Supreme Chef

Chapter 1884 Battle Qi Jue [Part [-]]

Chapter 1884 Battle Qi Jue [Part [-]]

Crazy Zhan didn't even think about it, he just exhaled and said, "Zhan!"

With a roar, he directly condensed the chains of order and rushed towards the forest, trying to tear the forest apart on the spot.

However, Lin Mu was not given in vain. Lin Mu's celestial essence circulated, and he also spit out the sound of Dao.


Dao sounds collided, and the sound waves were like thunder, shattering the already broken and shapeless space around it dozens of times again.

The onlookers were all a little dumbfounded.

Especially those from Tiangong and Zhantai's family, they really did not expect that Lin Shu would be so strong.

The contempt on their faces has been replaced by a trace of solemnity.

Seeing that he couldn't take down the forest like this, Zhan Crazy really went crazy.

What Lin Mu has done now is definitely a huge shame for him.

The madman's eyes were completely red, and the fighting spirit on his body was also filled with blood.


Zhan Crazy exhaled again, but this time there was no burst of sound.

Instead, all the thorns on the golden and jade armor of the Zhanlunzi shot towards Lin Mubiao.

Lin Mu directly activated his domain, and used his domain to block the attack.

"Ding Ding Dang Dang!" There was a flurry of noises, and the attack of the war lunatic was once again blocked by the trees.

He was attacked twice by the war lunatic, and Lin Mu had more or less figured out what he was up to.Of course, the most important thing is that Lin Mu has no habit of being beaten passively.

Lin Mu sneered and said, "It's my turn."

Before Zhan Fengzi understood what Lin Mu meant, he felt a force so huge that he couldn't resist, rushing into his limbs and bones.

This power is different from his fighting spirit, but this power is amazing.In front of this force, his own fighting spirit is not worth mentioning at all.One's own fighting spirit will be destroyed by this power.

Fighting Lin Shu in close quarters is definitely a choice only a fool would have.


Zhan Crazy directly threw up a mouthful of blood, and then flew out with his body leaning back.

"Brother Zhan!"

Seeing that the war lunatic was blown away, the four followers all panicked.

At the same time, the complexions of the handsome man and the blue-faced man couldn't help but change simultaneously.

"Peerless body!"

The faces of Zhan Tai's family changed slightly.

The Peerless Eucharist has always been a miracle.Even among the supreme, few people have it.

"I didn't expect that there was a Peerless Holy Body in the Supreme Academy. It seems that Zhanlunatic will be in trouble this time." The handsome man quickly calmed down.

And judging from his tone, it seems that the unparalleled holy body he saw was not just Lin Mu.

After the madman was sent flying, after a short period of shock, he also regained his composure.

The war lunatic looked at the trees, the fighting spirit and anger in his eyes were all burning.

But at this time, the tone and mood of Zhanlunzi are much calmer than before.

This is the so-called extremes must be reversed. Zhan Zun's "Battle Qi Jue" does not turn people into a demon king who knows how to kill.

"Battle Qi Jue" works to the extreme, which can make people's minds sober and make the most accurate judgments.

If this level cannot be achieved, "Battle Qi Jue" will not be worthy of the title of number one in the world throughout the ages.

"I didn't expect you to be the Unparalleled Holy Physique, but if I kill you, no one will say that I am a bully." Zhan Fengzi's tone was cold and calm.

Lin Mu looked at the madman Zhan, really depressed.

"Who gave you the confidence, but your appearance really makes me very uncomfortable." Lin Mu looked at Zhan Crazy and said.

There was an evil smile on the corner of Zhanlunzi's mouth, and said: "In this case, then we will only leave one."

This time, Crazy Zhan directly formed seals with both hands, forming a strange formula.

Obviously, this time, Madman Zhanzi is really using "Battle Qi Jue".

Lin Mu saw the seal of the Zhanlunzi, and also clearly felt the changes in the surroundings.

At this moment, everyone's fighting spirit seemed to be attracted by the madman.

The imperial aura on Zhanlunzi began to transform, turning into pure fighting aura.


Finally, the fighting spirit on Zhanlunzi's body condensed to a very terrifying level.

All of a sudden, the world was overwhelmed by his fighting spirit, and at this moment, the war lunatic was like a king of war, looking down on everything in the world.

No matter what it is at this moment, in the eyes of Zhan Crazy, it is a soldier he can use.


As soon as the war lunatic waved his hand, as soon as he hung the galaxy, he directly smashed towards the trees.

The stars in the small world are real stars.And if we really talk about hardness, the stars in the small world are at least two levels stronger than the ones outside.

If such a galaxy is thrown directly at it, even the Immortal Emperor may not get any benefits.

And that's not the end yet, when Crazy Zhan recruited him again, all the mountain peaks below turned into arrow feathers, and shot straight towards the trees.

This is the real dominance of "Battle Qi Jue", as long as it is fully displayed.That day, everything in the universe will be under the control of Zhan Crazy.Everything can be used as a weapon of the war lunatic, and everything must obey his dispatch and command.

Such an attack changed the color of the people in the Supreme Academy.

If such an attack falls on them, they believe that they will have no hope of living.

Facing such an attack, Lin Mu was equally cautious.

The Shadowless Knife appeared in Lin Mu's hand.


A white light appeared, and the Shadowless Knife blasted down directly.

The sixth sky-cracking slash landed with a bang, directly cutting the mountain peak and galaxy that was attacking the forest into two distinct halves.

The broken pieces in the middle are the fragments of the stars and the mountain peaks, which look very shocking.

"Splitting the Sky Nine Slashes. Unexpectedly, the cultivation technique of that world fell into his hands." The Nine Slashing Sky Slash performed by Lin Mu once again made Tiangong and Zhantai's family unable to calm down.

They all come from the oldest families, and they know far more secrets than ordinary people.

When it comes to the really powerful skills in that world, Sky Splitting Nine Slashes can definitely be ranked.

It's just that they don't know how the Sky Splitting Nine Slashes fell into Lin Shu's hands.

When Zhan Crazy saw Lin Shu's Sky Splitting Nine Slashes, he didn't talk nonsense, and directly shot consecutively.

Everything in the world has become his supreme soldier.

The crazy attack completely submerged the forest, and outsiders couldn't see clearly what was going on inside.

The Zhan Qi Jue was directly used to the extreme by Zhan Crazy, and at the same time, it also allowed the people of the Supreme Academy to see how overbearing the Zhan Qi Jue is.

Such an attack is really too terrifying.Under such an attack, they believed that with their strength, there was absolutely no possibility of surviving.At the same time, their hearts were also sweating for Lin Shu.

(End of this chapter)

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