Supreme Chef

Chapter 1832 A Higher Way of Heaven

Chapter 1832 A Higher Way of Heaven
The person riding on top of the monster had an invincible attitude, and completely ignored Lin Mu, who had enlightened himself and killed the monster on their side.

But Lin Mu also got a shocking answer from his words.

Lin Mu didn't expect that what he killed that day was just a projection.

A projection is so strong, Lin Shu dare not imagine what that world will be like.

Although Lin Mu knew that that world was very strong, but if one of the projections of creatures in that world had such powerful strength, Lin Mu still couldn't believe it.

"go to hell!"

The people of that world have made a move.A bloody battle spear appeared in his hand.This Spear has completely different rules from the world where Lin Shu lives.

The collision of the two rules completely filled the void with Thunder.

However, this did not affect the power of the spear, and the spear rushed out like lightning.Going straight to the vital point of the forest, this spear gave the forest a great sense of oppression.Although there was still some distance to go, Lin Mu still felt a tearing pain.

This is also because of being suppressed by the principles of this world. If it is not suppressed, the power that this spear can exert may be stronger or even greater.

The spear came in an instant, and Lin Shu also made a decisive move.


Lin Mu punched out and hit the spear shaft of the war spear.Immediately, a cracking lightning appeared, completely illuminating the void.

This lightning is destroying lightning, different from this world, even Dao seems to be affected.



Lin Mu stepped back two steps in a row before stabilizing his figure.

Lin Shu's retreat does not mean that Lin Shu is not strong, but because Lin Shu doesn't know where he is.

The trees retreated, and the spear flew back backwards.

The person sitting on top of the monster caught the spear that was blocked, looked at Lin Mu and said, "That's right. It's a good material to be a slave."

Lin Mu looked at him and said, "Keep blowing air. I see how happy you can be. If the elites in your world are like this and can only fight against the enemy through the advantages of Taoism, then I think I can go You turn around."

Lin Mu didn't know anything before contacting him.But after contact, Lin Mu understood.

The reason why he gives himself the feeling is to make himself feel that he is stronger than himself.It's not because his strength is really much higher than his own.It's that he has the advantage of Taoism. The Taoism of that world should be more perfect and advanced than his own world.

Because of the natural suppression of Taoism, Lin Shu had such an illusion.

At the same time, Lin Mu also figured it out, and dealt with the ominous projection himself.It should be the king-level existence among monsters in that world.It is specially used to guard the world of oneself, and to find people like oneself who have realized the Tao.

As for the person opposite, presumably he should also be an elite in that world.Because judging from the past history, people from that world also need to pay a huge price if they want to come here.

After paying so much, will they look okay and bring a straw bag over?
"You lowly slave, don't overestimate yourself, die to me!" Lin Mu's words obviously angered the other party.

The opponent pointed the bloody spear in his hand to the sky, and a bloody lightning fell, and then the bloody color began to spread.Fill up the entire star field.

Under this scarlet shroud, all vitality disappeared and withered.

This is a field of lore, in this field, all lives will be extracted.

This is not a trick, but the real way.This is an advanced Taoist attack, taking all the advantages.

For the world of trees, it has unimaginable advantages.

Of course, this is for other people, but for Lin Mu, such an advantage is not an advantage at all.

Because what Lin Mu cultivates is not the Dao of this world, what Lin Mu cultivates is the Three Thousand Ways, and the Three Thousand Ways are the same no matter in that world.The way of heaven is composed of three thousand avenues.In fact, it is the same reason that trees cannot use their natural imperial energy.Lin Shu will condense his strongest way of heaven, and will also condense the strongest imperial spirit that suits him.

But this blood color still puts great pressure on Lin Mu, and this pressure makes Lin Mu feel as if his soul has been pulled away.


The man sitting on top of the monster pointed his spear forward, ready to smash Lin Shu's soul into pieces.

He thought he would win this time, he thought that this time, he would definitely be able to kill Lin Shu.

But when the bloody spear attacked the forest.Lin Mu made a sudden move, grabbing the bloody spear that was thrusting towards him.


Lin Mu's palm firmly held the Scarlet War Spear, and the Peerless Holy Body played to the extreme at this moment, firmly controlling the Scarlet War Spear.

"You... how did you do it?" He couldn't believe that Lin Mu was able to grab his bloody spear.

This doesn't fit the plot, it's in his preset plot.Lin Shu should be killed by himself, and his soul will be crushed by himself.

But how did Lin Mu do it? He was not under his control.

"It seems that you are really not good. If that's the case, then come down for me." Lin Mu's arm exerted strength, and then directly overturned the person sitting on it.


He was picked up by Lin Mu with one hand, and he found that he couldn't resist Lin Mu's strength.

"Witch God Body Refining Technique. You actually learned the Witch God Body Refining Technique."

It is said that the witch god body refining technique is the body refining method of that world.Moreover, it is the supreme body training method in that world. As for how he came to this world, no one knows the reason, nor is it clear who brought him.

That world once waged a war against the world of trees because of the witch god's body training technique.But in the end, they still couldn't find it, and then the matter disappeared.

But he never expected that Lin Mu would have learned the "Sorcerer God Body Refining Technique" and had already cultivated it to such a proficient level.


He made a move, a volley slash, and Dao Ze's chains formed Dao Ze Tianren, and he slashed towards the trees.


Lin Mu raised his hand, and the Three Thousand Avenues rotated, forming a shield, and then pressed towards it.


The shield collided with Tianren, and there was a violent collision, and the thunder spread thousands of miles, as if the sky was split.

"You... gathered your own way of heaven!" Seeing Lin Mu's attack, this genius from another world was shocked again.

"Don't be surprised, there are still many things you don't know." Lin Mu grinned, and then suddenly exerted force with his arm, directly piercing the bloody spear into his body.

Although the gun was pointed, it still pierced his body.Nailed his body firmly in the void.

(End of this chapter)

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