the Southern Emperor, and then she placed the formation foundation into the void, directly using her own blood as a guide to activate the formation.

"This is the half of the Dao Foundation that the Southern Emperor found back then. It is said that it may not belong to this world, or it may not belong to this opportunity. Most of the achievements of the Southern Emperor in the formation are due to it. This is a real treasure. It will cause people to go crazy at any time." Someone stared at the half of the formation foundation, and said with red eyes.

But no matter how jealous they are, they dare not go up and grab it.This is something in the hands of the Southern Emperor, not to mention the strength of the Southern Emperor herself, even the people behind the Southern Emperor, they dare not provoke them.

But Lin Mu obviously doesn't have such awareness, he doesn't care what kind of people are behind you to support you.As long as it is something Lin Mu is looking for, Lin Mu will definitely try to get it.

Take this half of the road base as an example, Lin Mu had seen the pattern of this road base in "Zhan".

However, even in the "Array", there are no records or explanations about it. Obviously, this array has a real origin.Since it is a treasure and it has appeared in front of him, Lin Mu must find a way to get it.Otherwise, if you can't get it, thanks to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu shot decisively, and directly shot towards the half of the road foundation.

Seeing Lin Mu's attention on Dao Ji, Nandi couldn't help showing a sneer on her face.

"court death!"

Although this foundation is only half a dollar, once it is activated, even the Immortal Emperor will suffer a big loss if he doesn't check it.Lin Mu is only in the early stage of the Immortal Monarch, and it is simply wishful thinking to try to shake this plaque Dao Foundation.

Lin Mu stretched out his hand, and just as he collided with the area covered by the half of the road foundation, he felt that the sky was dim in front of him, and the next moment, Lin Shu appeared in a strange space.

"Everyone attack together, I have changed the characteristics of the formation. Everyone's attack, the attack above the formation, will be magnified three times. Lin Shu will definitely die this time." Nandi encouraged everyone.

Then she personally demonstrated and used her own attacks to prove that what she said was right.


The Southern Emperor's punch bombarded the area controlled by the formation, and the power of her attack was tripled immediately.

Lin Mu, who was in the middle of the formation, was thinking about how to break the formation, when suddenly a ray of light from the formation hit him.

This force is irresistible to Lin Mu.And it is also completely impossible for trees to avoid.


With just one punch, Lin Shu was directly overturned to the ground.

Lin Shu's body was cut into two deep ravines in the starry sky.This gully is so dazzling, and at the same time so dazzling.

"Did you see it?" said the Southern Emperor.

Seeing the appearance of the Southern Emperor, many people let go of their guard and chose to attack together.



There are constantly powerful immortals from the immortal family. After the formation is enlarged, this is enough for Lin Mu to drink a pot.

Although Lin Mu is a unparalleled sacred body, being attacked by such punches will not only leave hidden wounds, but in the end, if one of them fails and he dies here, it is really not worth it.

"This time Lin Mu is in trouble. The girl left by the Southern Emperor is not simple. Her formation can not only amplify the power of the attack, but also record the attack method of the attacker. Such a formation will be of great help to her in the future. Cultivation is really beneficial." Gu Gong saw through everything, and said quietly to Hongdao.

Hong Dao's brows were also frowned, dealing with 40 people alone really made Hong Dao's eyes shine.

But now the class Lin Mu is facing is not the 40 people just now, but all of them are the elite of the elite.And the number of people is almost twice that of just now, and the most important thing is that Lin Shu is now trapped in the formation and can only be beaten passively.
Combining the above factors, even Hongdao didn't know how Lin Mu was going to break the situation, because if it was him, Hongdao would not be sure to escape from such a roundup.

After all, whoever can enter here is weak.Moreover, the Supreme Academy will never allow the weak to enter, no matter what face the other party has, the Supreme Academy will not open such an opening.Only in this way can the detachment and uniqueness of the Supreme Academy be guaranteed.Moreover, the weak can't live for too long in the Supreme Academy, and many people even died the next day after entering the Supreme Academy.

Of course, it didn't mean that the college got rid of him, but that someone wanted his life.

(End of this chapter)

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