Supreme Chef

Chapter 1793 Longevity Pond

Chapter 1793 Longevity Pond
Lin Mu is still guarding the gate of the Supreme Academy, but Lin Mu is no longer alone.Lin Mu's place has become extremely lively, because many people came here, hoping to become Lin Mu's followers.

Such a thing is not something difficult to understand in the Supreme Academy.It's just that such a thing happened to a disciple guarding the city gate, which is really incomprehensible.

Such a thing has never happened in the history of Supreme Academy.

Lin Mu also felt a little headache when he looked at the sincere followers outside.

The male cultivator is easy to handle, just send it away.But female cultivator Lin Mu has some headaches, some bold female cultivators, Lin Mu doesn't know how to deal with it.

They almost stripped themselves clean and put them in front of Lin Shu.In the end, there was no food inside, only myself to seal myself, so as not to let outsiders affect me.

Half a month later, someone from the academy came to inform Lin Mu that the Longevity Pond was ready, and Lin Mu could go to the Longevity Pond for baptism.

Finally able to leave here, Lin Mu hurriedly set off and followed the disciple who came to report the letter to the Longevity Pond.

These followers were still unwilling to give up, but they were stopped by the disciple who reported the letter.

"Longevity Pond is an important place of the academy, and those who dare to cross the thunder pool will die." The disciple in charge of communication spoke loudly, obviously he was not joking again.

"Thank you, brother." Finally getting rid of these people, Lin Mu also cupped his hands and thanked him.

The two came to the place where the Longevity Pond was located. Because Lin Mu was the well-deserved No.1, the location was quite good.In front of everyone who comes.

Standing on the same ladder as Lin Mu is the rescuer, and three of them are Lin Mu's acquaintance.The remaining four people are all disciples of the Great Emperor, and the remaining three people are from the remaining three major families,

Tianrui had already been beheaded by Lin Mu, and there was no one in the Tian family, so he had a chance to enter the top ten.So it was very normal that there was no Tianrui among the ten people.

"If Lin Mu is smart, you'd better hand it over to me when you get the Eternal Life Potion later. Otherwise, you will die in the Longevity Pond later." As soon as Lin Mu stood still, someone threatened Lin Mu through voice transmission.

I was threatened when I first arrived, which is really not a good phenomenon.

Lin Mu searched around, but did not find the speaker, obviously the person who transmitted the sound was a master.

"You don't need to look for it, you can't find mine, so you'd better cooperate obediently." The man continued to transmit the voice, but the voice was still vague.

"You little man who hides his head and shows his tail, get out!" Lin Mu shot out suddenly, and punched the void, the space was shattered, and an old man appeared in front of everyone.

"The elder of the Tian Family." Seeing the old man coming out, someone recognized the old man's identity.

"Are people in the Tian family like you hiding their heads and showing their tails?" Lin Mu looked at the elders of the Tian family and said contemptuously.

The elder of the Tian family's face was livid.Being discovered by a junior, this is obviously not a matter of face.

"Lin Mu, you'd better cooperate obediently, otherwise, you don't want to gain a foothold in the Supreme Academy in the future. Hongdao can protect you for a while, but not forever." Now that he was discovered, he no longer hides, and directly threatens .

Lin Mudao: "I have never asked anyone to protect me, but I think it is best for your Tian family to find someone to protect your Tian family."

The elder of the Tian family said angrily: "I don't know how to live or die, can the foundation of my Tian family be shaken by a junior like you?"

Lin Mudao: "I never thought of being shaken. There is only one end for me, and that is to be destroyed."

"You!" When Lin Mu said the first half of the sentence, the elders of the Tian family looked a little better, but when they spoke the second half of the sentence, the elders of the Tian family almost exploded with anger.

"All disciples enter the Longevity Medicine Pond." Just when the elders of the Tian family were about to get angry, some elders shouted loudly, and then the mountain peak opened, revealing a passage for entering and exiting.

"The Longevity Pond is the most important place. Those who cross the Thunder Pond one step will die." After Lin Mu and the others entered, a Thunder Pond appeared, blocking the only entrance.

The Longevity Medicine Pond is the top priority of the Supreme Academy, and absolutely no one is allowed to enter.

Even for Lin Mu and the others, if they want to enter, they need three vice-principals with a warrant at the same time to be able to enter.

In fact, the so-called Longevity Medicine Pond does not mean the size of the pool in the traditional sense. It is very big here, at least half the size of a small city.

As soon as Lin Mu entered here, he was enveloped by a rich aura, which made Lin Mu feel so comfortable that he almost groaned.

This feeling is as if one hundred and eight thousand pores are all open, and it is as refreshing as eating ginseng fruit.

It's not that Lin Mu has never seen the longevity medicine, but he was too hasty at the time.Moreover, the longevity medicine completely sealed off one's own aura, so it was far less intuitive and enjoyable than it is now.

A pool of divine liquid glowing with five colors of light, if this is made outsiders, I am afraid that it will go crazy.

It is not without reason that the Supreme Academy can continuously train masters.It's just the liquid medicine of the longevity medicine in this pool, it doesn't know how many masters it can produce.

"The top ten keep moving forward, and the rest stay here." The disciple in charge of spreading the message said to everyone.

Except for Lin Mu's ten people, the rest of them all stayed on the outskirts of the longevity medicine pool.

Lin Mu's ten people followed the messenger all the way forward, and finally ten people came to another barrier.

The disciple who was in charge of transmitting the message took out an array, and then the array glowed, the barrier melted, and a pool that was more intense and almost entirely filled with five-color light appeared in front of ten people.

The area of ​​this medicine pool is very small, only ten meters square.However, it is very rich. Lin Shu feels that here, he can definitely complete his breakthrough on the Peerless Holy Body.

"Brother, why didn't you see the longevity medicine?" Lin Mu searched around for a long time, but did not see the shadow of the longevity medicine.

"Master Longevity Medicine is not here." The brother said expressionlessly.

"Master Longevity Medicine? Is it still alive?" Lin Mu asked in a daze when he heard this.

But after thinking about it, Lin Mu is completely understandable.After all, the longevity medicine I had seen before was also alive.

"You don't even know that the longevity medicine is alive, you country bumpkin." The East Emperor said mockingly.

Lin Mu said: "It's better than someone being beaten up by a bumpkin. I'd rather be a bumpkin than be the one who gets beaten up by a bumpkin."

(End of this chapter)

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