Supreme Chef

Chapter 1886 The Supreme Academy Cannot Be Humiliated【Part [-]】

Chapter 1886 The Supreme Academy Cannot Be Humiliated【Part [-]】

Lin Mu was very upset by the presence of this Zhan family patriarch and his arrogant attitude.

And Lin Mu also found out that the Zhan family couldn't recognize the situation at all.

Now they are asking themselves, not themselves asking them.Of course, this is a common problem of the so-called big families, not just the Zhan Family, but also the Emperor Sect back in the day.

However, Lin Mu is the kind of person who tyrannizes all kinds of dissatisfaction. Since they are dissatisfied, Lin Mu must let them obey.


Lin Mu didn't bother to argue with the ancestor of the Zhan family at all, so he just chopped him down with a single knife.

Seeing that Lin Mu was so tough, he directly fought against the ancestors of the Zhan family.All the people were shocked.

Lin Mu, is this crazy?
The Zhan family is the supreme family, and the Zhan family has swept across the universe for several eras.The Zhan family is even more powerful, and Lin Mu's unceremonious attack is really completely crazy.

The ancestor of the Zhan family was also completely enraged by Lin Mu's sudden attack.

"Little bastard, you're looking for death!" The ancestor of the Zhan family gritted his teeth, and then shot directly across the plane.

Although he made a move, the distance is too far after all, and there is more than just one plane apart.

Therefore, even if he has the means to reach the sky, when he gets here, he will discount it after discounting it.

But Lin Mu used all his strength in this attack, and he rushed to kill him.


The attacks of the two collided, and the projected images shook violently, as if even death might shatter.

Such a result shocked Lin Mu a bit.

The opponent is a bit too strong, Lin Mu has already used all his strength.But it didn't happen all at once, and the distance was cut, and the projections of countless planes were chopped to pieces.

Of course, the ancestor of the Zhan family was even more angry and shocked, Lin Mu actually shot him.And it was just a little bit close to chopping up his own projection.To him, this made him more angry than killing him directly.

"Little bastard, you're looking for death!" the ancestor of the Zhan family roared, gnashing his teeth.

Lin Mu didn't bother to talk nonsense with him at all, and continued to make strong shots.

Facing this kind of old monster, continuous strong shots are the kingly way.You can't give him a chance. Once you give this old monster a chance, it will be tantamount to cutting off your own way out.Lin Mu would not do such a stupid thing.


Lin Shu continued to throw out his swords, and the projection of the old monster became more and more illusory.

"Ah! Little beast, I must kill you!"

Finally, with a howl of shame and anger, the ancestor-level projection shook a few times, and then shattered.

This ending shocked everyone present.

Lin Mu actually beheaded an ancestor-level figure. Although it was just a projection, it was enough for Lin Mu to be proud and proud.After all, poor cultivation is not just one star.

Of course, the most important thing is that everyone admires Lin Mu's courage too much.This kind of ancestor level, a Gedai figure who has lived for many long and long years, Lin Mu dares to attack, it is really lawless.

After dealing with this person, Lin Mu looked directly at the lunatic Zhan, whose face was already pale and completely frightened.

With the ancestor being beheaded, Zhanlunzi had no hope at all.

Lin Mu doesn't even give face to people like his ancestors, so how could he give himself face.

"Lin Mu, I advise you to think twice. If you touch me, the Zhan family will definitely not let you go. The Zhan family still expects me to take the ultimate leap and complete the transformation of the battle body?" Zhan lunatic at this time I don't dare to be arrogant anymore, and my attitude of speaking has improved a lot.

But Lin Mu didn't intend to let him go at all. To let this kind of person go is to let the tiger go back to the mountain. Lin Mu is not that stupid.

"Do you think I might give you a chance to rise again, and then turn around and deal with you?" Lin Mu said calmly.

"But if you kill me now, you will definitely be hunted down mercilessly." Zhan Fengzi said while stepping back, he was really afraid that Lin Mu would kill him.

Lin Mu looked at the madman Zhan, and said: "It has been explained for a long time that life and death are fate. Do you think your Zhan family can get rid of this face? You also said that you may become a war body, not that you will definitely become a war body. You really value your status in the family too much."

Hearing Lin Mu's words, Zhan Crazy broke out in cold sweat.

What Lin Mu said could not be more obvious. No matter what Lin Mu said, he was planning to kill himself.

Lin Mu is really fundamental, so he has no intention of letting him go.

Crazy Zhan said: "You can say a condition, and see what I can do to save my life."

Lin Mu looked at Madman Zhan and said, "After you die, everything on your body is mine."

After a pause, Lin Mu said: "I think right now, you are still expecting someone to come in to save you, right? It's useless for you to delay like this. It is absolutely impossible for the two deans to agree."

Exactly as Lin Mu predicted, the people from the Zhan Family outside were already going to war with Gu Gonghe and Hong Dao.

"If you continue to stop me, you will become an enemy of my Zhan family!" The Zhan family threatened sternly.

Hongdao didn't retreat a step, and said: "This matter has already been explained. Everyone has a life and death. Since the skill is not as good as a person, then he will die if he dies. If you, as elders, still want to If you want to make trouble, it is blatantly breaking the rules. If this matter gets out, aren't you afraid of being ridiculed by the world?"

Hongdao's every word is too vicious.

Hong Dao's words made him really unable to refute.But the life of Zhanlunzi must be saved.

"Vice President Hong, we have given you enough face. If you still don't agree, then I'm afraid this matter can't be resolved." The elder of the Zhan family threatened in a low voice.

The voice was lowered, and the person representing the Zhan family was ready to fight.This is the characteristic of the Zhan family. The more concentrated the fighting spirit is, the clearer the mind will be.His thoughts became clearer and clearer, and he would never lose his mind.

Hearing this, Gu Gong snorted coldly and said, "Why do you bully our Supreme Academy like this? Let me tell you, I am not dead yet, and the guardian of the academy is not dead yet."

"If you dare to buy or sell goods here, I promise you won't be able to get out of this mountain." Gugong is the best at doing things like this.

At the same time, Gugong's fighting power is also feared by people from all over the world.

Few people don't know that Gu Gong, the number one master of the Supreme Academy, belongs to this person.

Hearing Gu Gong's words, the members of the Zhan family couldn't help but hesitate.

When Gu Gong saw this, he also shouted decisively: "If you are going to bully our Supreme Academy, then even if I, Gu Gong, risk my life, I will make this person pay the blood price. I, Gu Gong, will do what I say! "

(End of this chapter)

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