Supreme Chef

Chapter 1885 The Invincible Potential

Chapter 1885 The Invincible Potential
The war lunatic controls everything in the world, turning them all into his strongest soldiers.

This is the scariest part of "Battle Qi Jue", the world is a soldier.

According to legend, the Zhan Zun back then directly used one world as a weapon to sweep the world.If the opponent's Dao ancestor didn't appear in the end, Zhan Zun would probably make the opponent suffer an unbearable loss by himself.

Although Zhan Crazy has not reached the level of Zhan Zun, it is still frightening to control the mountains and rivers in the small world as his own weapons.

The trees were completely submerged by the mountains and rivers, and the fighting spirit was like a sharp sky knife.The forest is completely buried, and outsiders can't even feel the breath of the forest.

This made people in the Supreme Academy no longer worry about whether Lin Mu was dead.


Just when everyone thought that Lin Shu was already dead, the most violent attack suddenly broke out from the center.

An epoch-making white light rushed out from the center, and where the white light passed, everything, mountains, rivers, and rivers were all shattered.

When this white light appeared, everyone's hearts trembled. They all felt that this did not appear in the small world, as if it appeared directly in their hearts.


Finally, someone couldn't bear it anymore and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

This is heartache, just a knife, and it has already hurt the heart before it is really in the body.

The faces of the two people in Tiangong were also very ugly.Especially the blue-faced man, his complexion became even greener.

The two members of Zhan Tai's family also had ugly faces.

"Splitting Sky Nine Slashes is so strong, I must get it!" the handsome man said with a firm tone and burning eyes.

"The sword skills in that world are indeed extraordinary. It is said that the Dao ancestors over there will be afraid of that last knife. It is indeed necessary to get it!" The blue-faced man also said.

When Madman Zhan saw the knife slashing towards him, his expression changed drastically, and he quickly used his hands to block it.


The white light bombarded Zhanlunzi's arm, and the fighting spirit and golden jade armor shone brightly to resist.

The fighting spirit was shattered, and the gold and jade armor was shaking, but it didn't shatter.After all, it was made by Supreme himself, and possesses unparalleled power.

Although the golden jade armor remained intact, the protected arms were directly shattered by the shock.


The war lunatic screamed, his body flew back, and he coughed up blood, obviously he had been severely injured.


The followers of Zhan Crazy, seeing Zhan Crazy flying back, all stepped forward to resist.

But as soon as they came into contact, all four of them coughed up blood, and the power left in Zhan Crazy's body was still not something they could resist.

The people on the side of the Supreme Academy have long been numb by Lin Shu's performance against the sky, and now they are not too surprised to see such a situation.

After all, Lin Mu is someone who can scare away even a vice president like Yuan Guan.

With a single slash, Lin Shu came out of the ruins step by step.

There is no dust on Lin Shu's body, not even a little bit of damage.

Holding the Shadowless Knife in his hand, like a true god descending from the sky, he just walked out of the ruins, making everyone feel insurmountable.

This is the real strong man, who does not belong to this world at all.

"I've developed such an invincible talent!" When they didn't see the trees, the blue-faced men could calm down a bit, but when they saw the trees, they couldn't be calm at all.

The handsome man's face also became ugly and dignified.

They didn't expect that Lin Shu was not injured at all, and he still walked out of the ruins with such an invincible momentum.

Even the few people in the Tiangong may not be able to resist the attack of the lunatic Zhan just as easily as Lin Mu.


Lin Mu shot again, with an understatement slashing across, making people feel no fluctuation of Xianyuan.

But such a knife made the madman's face change wildly.

The war lunatic burned his blood and escaped directly using the gold and jade armor.

However, his speed was still too slow. An invisible and silent saber energy passed by, cutting Zhan Crazy in half.At the same time, the lower half of the body was completely shattered under the action of the saber energy.

The remaining half of the body is also coughing up blood from the Department of Stomatology, and will die tragically at any time.

Crazy Zhan was really scared, he didn't expect Lin Mu to be so tough.

"If you dare to kill me, I am a member of the Zhan family, and my ancestors are supreme. If you dare to kill me, there will be no place for you in the sky and on the earth!" Crazy Zhan saw Lin Shu and wanted to make a move, and threatened loudly, The high-spiritedness just now was completely gone.

Lin Mu looked at the madman Zhan, and said in an understated tone: "Aren't you very high-spirited and invincible just now? Why are you using your family to suppress me now?"

Crazy Zhan felt his face was hot, and Crazy Zhan really felt ashamed after being slapped in the face like this.

But now face is not important, what is important now is his own life.To save face, you can wait for yourself to return to the family and invite the ancestors in the family to make decisions for yourself.This can also earn back face, but if Xiao Ming still has face now, it will be gone.

Zhan Crazy said: "My Zhan family is the supreme family, orthodox in the world, with unparalleled background, you dare to touch me. Even if you escape to another world, you will die for sure..."

Lin Mu waited until the war lunatic had finished speaking, and then said, "Have you finished? Have you finished introducing the history of the family?"

Crazy Zhan didn't know why Lin Shu was so calm.Because if it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that I have already worshiped myself at this time, how could I be so calm.

But Zhan Crazy still said: "Now you know how to be afraid, it's not too late."

Lin Mu laughed loudly, and said, "Afraid? You think too highly of yourself. Don't say that you are just one of the sons of the Zhan family. Even if you are the son of Zhan Zun, there is only one way to die!"


Everyone gasped when they heard Lin Mu's words.This Lin Mu is too domineering, even if the Supreme One's own heir, Lin Mu would dare to kill him.

"You dare to insult the Supreme, you are looking for death!" Zhan Fengzi said through gritted teeth.

Lin Mu said softly, "Then I will send you on your way first."

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu directly slashed over.

However, a phantom rushed out of Zhanlunzi's forehead, directly blocking Lin Shu's attack.

"The guardian mark left by a figure at the level of the ancestor of the Zhan family!" The person who also came from Tiangong said in shock when he saw the phantom that rushed out.

"It seems that Zhan Crazy is highly valued by the ancestors of the Zhan family. Is it really possible for him to complete the ultimate leap and become a battle body?" The blue-faced man asked solemnly.

The handsome man said: "Who can explain this clearly, the members of the Zhan family are a bunch of lunatics, who knows what lunatics can do."

Lin Shu's attack was blocked by the rushing phantom.

The phantom is not real, it should be projected from another plane.

"Boy, you have to be forgiving and proud. Forging a good relationship with the Zhan family will only benefit you, and there will be no harm." The ancestor-level figure of the Zhan family spoke very arrogantly.

(End of this chapter)

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