Supreme Chef

Chapter 1803 pierce the sky

Chapter 1803 pierce the sky

This battlefield of gods and demons is really completely different from when Lin Mu came here before.

If it is said that when Lin Mu came last time, the battlefield of gods and demons was still a stagnant water, and he had never shown his true power to the world.The current battlefield of gods and demons is a giant that has fully recovered.

The great changes in the world have also brought unimaginable great changes here.The battlefield of gods and demons has truly demonstrated its original charm and power, and this battlefield is no longer peaceful.It seems that the ancient witch gods and ancient gods and demons are still here.

When he came here before, Lin Mu could move forward without any scruples, but now he can't.

Now that the battlefield of gods and demons has fully recovered, every step here is a crisis, and every step is an infinite ultimate move.

Lin Mu has already seen with his own eyes more than a dozen people who came here with him, because they took a wrong step, they died here directly.

Lin Mu saw Gu Jian following up, but the opportunity is here, whoever can understand it will be his.Lin Mu will not deliberately block, of course, if someone blocks the way, Lin Mu will never be polite.

"Ling Mu hand over the longevity medicine juice in your hand, I can also consider giving you a decent justice." A generation of wizards from the Tian family, a leader in the academy, Tianjun blocked Lin Mu's way.

The tragic death of his younger brother completely angered Tianjun.In addition, Tianjun knew that Lin Mu still had the juice of the longevity medicine in his hands, which could not help but make him feel excited.

Tianjun is only one step away from giving birth to his own supreme imperial aura.And if the juice of the elixir is the root, Tianjun believes that the royal aura he bred will definitely be the strongest.

Lin Mu looked at Tianjun, who was blocking his way, and said, "I don't have time to play with you now, if you want to die, go to the back and line up."

Lin Mu really didn't have time, although the opportunity was there, but whoever entered would definitely gain more.

Tianjun said: "Do you think you have a future? Take the initiative to hand it over, and I can give you a decent way to die. Otherwise, you are ready to tear your body into pieces."

Lin Mu couldn't help sighing as he watched Gu Jian pass by him.

Among all the people, Gu Jian was the only one who could compete with Lin Mu for the invincible sword spirit resource.

After all, no matter how you say it, Gu Jian is a genius above the way of the sword.

Moreover, Gu Jian is rare among all geniuses, who only practice a single principle.

Generally speaking, everyone will choose one as the main and one as the auxiliary.The two paths go hand in hand.

But Gu Jian was very persistent, he chose the only way, the way of the sword.

His whole life is only for the sword, and there is only the sword in his life.

His dedication to the way of the sword, throughout the ages, I am afraid that few people can compare with him.

If he really seized the opportunity, it would be very unfavorable for Lin Mu.

"Now you can hand it over." Tianjun looked at Lin Mu and said lightly.

Lin Mu sighed, and said, "Why bother, I don't want to end your Tian family's blood, but since you forced me, then I can only be sorry."


Tianjun snorted coldly, and then shot directly.

Tianjun is worthy of being the top genius in the academy, whether it is the speed or precision of his shots, they are all exquisite to the peak.

The exercises of the Tian Family have been passed down for a long time and are related to the Supreme.

The Supreme is the highest manifestation of the Law, above the Law, even the ancestors of the ancient times, it is difficult to surpass it.After all, the ancient ancestors respected the flesh.These are two completely different eras.

Tianjun made a move, and a part of the sky directly rumbled down.

It was the first time for Lin Mu to see the sky in the hands of Tianjun, which is the real universe.Being controlled by Tianjun, with such pressure, the world seems to have fallen.


Lin Shu directly used his magic form, directly withstood the collapsed sky with brute force.

Lin Shu held the collapsed sky with his palms, and his feet were firmly rooted in the void.

Looking at the trees, Tianjun was able to hold the starry sky outside this region with his own strength, and a trace of shock flashed in his eyes.

Tianjun understands how heavy the starry sky intercepted from outside the territory is.

This is much heavier than the sky in the world they are in. The sky there is several times heavier than the sky here.

It is simply not something that can be shaken by manpower, but Lin Mu actually resisted with brute force, which is really unimaginable.



Under such a weight, the void under the trees couldn't bear it at all, and they were shattered one after another.It turned into a torrent of space debris.

"Let's see how long you can hold on!" Tianjun was ruthless, and pressed his palm down, forcefully nailing the tree's Dharma image into the void.

The void fell, and this place was completely blown up from the very beginning.


A strange syllable came out of Lin Mu's mouth. This syllable was very ancient, as if the first syllable was born at the beginning of the world.This syllable is full of endless morality, and one syllable seems to contain endless mysteries.

In fact, this is indeed the first syllable in heaven and earth, which is recorded in "Witch God Body Refining Technique".

It is the first syllable roared by the ancestor Wu Pangu when the world was created in the ancient times.

It's just that the syllable roared by the ancestor Wu Pangu made the world clear and everything was born.

The trees are still far from that realm.But Lin Mu is not facing the same bastard world that Zuwu Pangu is facing now.

With the roar of such syllables, the dharma also rapidly increased, and it actually forcibly penetrated into Tianjun's sky, as if it was going to explode Tianjun's sky.

"Impossible! This is impossible! How can such a law still exist in the world!"

When he got here, Tianjun also thought of something, and there was incredible shock in his eyes.

"Cave finger!"

Tianjun made a move, and a ray of light seemed to shoot from Eternal Ancient, trying to penetrate everything in the world.


Lin Mu's mouth made a sound again, and the syllable formed a golden rune. At the same time, golden lotuses appeared all over the place, making the forest tree look like a saint.

The mouth utters the sound, and the tongue blooms with lotus flowers.

This is a sign of great power, Tianjun looked at the scene in front of him, and shock appeared in his eyes again.

Because of such a state, Tianjun has never reached it.According to Tianjun's knowledge, only one of the ancestors of their Tian family has reached such a state.

This state has nothing to do with cultivation, only those who are destined to become saints can reach this state.


The golden rune met the Dongtian Finger, and the Dongtian Finger was shattered and disappeared without a trace.


Lin Mu let out a low growl, and his Dharma appearance doubled, piercing the sky directly.

(End of this chapter)

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