Supreme Chef

Chapter 1795 The Shadow Reappears

Chapter 1795 The Shadow Reappears
The elixir was not heavy, so Lin Mu just turned around and returned to the elixir.

Lin Mu looked at the elixir and said, "Senior, why are you so angry? I'm just joking, how can I have the heart to eat your old man. Just reward me with three or five drops of the elixir essence. "

"No! Besides, you already have the juice of the elixir on your body." The elixir pointed out Lin Mu bluntly.

Lin Mu didn't expect the spiritual sense of the longevity medicine to be so sensitive.I have already hidden the juice of the longevity medicine in the chaotic world, and it can still be discovered. What kind of nose can do this.

But thinking about it, it's actually not too difficult to understand.After all, they are both longevity medicines, and they are inductive to each other.It is not surprising that Lin Shu can feel the breath of longevity medicine.

"Is the elixir you met one with three leaves?" asked the elixir.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Yes. Senior, do you know it?"

Longevity medicine, said: "Where did it go?"

Lin Mu said: "I helped it enter the long river of time."

After listening to Lin Mu's words, the longevity medicine sighed, and said, "It's too persistent, knowing that it can't be done, but still doing it. That person is already dead, but it still doesn't want to believe it."

Lin Mu approached the longevity medicine, and said, "I think so. I persuaded it that way at the time, but it didn't listen. If you don't follow me, you can also guarantee that you will eat spicy food."

With a flick of the long-living medicine's beard, it was drawn directly on Lin Mu's hand, and said, "Take care of your hand, boy."

Lin Mu said: "Senior, haven't I never been in close contact with the longevity medicine? I want to see what the longevity medicine is like."

The longevity medicine said: "Just stay here honestly. When the time comes, I will send you away. Now if you have any questions, you can ask me."

Lin Mudao: "Senior, you are not authentic. I practiced well on it, and you imprisoned me. What is the reason? Is this how the Supreme Academy handles things. This kind of differential treatment is the biggest Discrimination, I do not accept."

The longevity medicine raised his hand, threw out three drops of essence, and said, "Can you shut up now."

Lin Mu happily put away the liquid medicine of the longevity medicine, and said, "I said, senior, you must be the fairest."

After a pause, Lin Mu said: "Senior, I would like to ask you a small favor. I am going to practice here with you. Is it okay for you to help me protect the law?"

The elixir said: "Cultivate yourself."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he took out a drop of the liquid medicine of longevity medicine, and swallowed it carefully.

The liquid of the elixir of longevity was colorful in color, and when Lin Shu swallowed it, his body immediately became almost transparent, and streamers of light emanated from his body.

These seven-color streamers set off Lin Shu's body in an incomparably sacred way.

And from Lin Mu's body, there was also a rumbling sound, like thunder.

The longevity medicine looked at the trees, opened its mouth, and finally closed it.

"Forget about this kid, if you don't respect the old, let him suffer a little bit."

The medicine liquid of the longevity medicine, which is swallowed directly, must be dissolved in the spring water of Lingquan, and then taken in batches.

Swallowing it directly like this, the surging effect of the medicine is enough to explode the human body.

Fortunately, Lin Shu is a unparalleled holy body, so he can bear it.

Even so, Lin Mu still felt like his body was about to be set on fire.

"Old man, you are playing tricks on me!" Lin Mu felt the turmoil in his body, and knew that he had been played by the longevity medicine.

Lin Mu didn't believe that the longevity medicine would not know that his own juice could not be swallowed directly.

So the longevity medicine is obviously intentional, it is for the purpose of clearing the forest.

But now things are like this, and complaining can't solve any problems.

Lin Mu immediately sat cross-legged on the ground, and began to run the "Sorcerer God Body Refining Technique" to dissolve the effect of the longevity medicine.

Then from Lin Mu's body, it was no longer the sound of popping beans, but the sound of thousands of troops galloping.

Obviously, Lin Mu's Peerless Holy Body is rapidly expanding, and the power of the Peerless Holy Body is also being quickly cultivated.

Longevity Medicine was a little surprised to see that Lin Mu had endured it.This is the first time it has seen it swallow its own medicinal liquid directly.

Even the supreme being back then, he didn't do as well as Lin Mu.

The longevity medicine stared at the trees, as if trying to see through them.

With the development of the body's potential, an illusory phantom also appeared behind Lin Shu.

"This is the exercise book. "Witch God Body Refining Technique" has appeared again." Longevity Yao saw the specter behind Lin Mu, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes.

Lin Mu didn't know that the ghost appeared behind him, but Lin Mu felt that the demonic and murderous nature in his heart was recovering rapidly.

"Not good!" The longevity medicine, looking at the specter behind Lin Shu, almost opened his eyes, and shot decisively.

The whiskers of the elixir pierced through at once, and were about to pierce the phantom behind the tree directly.

However, the phantom automatically defended, and raised his hand to grab the medicine mustache in his hand.

The magic hand emitted a stream of black smoke, and then the medicine whisker was rapidly wilting and aging.

The elixir of longevity changed color, and hastily cut off his own tendrils, and then quickly backed away.

As soon as the elixir left its place, the magic hand appeared and wiped the body of the elixir.

The finger touched the body of the longevity medicine, leaving a bloodstain on the body of the longevity medicine, and the colorful liquid medicine flowed.However, it didn't fall to the ground, but repaired the wound of the elixir.

"We can't revive her, otherwise the whole academy will be gone." The longevity medicine was also decisive, this time planning to kill Lin Shu directly.

But just when the longevity medicine was about to be released, a green jade book floated out of Lin Mu's body.

As soon as the jade mirror came out, the phantom immediately seemed to see a cat and a mouse, and the image suddenly dimmed.

But Yujian didn't intend to let him go, and directly entered the sea of ​​consciousness of the phantom, emitting a mysterious blue light, covering the entire phantom.

"Treasures of Creation! There are really good things in this kid, and even this kind of thing was obtained by him. It seems that this "Witch God Body Refining Technique" has to be refined by him." Seeing such a scene, he was completely relieved.

At the same time, the longevity medicine also stopped, just looking at the trees like that, waiting for the changes in the treasure of fortune.

(End of this chapter)

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