Supreme Chef

Chapter 1881

Chapter 1881

The people outside are preparing to enter, while Lin Mu is in a cold pool that is emitting fierce sword energy, absorbing the Dao Seed and preparing to hit the peak of Xianjun.

The three different Dao species trees did not move, and the three Dao species given by the nanny had very strange origins.

A stone with golden blood sealed inside, a small flower with the blood of a divine beast, and a sky fire.

The origins of these three different Dao species must be very mysterious. It is a pity that they were used by themselves. It is better to leave it to Gu Xuan and the others, and let them use it to prove the Dao.

In the cold pool, the sword energy was terribly messy, which was Lin Shu's unparalleled holy body.Otherwise, if you change someone, you will definitely be cut to pieces.

Of the six first-class Dao species in front of Lin Mu, there were no more than two.And the way of the trees became more and more solid.

This is the most important step in becoming an Immortal Emperor, Lin Mu dare not be careless.

What's more, his Immortal Emperor is destined to be different from others, how dare Lin Mu be careless.


Suddenly, all the immortal essence in Lin Mu's body boiled.Endless dao patterns poured into Lin Shu's body, leaving a deep imprint on Lin Shu's origin.

Then, the self-contained Dao of Heaven in Lin Mu's body began to circulate, turning all the Dao patterns into the Dao foundation, and finally became Lin Mu's own unique Dao chain.

The chains of Dao in Lin Mu's body have become more and more cohesive, and the prototype of the Three Thousand Dao has been formed for the most part.

As long as the rudiments of the Three Thousand Ways all appear, Lin Shu will reach the peak of the Immortal Monarch, and he can further attack the Immortal Emperor.

Just when there was only one first-class dao seed left, and Lin Shu's cultivation was almost at its peak, someone outside the cold pool suddenly made a move, grabbing down the first-class dao seed that Lin Shu was absorbing.

"court death!"

Being interrupted at such a time, Lin Mu was really angry.


Lin Mu manipulated the sword energy in the cold pool, turned into a silver dragon, and stabbed at the big hand that had been caught.


The big hand was shattered, and the silver dragon rushed out of the cold pool directly.He killed the person who attacked Lin Nu.

The five people outside were also slightly taken aback when they saw someone fighting back in the cold pool.

"I didn't expect there to be people under this cold pool. It's really interesting." The speaker's face was like a jade crown, and the jade Taoist robe on his body was even more eye-catching.

Although this Taoist robe is flawed, the power of Taoism is condensed on it, and the vicissitudes of life are daunting.Obviously this is not an ordinary product, and the age is probably even more frighteningly old.


He shot directly, grabbed the dragon's head directly, and then twisted it lightly, with a scream, the dragon's head burst into pieces, and the dragon's body also collapsed.

"With such little ability, it's really ridiculous not to take the initiative to donate the Dao Seed." The person next to him said contemptuously.

"Brother Zhan, looking at the fluctuations below the cold pool, it should be a first-class dao seed. We can find such a dao seed just after entering. It seems that we are lucky this time. Maybe we can really find the world tree here. .” Another person said flatteringly.

"It's useless for me to ask for this first-class dao seed. I will get it for you later, and you can distribute it yourself." Brother Zhan said to the four people who followed him.

Hearing this, the four of them were immediately overjoyed, and then said respectfully: "Thank you, Senior Brother Zhan."

One of them was the most radical, saying: "Senior Brother Zhan, I think the person below should be a disciple of the Supreme Academy. You don't need Brother Zhan, I just capture him."

Brother Zhan nodded, while the other three regretted it.Such a big advantage was taken by him.From this point of view, this first-class Dao Seed will definitely belong to him.

He was also proud of his wit, he glanced at the three of them proudly, and then made a decisive move.


When the big hand reached out, the big khaki hand directly grabbed into the cold pool.

It was like entering a hornet's nest at this moment, and the sword energy suddenly boiled.

However, the person who made the move still has some skills.Although such a direct intrusion, the sword energy couldn't hurt his phantom hand at all.

The big hand went all the way down, directly to the bottom, and grabbed the trees.

Being interrupted again, Lin Mu was really angry.

"I don't know how to advance or retreat!"

Lin Mu grabbed directly, put away the Dao Seed, and then kept pointing out, a sword energy burst out directly.

This is the invincible sword intent, just one sword, the cold pool was split into two halves, and all the sword energy knelt down.


The sword energy passed through the palm, and in just an instant, the palm was completely shattered.

The palm exploded, and at the same time, this sword intent also counterattacked.



It was the sound of bones breaking, and the arm of the person who made the shot shattered and turned into blood mist.


A scream attracted the attention of the four of them.

Seeing the follower whose arm was shattered, Senior Brother Zhan's eyes also froze slightly.

But it's not dignified, but a little angry.He dared to move his followers, he simply didn't want to live.

"Senior Brother Zhan, take revenge for me!" The person whose arm was shattered also had a kind of blind trust in Senior Brother Zhan, and he didn't believe that the person who hurt him could hurt Senior Brother Zhan.

"The people at the bottom of the pool come out and die!"

Senior Brother Zhan uttered a voice, which directly turned into an infinite fighting spirit, and all the water in the cold pool was oppressed and evaporated.

With just one sentence, Hantan was destroyed. This kind of strength made Lin Mu vigilant.

The cold pool has disappeared, Lin Shu also flew out of the cold pool, and came to the opposite of Senior Brother Zhan and the others.

Looking at the clothes on Senior Brother Zhan and the others, Lin Mu frowned and said, "Aren't you from the Supreme Academy?"

Hearing Lin Mu's words, someone immediately stood up and responded with disdain: "Supreme Academy, how can it be the place where we are waiting for training. We are from Tiangong!"

Hearing this, Lin Mu frowned again, and said to himself, "Tiangong? People from Tiangong, how come here?"

"Your college is in great turmoil, so naturally your dean begged us to come here." Someone said again without shame.

"I don't know how faceless I am. I've seen people who are shameless. I haven't seen someone who is more shameless than you. Are all the shameless things like you coming out of your Tiangong?" Enough of the fire, and now I have encountered such a strange thing, it's no wonder that Lin Mu is not angry.

"What did you say! Try saying it again!" Being humiliated by Lin Mu, the people from Tiangong were really angry.

Who are they? They are disciples in the Heavenly Palace.Leaving Tiangong, wherever they went, they were not regarded as honored guests, but now they are so humiliated by Lin Shu.It's no wonder they could endure such humiliation.

"If you ask me to say it again, I will say it again. You are already so shameless, and you want to drag me into the water. Shall I be shameless with you? Your Tiangong's intentions are too sinister. Shameless yourself , I just want the whole world to be shameless with you." When it comes to quarrels, the people on the opposite side are tied up, and they are not Lin Mu's opponents.

Brother Zhan's expression was also very ugly. Lin Mu's words were too much and made him angry.

"Do you know the consequences of what you said?" Brother Zhan's tone was cold, and the fighting spirit in his body was already burning again.

(End of this chapter)

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