Supreme Chef

Chapter 1883 Battle Qi Jue [Part [-]]

Chapter 1883 Battle Qi Jue [Part [-]]

Lin Mu didn't know where his self-confidence came from, who was so crazy as Senior Brother Zhan.

Is it because of his blood?

However, the news revealed by Senior Brother Zhan did shake Lin Mu slightly.

What Senior Brother Zhan used just now was not "Battle Qi Jue".

Just when Senior Brother Zhan was gaining momentum and was about to strike again.

The handsome man and the green-faced man have also arrived at this original cold pool.

The green-faced man looked at Lin Mu standing opposite Senior Brother Zhan, with contempt showing on his face, and said, "This madman is getting worse and worse. He is competing with a late-stage Xianjun, and he hasn't been dealt with yet. If outsiders know about this, I am afraid they will look down on the people in our Heavenly Palace."

The blue-faced man's voice was undisguised, not only for Zhan Crazy, but also for Lin Mu.

In addition to the two green-faced people, people from Zhan Tai's family also arrived, and at the same time, some people from the Supreme Academy also arrived.

Hearing that people from Tiangong despise their academy so much, all the disciples of these people's academy turned pale.

The handsome man looked at the blue-faced disciples of the Supreme Academy on the opposite side, with a contemptuous smile on his face, and said, "What do you say, do you still feel unconvinced? If you are not convinced, you can do it now? Let me Let's see if any decent people have appeared in the Supreme Academy these years."

"What's so great about Tiangong." In the Supreme Academy, someone whispered.


The handsome man made a move directly, dragging out the person who spoke.

The person who was picked out by the handsome man didn't even have the ability to struggle and resist. Although he was already struggling hard, it was completely ineffective.

The handsome man looked at the speaker and said, "That's why Tiangong is so amazing."

After finishing speaking, the handsome man went straight to his hands and crushed the person he caught.

A breeze blew by, and the disciple of the Supreme Academy who spoke just now did not leave even a trace.

The handsome man looked down at the disciples of the Supreme Academy, and said: "If there are still some of you who feel dissatisfied, you can stand up and challenge at any time, and I welcome the challenge."

The people of the Supreme Academy, seeing such a scene, all secretly clenched their fists.

But the handsome man is too strong, except Lin Mu and other peerless geniuses in the academy, there is really no one who is their opponent.

"Why do you think he is strong? Zhan Crazy and they think he is very strong. If you can't solve it, let me take action. Such a waste, it is a waste of time. It seems that the Zhan Clan will start to decline since you." Junmei The man said contemptuously.

Before the war lunatic got angry, Lin Mu had already opened his mouth and said, "In terms of time, the Supreme Academy is much older than Tiangong. In terms of generations, the Supreme Academy is the elder of Tiangong. I really want to know who gave you this courage. Let you be so shameless. If you want to die first, I can help you."

For this kind of thing, Lin Mu actually looks very lightly.If you insult the people in the academy without involving yourself, then Lin Mu really won't mind, after all, he wasn't talking about himself.

But if you are mean, if you insist on accusing me, then you are courting your own death.

Seeing Lin Mu speak, all the people in the Supreme Academy were very excited.Although they are unwilling to admit that Lin Mu is an outlier, Lin Mu is a real deal, and he is one of the top experts in the Supreme Academy.

Now in the entire academy, there are probably less than one person who can fight against Lin Mu.

Hearing Lin Mu's ridicule, the handsome man's expression changed immediately.

"Are you provoking the majesty of Tiangong?" The handsome man said with a cold face.

Lin Mu sneered, and said: "The majesty of Tiangong? Do you think you stinky fish and rotten shrimps can represent Tiangong? If you think you can represent Tiangong, I'd like to step on it. You represent Tiangong. Dog face."

Zhan Crazy and several people from Tiangong were all angry when they heard Lin Mu's words.

"Since you want to never be reincarnated, then we will fulfill you. Crazy Zhan, can you do it?" The handsome man said with a bewitching smile on his face.

Anyone who knows him well knows that when he smiles like this, it means that he is really angry.

Crazy Zhan said: "It's not your turn to deal with such a bug."

After finishing speaking, Zhan Crazy directly cut off the fiercest offensive.

All the fighting spirit on his body boiled.

The fighting spirit formed a battle armor full of barbs and thorns, and the battle armor and the jade suit on his body echoed each other from afar.It emitted a blue chaotic color, distorting the void.

"The battle suit on his body, could it be the ancient gold and jade battle suit!" On the side of the Supreme Academy, a veteran disciple said with a changed face and shocked.

"I didn't expect that there are people with some knowledge?" The green-faced man looked at the Supreme Academy and said mockingly.

Hearing the words "Golden Jade Battlesuit", the faces of the people at the Supreme Academy all changed.

The gold and jade battle suit had a great reputation in ancient times, and it was one of the few powerful magic weapons that Qi Zun personally refined back then.

The gold and jade battle clothes back then were truly famous for a while.When it first appeared, Qi Zun asked him to put it on for an experiment with only the Taoist boy who had only earth immortals.

As a result, that Daotong, relying on the gold and jade battle suit, directly defeated a fairy.

Since then, the gold and jade battle suit became famous, and then the ancient times were destroyed, and the gold and jade battle suit disappeared.

Unexpectedly, after such a long time, such heaven-defying treasures as the gold and jade battle clothes would reappear in the world again.And it still fell into the hands of the Zhan Clan, and it was still in the hands of the geniuses of the Zhan Clan.

The genius of the Zhan clan, combined with the gold and jade battle suit, I am afraid that Lin Mu is really in danger.

"The background of the Supreme family is really terrifying." The people from the Supreme Academy expressed emotion.

Lin Mu has long felt that this gold and jade battle suit is extraordinary, and now that the war lunatic is using it, Lin Mu feels its extraordinaryness even more.


The war lunatic moved, and launched the fiercest attack, and the void was shattered all of a sudden.All the scenery turned into steam in an instant.


Lin Mu threw out the same punch, which was a head-on shock to Zhan Crazy.

The two were deadlocked in the void, and the mountains below the small world were destroyed in pieces, all directly gasified.

At this moment, even if there is a powerful self-healing ability in the small world, it is too late to recover.

The two of them were too strong, beyond what the small world could bear.

The two were in a stalemate like this, breath after breath.

Such a situation caused slight changes in the expressions of the handsome man and the blue-faced man.

They know Zhan Crazy, they have played against each other countless times.They are still clear about the strength of Zhanlunzi.

But at this time, Zhan Crazy used the gold and jade battle clothes, but he couldn't take down Lin Mu at once. From this point of view, Lin Mu really has some skills.

Crazy Zhan didn't expect Lin Mu to be able to stand in a stalemate with him, and he also felt a deep humiliation.

People like Lin Mu should have been blasted by him with a single punch. How could they be in a stalemate with him? This is definitely a humiliation.

(End of this chapter)

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