Supreme Chef

Chapter 1830 Dragon Emperor's Blood

Chapter 1830 Dragon Emperor's Blood
The black tornado connects the sky and the earth.The power of the beasts here is completely covered up.

A black phantom appeared behind Lin Shu.

But this time Lin Mu didn't get lost, and even Lin Mu saw the blurred appearance of the phantom, and he found that the phantom was somewhat similar to himself.

"What's going on here?" The last time this happened to Lin Mu, Lin Mu himself didn't know.Later, Hong Dao didn't tell Lin Mu either.

But now that Lin Mu's consciousness is clear, he naturally discovered this problem.

However, although the appearance has changed, the power of this phantom is still there.

The phantom is fully formed, similar in height to the phantom ape.But the phantom obviously made the ape feel fear, and this fear came from the bottom of his heart, from the depths of his soul.


The demon ape used an angry roar to soothe the anger in his heart.

But Lin Mu didn't pay attention to these at all, and let the ghost rush forward, ready to kill the magic ape.

The ghost grabbed one arm of the demon ape, and then directly swung the demon ape up.

The demon ape was in Lin Shu's hands, being swung by the ghostly shadow.

All the surrounding hills were crushed to pieces.



The Demon Ape was soon smashed and covered in injuries. The Demon Ape was really injured.

There were blood cuts all over his body, and the blood couldn't stop flowing out.

And as the blood flowed, the breath of the demon ape became weaker and weaker.In the end, the demon ape turned back into the middle-aged man he was just now.

"Okay, I admit defeat." The middle-aged man said dying.

Lin Mu stopped moving and threw the middle-aged man at his feet.Then the phantom disappeared, and the trees returned to their original appearance.

The middle-aged man struggled to get up from the ground, coughed up two mouthfuls of blood, and said, "I didn't expect that. You actually managed to practice it, the number one body training technique in ancient times. And you haven't been controlled by it yet. It seems that I am really an old man." It's here. It's yours now."

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he was about to turn around and leave.

"Senior, the dragon's blood here is actually enough for the two of us." Lin Mu said.

The middle-aged man looked at Lin Shu and said, "Are you pitying me? I have never needed to be pitied for my whole life. If I lose, I will lose. I will continue to look for it. just started."

After a pause, the Demon Ape continued: "And I would also like to thank you, if it weren't for you. It is impossible for me to completely discharge the last accumulated blood in my body. I can't use my best state, To open up the true unparalleled Eucharist."

It turned out that although the devil ape was raised by nature, when it was born, it was once infected by a wave of devil energy wandering between heaven and earth.

This devilish energy not only interfered with the will of the demon ape, but also hindered the development of the demon ape.

Therefore, the failure of the Demon Ape to attack the Holy Body last time was not only due to the problem of aptitude.In fact, the aptitude of the devil ape is definitely one of the best in this world.After all, the devil ape was raised by nature and has unique aptitudes.

It's just that the demon energy hindered the demon ape too much, so the demon ape failed for the first time.

However, the success of the Demon Ape was also due to the first failure.Lei Jie scattered most of the demonic blood, and only then did he achieve his second success.

However, although most of it was scattered by the first shock, there is still some left in the body, and this part still hinders the demon ape.

But this time, Lin Mu did the Demon Ape a great favor. The fight between Lin Mu and the Demon Ape, by accident, scattered the remaining magic blood of the Demon Ape.

This allowed the Demon Ape to finally use his strongest posture to go on the road.At the same time, with the aptitude of the Demon Ape, it is simply too easy for the Demon Ape to make great strides in developing the Wushuang Holy Physique.

Knowing all this, Lin Mu felt that the devil ape was even more terrifying.Even in that case, under the condition of being restricted by the devil's blood and infested by the devil's energy.The devil ape almost succeeded, which shows how unnatural its aptitude is.

The demon ape walked very calmly. Obviously, to him, being able to disperse the last demon blood was more meaningful to him than obtaining real dragon blood.

The magic ape left.This place also belongs to Lin Mu alone.

The natural formation here was completely broken on the third day.

One after another, the golden dragons rushed out of the pool of blood, ready to fly into the sky.

These golden dragons are all the divine essence of dragon blood, if they run away.The loss of the trees is too great, so the trees have already been arranged.

Outside the dragon's blood pool, Lin Mu had already arranged a formation to block all the divine substances within the formation.

Seeing all the divine matter, there is no possibility of escape.

Lin Mu also jumped directly into the dragon blood pool, and then began to drink the golden blood of the Dragon Emperor.

This is the blood left by the real Dragon Emperor. Although it is only one meter square, its real value is immeasurable.

This one-meter-square dragon emperor's blood, if used properly.It is definitely possible to create more than a dozen masters at the peak of the immortal body.

But now they all belong to Lin Mu himself, and Lin Mu completely soaked his body in the dragon's blood pool.

Silently running the "Witch God Body Refining Technique", using the Dragon Emperor's blood to temper his body.

The divine substance entered Lin Shu's body.These dragon-shaped divine substances swim among the trees' bodies.

From Lin Mu's body, there was a high-pitched dragon chant one after another.At this time, Lin Mu's body seemed to have turned into a huge dragon's nest.

These golden dragons smashed Lin Shu's bones, tendons, and blood in Lin Shu's body.

This is a process of breaking and then building, and it is also an extremely painful process.

The reason why few people take this path of body training is because this path is too painful.

Because of every nirvana, every evolution.It's all a new forging, and this kind of forging needs to be completely broken and then erected.

Take Lin Mu's current Peerless Holy Body as an example. The pain of completely crushing the Peerless Holy Body is definitely not something ordinary people can bear.

Even Lin Shu really had his teeth crushed at this time.

This kind of pain gave Lin Mu the urge to die immediately.


When the last bone was broken, Lin Shu also let out a long howl.

The howling sound shook the entire beast grave, and the demon ape who was already on the road also heard the painful scream.

"It seems that he has already started. I hope he can become stronger after he leaves the customs. In this way, I won't be too lonely on the road of body training." Quite a kind of honest elder meaning.

The magic ape finally disappeared into another canyon. The magic ape was raised by nature, and it is actually a kind of divine beast.So it has a better understanding of the things in the animal grave than Lin Shu.He knows more than Lin Mu.

He can rely entirely on his own perception to find the hidden opportunities here.

(End of this chapter)

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