Supreme Chef

Chapter 1882 Battle Qi Jue [Part [-]]

Chapter 1882 Battle Qi Jue [Part [-]]

Lin Mu looked at the imperial spirit full of fighting spirit, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said, "A member of the Zhan family?"

Seeing that Lin Mu recognized his identity as Senior Brother Zhan, those followers all said very proudly: "I didn't expect you to have some knowledge, knowing that Senior Brother Zhan is the descendant of Zhan Zun. If that's the case, why don't you be obedient?" Hand over the dao seed."

Among the supreme beings of ancient times, it is really difficult to say who is the most powerful.But if you want to say who is the best fighter, it must be Zhan Zun.

Zhan Zun takes Zhan as his surname, from the bottom of the monks to the supreme, it is a bloody battle all the way.

It's not just that others are looking for him, even when there is no war, he will take the initiative to find others.

Zhan Zun has experienced countless battles in his life, and his self-created "Battle Qi Jue" is known as the number one battle qi technique in the past and present.

People from the Zhan family have the blood of Zhan Zun, so they are naturally equally warlike.

Lin Mu also felt very speechless looking at these people who felt so good about themselves.

How could there be so many ignorant people in this world.The threat from the other world is right in front of them, and it is a miracle that they can still feel good about themselves.

"Didn't you hear what I said, kid? Seeing the descendants of Zhan Zun, if you don't obediently offer your Dao seed, you can still save your life!" The follower roared out of embarrassment without waiting for Lin Mu's answer.

Lin Mu shook his head and said: "Zhan Zun is indeed worthy of admiration, but his juniors are so unbearable, it is really disappointing."

"What are you talking about, you dare to insult the reputation of the ancestors, you are looking for death!" Brother Zhan was furious when he heard Lin Mu's words.

Because of the fury of the fighting spirit on his body, it burned even more intensely, like a little sun, causing the followers around him to retreat.

"Come on, let me see if there is anything I can learn from the "Battle Qi Jue" created by Zhan Zun." Lin Mu said softly.

Seeing Lin Mu's contempt, Brother Zhan became even more furious.


Senior Brother Zhan let out a loud roar, and the boundless fighting intent came out of his mouth directly, turning into the supreme fighting spirit knife, splitting the sky, and directly cutting towards the trees.

The battle here naturally attracted the attention of many people.

"There should be that lunatic from the Zhan family making a move, right? Who did he meet that deserved his attack?" A handsome man who made women jealous looked at the direction where the Zhan Qi knife erupted and said softly.

"Who knows, the members of the Zhan family are a bunch of warlike lunatics, anyone is worthy of his shot." Another person, with a blue complexion, said like a person with a birthmark on his face.

"However, the things worthy of his shot should not be mortal things. Let's go and have a look. Besides, they are also from Tiangong. If he loses, our Tiangong's face will not be very good." The handsome man said.

"That's right, then let's go and take a look. By the way, we can see what kind of goods are there in the Supreme Academy. Isn't it said that some strong people have come?" in the eyes.

The two set off to go, and Zhan Tai's father's people also set off to have a look.

Although their elders tell them, be careful.But after all, they are young people, who is not arrogant.What's more, the Supreme Academy, except for a few powerful figures who have appeared over the years, has been suppressed by them and has never turned over.

Especially after the rise of Supreme, Supreme Academy, a college with a long history, declined even more.

This kind of psychological advantage makes them look down on the disciples of the Supreme Academy very much.So although there were warnings from the elders, they still didn't take it too seriously.


The battle spirit sky knife fell like a real moat, the sky was torn apart, and all the scenery was shattered and turned into fly ash.

The origin of the small world is mysterious. Although it was a gift from the Supreme, it was not created by the Supreme. The space inside is extremely stable and difficult to be destroyed.

But it is absolutely astonishing that Senior Brother Zhan's outburst of fighting spirit caused such damage.

This kind of attack also made Lin Mu's heart tremble.

Being able to use the fighting spirit to such a peak level.The "Battle Qi Jue" created by Zhan Zun really deserves the title of number one in the world throughout the ages.

Lin Mu made a move, and his fingers were like swords, and the peerless sword intent surged out, sweeping up directly.

In the battlefield of gods and demons, the combination of trees and the ancient sword has mastered all the sword energy, and the power of the sword energy at this time is even stronger than before.

"This is Sword Master's peerless sword intent!"

Zhan Zun's followers couldn't help but change their colors when they saw Lin Mu's invincible sword energy.

Although Lin Mu knew that the origin of the sword energy was very powerful, he really didn't know that it was actually cast by the sword master back then.

Brother Zhan was also a little surprised when he saw Lin Mu's sword energy.

However, he is from the Zhan Clan, and in the Zhan Clan's dictionary, there are no such words as flinch and fear.


There was a devastating collision between the fighting spirit sky knife and the peerless sword energy, and the space in the small world was torn apart.The rolling hills under the two people's feet completely turned into steam in an instant.

The four following people all quickly retreated.However, it was still half a step too late, the four of them were all impacted and coughed up blood.

And the two people who are dare to come to Tiangong feel such a violent fluctuation, and they can't help but change slightly.

"Sword Master's peerless sword energy, could it be that this lunatic is fighting with his own people?" said the handsome man.

The green-faced man said: "Probably not. This sword energy lacks sword intent, it's just a simple imitation of the way of the sword, which is different from the ones of the Jianzun family. But I really didn't expect that there are such characters in the Supreme Academy." , now it seems that it will not be too boring. It will not kill, it is meaningless."

The handsome man also opened his fan and smiled, saying: "That's true. If there is not even a decent obstacle, then what's the point of us coming here. The World Tree doesn't know where it is yet. If it's still so boring, why don't we come here?" Go back to practice."

The people in Tiangong are so proud, and each of them has a terrifying background, so they really don't pay attention to the people from the Supreme Academy.

The two walked forward quickly, both wanting to see what kind of existence this person in the Supreme Academy is.See if this person is worth their shot, at least so that their journey will not become too boring.


The first collision between Lin Mu and Brother Zhan came to an end, and the places where the two stood remained intact.

Brother Zhan looked at Lin Mu with no fear in his eyes, some of them were still contemptuous and mocking.

"I didn't expect that there were people like you in the Supreme Academy. It seems that I underestimated the Supreme Academy, and it was able to withstand my fighting spirit. But I don't know, I can't use the real "Battle Qi Jue" I know, can you accept it." Brother Zhan said contemptuously.

(End of this chapter)

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