Supreme Chef

Chapter 1804 Tianjun Meteor

Chapter 1804 Tianjun Meteor

The real split sky, the dharma form of trees, completely penetrates the extraterrestrial starry sky controlled by Tianjun.

Faxiang stood upright, and Lin Shu's arms waved, grasping the split starry sky.


Lin Mu let out a loud roar, and then exerted force with his arms, the starry sky was completely split apart.

This is a truly heaven-penetrating mighty force, and it made Tianjun look stupid on the spot.


Tianjun spurted blood, and staggered back.

This day is his day, and it is inextricably linked with him.Now that the sky is broken, he will naturally be affected.


Lin Mu's big hand fell and grabbed Tianjun directly.Now that you have made a move, you must not leave any trouble behind. Anyway, you are already a mortal enemy, so there is no need to keep your hands.

Seeing Lin Mu's big hand, Tianjun finally reacted.

Tianjun stretched out his domain and completely covered the forest in his domain.

In Tianjun's domain, Tianjun is the ruler.

And Tianjia's domain is different from other domains.

In the hands of the people of the Tian Family, they have mastered a real 'Heavenly Art'.The ancient degree of this technique is no longer reliable.But this is the real heavenly skill, the supreme skill in heaven and earth.

And this Heavenly Skill, the major is Yu.It can allow the people of the Tian Family to cultivate the domain to have all the attributes of the real world, so that the people who own this domain can dominate everything like the creator.

This is the real heavenly skill, if you really cultivate to the peak.It is completely unimaginable that a world can really be created out of thin air.

The path that Lin Mu has to take is somewhat similar to this.Lin Mu is also preparing to cultivate his domain into a real world, but it is different from the chaotic world.Lin Mu is going to cultivate his own domain into a world of Taoism, not a real world like the chaotic world.

And Lin Mu's ultimate goal is to make his domain cooperate with the chaotic world and become the supreme world. This is the real offensive weapon.

This road is even more difficult to walk, and at the same time, once it is completed, the power will be unimaginable.

However, Tianjia's Tiangong is also very powerful.


Tianjun made a move, truly controlling the world, and with a single point, the light exploded, piercing directly through the tree's dharma form.

Lin Mu put away the dharma, looked at the majestic Tianjun, and also made a move, sacrificing his domain.

Tianjun's domain is really a good training opportunity for Lin Mu.

There is no reference for the road that Lin Shu has to take, and there is no reference for himself.

But Tianjun's domain still has certain reference significance for Lin Mu.

Lin Mu opened up his own domain in Tianjun's domain.

The domain of forest trees is also very extraordinary, because of the inscription of Taoism, at this time, the domain of forest trees has given birth to a trace of chaotic atmosphere.

Tianjun looked at the area of ​​trees, and was also shocked.

"What is the origin of this kid, and what kind of inheritance does he possess!" Tianjun was puzzled in his heart, feeling that Lin Mu was too mysterious.

At the same time, there was also a trace of worry in Tianjun's heart, and he felt that it was not a good idea to come to Lin Mu.

However, there is no turning back when the bow is opened, it has already started, and the result is the same if it is stopped halfway.


Tianjun shot again, and suddenly the entire domain or to be precise, the entire small world began to collapse.

The collapse of a world, such power and power, is conceivable.

The sky fell, the earth collapsed, the stars dimmed, and everything was a scene of doomsday.

The Tianjun domain completely collapsed, directly bombarding the forest domain.

This kind of impact made the forest domain tremble, making the forest domain seem to be going to destruction.

"Turn things upside down!"

Lin Mu moved his hands together, typing out runes one after another.

These are the Taoist runes, Lin Mu's perception in Xianjun.Although the quantity is not much, it is enough to play a big role.

The rune lights up, and there is a corresponding vacancy in the domain, emitting a light.

The two kinds of light echoed each other, and finally the runes of Dao were perfectly embedded in those vacancies.

And if you look carefully, there are still many gaps that radiate light in the forest area.

"Om!" These Taoist runes, once embedded in the gaps in the domain, the entire domain of the forest shone with light.

These rays of light pierced through the heavens and the earth, pierced through the ages, and even time seemed to be distorted.

This is the perfect way for Lin Shu to go.It's just that it is too difficult, and Lin Shu still needs to do a lot.

But even for now, it's enough.

The domain of forest trees is completely surrounded by light, and these lights can melt everything.The domain including the collapsed Tianjun was also completely melted by the light.

The entire space fell, and everything seemed to return to dead silence.

Tianjun was really dumbfounded when he looked at the area where the forest shone with light, illuminating everything around him.

Such a way, such a law.He has never even thought about deduction, everything is too exaggerated, everything is too weird.


The sound of trees came from the area, followed by a saber light that split the sky and fell directly.


Tianjun was cut into two halves by the knife light, and Tianjun couldn't even escape his soul, so he was directly turned into dust, and then went away with the torrent of space.

Lin Mu put away Tianjun's ring, and then accelerated towards the galaxy that was cut off by a sword.

But in the Supreme Academy, there is no peace.

Tianjun has fallen!Tianjun's soul lamp is extinguished!
Such news is absolutely explosive.

As the top disciple of the academy, Tianjun's every move has touched the minds of many people.The Tian family doesn't know how much effort they put into cultivating such a peerless master.

But now that he has fallen like this, the Tian family really cannot accept such a loss.

"It's really dangerous there. Even a Gaidai figure like Tianjun has fallen." Someone commented in shock in private.

"Impossible, even if it's dangerous there, it's impossible for a person like Tianjun to fall so quickly. Didn't you see that there are still many people who are not as good as Tianjun, are they all living well?"

Indeed, apart from Tianjun, many of the remaining people lived well and were not affected in the slightest.

"You mean Tianjun was killed by others!" Since it wasn't an accidental death, it could only be that he was killed by someone.

"Who has the ability to kill Tianjun? Who has the courage to kill Tianjun!"

But without anyone else answering, a figure of a person appeared in front of everyone's eyes - Lin Mu!
The gatekeeper, Lin Mu, is the only one who has the strength and courage to do things that others dare not do.

(End of this chapter)

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