Supreme Chef

Chapter 1794 Master Longevity Medicine

Chapter 1794 Master Longevity Medicine

Emperor Dongdi's face turned ashen when he heard Lin Mu's words.

Don't slap someone in the face when you hit someone, and don't expose your shortcomings when you curse someone.This is the rule, but Lin Mu doesn't know what the rule is at all.

The Emperor Dongdi snorted coldly, and then stopped talking. He also knew that he couldn't talk to Lin Mu.

Ten of Lin Mu entered the final medicine pool, and the disciple who sent the message said, "The time is only seven days. After you leave here, the vice president will personally distribute the liquid of your longevity medicine."

The medicine pool of the longevity medicine was finally closed, and all ten trees sank into the medicine pool of the longevity medicine.

There are only seven days, and the time is limited. Whoever can get more Longevity Nights will get more benefits.

Lin Mu's main task is to stimulate the potential of the Peerless Eucharist.

Now Lin Mu has not even stimulated one percent of the potential of the Peerless Holy Body.If it can be developed to [-]%, it is foreseeable that Lin Shu's strength can definitely be doubled again.

All ten people started to practice, and the medicine pool of the longevity medicine suddenly boiled.

Countless vortexes appeared in the pool of longevity medicine, which was caused by the ten people's respective cultivation.

From the size of the vortex, it can be seen that ten people are not simple, and the skills cultivated by ten people are all extraordinary.

However, the vortex around the trees was the largest, occupying almost one-third of the pool, and even affected the absorption of the other nine people.

Seeing Lin Mu's cultivation like this, Bai Yixian and the others were once again shocked.

None of them had ever seen Lin Shu practice, and now they saw it with their own eyes, and they were also shocked.



The trees completely sank into the medicine pond of the longevity medicine, and the vortex above the head formed a hurricane.

Seeing such a scene appear, the remaining nine people also sank to the bottom of the pool, then protected their whole body and accelerated their cultivation.

Lin Mu activated the "Witch God Body Refining Technique", and a sound like popping beans came out of his body.

After all, this is the pond where the elixir grows, so it still has some effect.Moreover, such a breakthrough will not have any side effects at all.

Soon Lin Mu felt that his Peerless Holy Body had been developed to [-]%.And the speed of this kind of development is still increasing rapidly.

Three days later, Lin Mu felt that the speed of his body development had dropped rapidly.It seems that the medicinal liquid of the longevity medicine has no effect on his body.

After all, this is just the place where the elixir grows, not the real elixir.

"If this is the case, I want to fully develop the Wushuang Holy Physique, and I must not take the longevity medicine as a meal in the future." Lin Mu thought depressingly.

The medicinal liquid of the longevity medicine is no longer effective.Lin Shu also slowed down the speed of absorption, but soon Lin Shu found a new target,

Lin Shu noticed the soil at the bottom of his pond, and a little light appeared in the soil.And the liquid with essence is flowing, this should be the place where the longevity medicine takes root.

The essence contained in the soil is much more than the pool water.

But eating dirt is something that ordinary people can't do.However, in order to break through, Lin Mu could only endure it.

Of course, eat it directly, but trees will not.But using the body to absorb the soil here, the trees can still dry out.

Lin Shu directly opened the acupuncture points all over his body, absorbing the soil into his body.However, the forest trees did not really swallow the soil, but after absorbing the essence of the soil, they discharged the remaining soil.

This trick is really effective, the divine essence in the soil, after being absorbed and circulated by the trees.Sure enough, there was a sound like popping beans from Lin Mu's body.

This sound is the sound of the treasures of the Peerless Holy Body being opened one after another.

"Two percent. It's really easy to use." After a day, Lin Mu felt that the strength of his Peerless Holy Body had been developed to two percent.

But such a price is also very high, half of the soil in this pond has turned into residual soil, and there is no more essence.

Just when Lin Mu was about to go all out and break through again, Lin Mu suddenly felt a huge suction force, pulling his body and heading towards the depths of the ground.

Fortunately, at this time, the rest of the people were practicing and did not notice that the trees had disappeared.

Lin Mu couldn't resist this suction, but Lin Mu wasn't worried, it was his enemy who made the move.

Because when Lin Shu came, he had already looked at it carefully.Although when he came in, only one person brought him in.But there is not only one guard around here.Even a lot of breath, Lin Shu felt that it was not weaker than Hongdao at all.

With such guards, it is strange that outsiders can come in.

Soon Lin Shu was attracted to a strange underground space. In this underground space, there was only one old man who was so old that he couldn't tell his age or identity.

The old man was not wearing the clothes of the Supreme Academy, but the endless aura on his body was very astonishing.Even with Lin Mu by his side, he saw fragments of time flowing.

Such an old man is really so powerful that it is unimaginable.

"Master Longevity Medicine!" Seeing the old man, Lin Mu cupped his hands and said respectfully.

The old man looked at the trees and said playfully, "How do you know that I am the elixir of longevity?"

Lin Mudao: "The defense here is so tight, apart from you being able to appear here, I don't believe that there is another person in the Supreme Academy who can appear here."

The old man nodded and said, "You are very smart, but do you know why I arrested you?"

Lin Mu shook his head and said, "This junior doesn't know."

Longevity Medicine, said: "You are going to tear down my house, do you think I can let you do whatever you want?"

After Lin Mu heard the words of the longevity medicine, he also felt a little dumbfounded.

Lin Mu said: "My lord, you can't be so stingy. You said that your lifespan is endless, and I just absorbed a little bit of it. Are you serious?"

The longevity medicine was annoyed, and said: "Did you absorb a little? Do you know how many reincarnations I need to condense the essence of the absorbed soil?"

Lin Mudao: "My lord, anyway, you have plenty of time. I've finished absorbing it, so you just need to cultivate it slowly. And you said that it's the end of the world now, and I'm stronger, so I can protect you too, aren't you?"

The longevity medicine stretched out his hand, knocked on Lin Mu's head, and said, "Bastard, you said it lightly. Besides, I rely on your protection, and I don't know the year of the monkey."

Lin Mu said: "My lord, if you feed me roots, beards, etc., I believe I will grow up soon."

The longevity medicine slapped the trees away, blowing his beard and staring at his eyes, he said, "You'd better eat all my old bones."

(End of this chapter)

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