Supreme Chef

Chapter 1831 People From Another World

Chapter 1831 People from Another World

Transformation and Nirvana are painful, but the benefits are also enormous.

Lin Mu completed a difficult tempering, which took a full month.During this month, Lin Mu experienced absolutely inhuman torture.

A month later, the entire blood pool of the Dragon Emperor's blood had completely lost its divinity.

An imperial blood pool that could create more than a dozen peak immortal gods.In this way, it was used up by Lin Mu alone.This is really too scary, and the consumption is really too scary.

Lin Shu sitting in the dragon blood pool suddenly opened his eyes.The gleam in his eyes shot straight into the sky, directly piercing through an asteroid that had passed by here.

And from Lin Shu's body, there was also a sound like thunder, opening up the universe.

The potential of the Peerless Eucharist has been developed again, [-]%.

According to various legends, the witch gods among the ancient ancestors could only develop [-]% of the potential of the Wushuang Holy Body at most.And that is already known as the witch god body, which has the ability to open up the universe.

And the forest has now been developed by [-]%, if outsiders know this, they will be shocked as heaven.

Lin Mu moved his body, and suddenly he was startled by the wind and thunder.

Lin Mu finally understood why the ancient witch god had the ability to open up the universe.

Wind and thunder can be raised by moving one's hands, and chaos can be shaken away by stomping one's feet. This is a real great power.

For such progress and gains, Lin Mu is very satisfied.

After stopping the operation of "Witch God Body Refining Technique", Lin Mu also left here, and continued to look for the next opportunity.

Lin Mu was actually not very curious about various refining materials.After all, Lin Mu's body at this time is no weaker than any top immortal treasure.Even Lin Shu, one of the few chaotic devices in the legend, felt able to fight against it.He even said that Lin Mu felt that if it wasn't for the supreme device controlled by the supreme himself, he should be able to deal with it for a while.

Therefore, for fairy materials, Lin Mu is not particularly looking forward to it.As for the Shadowless Knife, ordinary fairy materials could not satisfy his appetite at all.But the top fairy material is so easy to find.It's better to develop your own Peerless Eucharist first.

Lin Mu searched among the animal graves, and indeed found some places comparable to the blood of the Dragon Emperor.For example, the place where the Phoenix Lord once landed was a sea of ​​flames, which was very suitable for body training.However, there is a very strong prohibition, and it is impossible to enter at all.Another example is the place where the Qilin King once appeared.There is Qilin Stone, which is also suitable for body training.However, there is also a strong prohibition, and it is also impossible to enter.

These prohibitions are all innate, and are deliberately lowered by the power of heaven and earth to protect these powerful existences.Has unimaginable power.

This kind of prohibition can only disappear by itself when the time is up.But what Lin Mu lacks most now is time, more than half of the ten years have passed, and Lin Mu still has ten years to spend here.

In fact, Lin Mu really didn't have much time, because a great change had taken place in the battlefield of gods and demons.

With the breath of that world invading, it seems that a strong man from that world is coming.

For another world, even the elders in the academy know very little.

Although they will collide sooner or later, it is obviously not a good time.Therefore, the elders of the college unanimously agreed to take all the colleges back in advance.

But this kind of news must be received by the disciples of the five major families first, followed by the emperor's son, and finally by the loose cultivators.

And because Lin Mu was in the animal grave, because of the restrictions of the animal grave, Lin Mu was the last to get the news.

When Lin Mu got the news, there was only one year left.

"Damn it!" Lin Mu cursed and was about to leave.

For the other world, Lin Mu knew the most.After all, Lin Mu once personally fought against the ominousness of that world.

Lin Shu passed the place where the magic ape retreated, and he saw that there was still light shining in the sky.Lin Mu also sent a sound transmission, reminding the Demon Ape.

The demon ape heard Lin Mu's voice transmission, and even told Lin Mu that he was not going to leave here, but was going to be locked up here, and was going to get back the lost years in the past.

With such determination, Lin Mu had no choice but to leave by himself.

Because of the breakthrough of the Peerless Holy Body, it was not difficult for Lin Mu to leave the animal grave.

After Lin Mu left the animal grave, he really felt the breath of another world.

Lin Shu is very familiar with this breath.After all, it is completely out of tune with this world.

Just when Lin Mu was about to leave at full speed, a roar of a beast that sounded like a dragon and a tiger came out.


Hearing this voice, Lin Mu also knew that it was the three-headed monster who had come.

Back then when Lin Mu first realized the Dao, these three monsters caused many troubles for Lin Mu.Now it came again, which gave Lin Mu a bad feeling.

The roar of the beast one moment ago was still tens of thousands of miles away, but the three-headed monster had already appeared in front of Lin Mu the next moment.

Only this time, there seemed to be some changes and differences.

Because this time, there was a humanoid creature on the back of the three-headed monster.

"People from that world have come?" Lin Mu's eyes froze, staring at the person behind the monster.

Lin Mu didn't see any difference between him and himself.Maybe it was because he hid it well, but at least Lin Mu didn't see any difference between the two.

"Are you the slave who cracked the ominous?" The person sitting on the three-headed monster spoke very contemptuously, calling Lin Mu a slave.It seems that their world is the master.

"It was Grandpa, who killed your monster. Why did you kill your dog? Now you have to ask me to pay for it." Lin Mu also responded unceremoniously.

"You humble slave, dare to talk like that. I think you are really looking for death." The man above the monster spoke without any anger. Obviously, he didn't pay attention to the trees at all.In his eyes, Lin Mu is nothing more than a lowly slave.

This feeling really made Lin Mu very unhappy.

"I killed the dog in your world. The people in your world haven't killed it yet. I also want to see what it feels like to kill you. I didn't eat its meat last time. This time I can get what I want. " Lin Mu said, and then he was ready to do it.

"I don't know how to live or die. I thought that if I dealt with a projection, I would be invincible in the world. I originally wanted to spare you and accept you as an obedient dog. But now it seems that there is obviously no need to keep you. You can die .” The man said.

(End of this chapter)

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