Supreme Chef

Chapter 1887 The Supreme Academy Cannot Be Humiliated [Part [-]]

Chapter 1887 The Supreme Academy Cannot Be Humiliated [Part [-]]

Gu Gong's attitude shocked everyone.

Gu Gong is one of the truly powerful masters in the world.Among the Universal World, even those real old monsters are very afraid.

"If someone from the Zhan family dies inside, can you afford the responsibility?"

Hongdao snorted coldly, and said: "The disciples of the college died inside, did I make you responsible? Life and death are fate, and skills are not as good as people."

The elders of the Zhan family heard Hongdao's words, and said three words of 'good', and said: "In this case, I hope you will remember your words. When the real competition begins, don't blame me for being merciless." .”

Hongdao said: "I never thought about letting anyone show mercy."

Hong Dao and Gu Gong had already expressed their attitudes, and the members of the Zhan family could only return to their positions angrily.At the same time, he also understood that Zhanlunzi must be unlucky this time.

In the small world, the war lunatic who had been talking nonsense for a long time, did not wait for the rescue he imagined, and knew that it was impossible for anyone to save him, and he had to rely on himself.


The war lunatic erupted suddenly, half of his body burst into flames, and the storm of battle aura swept everything directly, and the entire space boiled up.

Whether it's mountains, rivers, or air particles, they all become sharp weapons for the war lunatics to attack.

The sudden outburst of the war lunatic surprised everyone.

But when they saw Zhan Crazy's body getting smaller and smaller, everyone understood that Zhan Crazy was really fighting to the death.

But the madman's idea was good, but the result was very cruel.

The Speed ​​Dao appeared directly under Lin Shu's feet, his body passed through a golden light in the air, and appeared directly in front of Zhan Crazy.


Lin Shu fell with a knife, splitting Zhanlunzi in two, and his body was completely shattered at the same time.

But just when Lin Mu was about to strangle his spirit, the gold and jade armor suddenly glowed, blocking Lin Mu's attack, and the spirit that wrapped Zhan Crazy was about to leave the small world.

"I expected it a long time ago, let me see where you are going." Lin Mu snorted coldly, and then expanded his domain directly.


Jin Yujiayi collided with the forest field and was bounced back to the original place.

Lin Mu had expected it a long time ago, and knew that this guy was not so easy to kill.So it has already been done, and it is fully prepared.


Lin Mu made a decisive move, and the Chaos Fire burned out.


Under the chaotic flames, the lunatic Zhan let out a scream, and before he even had time to curse, he was already burned to ashes.

In the outside world, the Zhan family members who felt the shattered Jade Slip of the Crazy Zhanzi stood up angrily again.

Originally they thought that Jin Yujiayi would be able to hold Mad Zhan to his life, but now they realized that they were wrong.

"You are playing with fire. Your disciples, if you kill someone from the supreme family, you will be waiting to bear the wrath of Tiangong." The elder of the Zhan family said to Hongdao and Gu Gong with his eyes almost spitting fire.

Hongdao said coldly: "Can your Zhan family represent Tiangong? If your Zhan family can represent Tiangong, I, Supreme Academy, have no fear!"

Although the Supreme Academy is not as brilliant as Tiangong, the Supreme Academy is still not afraid of any forces.

Both sides are at war, while others are watching.

At a time like this, no one is willing to really fight. After all, the real threat has already appeared. Now fighting is tantamount to internal friction, which is not worth it.

Lin Mu didn't have such awareness at all, so he directly took the gold and jade armor, and looked at the gold and jade armor that lacked some jade pieces, Lin Mu also felt its extraordinaryness more clearly.

"Leave it to me obediently." Jin Yu Jiayi was about to run away, but Lin Mu shot directly and sealed Jiayi.

At the same time, Lin Mu used chaotic fire to refine the gold and jade armor, and Lin Mu didn't believe that the brand of spirit and spirit on it could not be erased.

After finishing the battle madman, Lin Mu also looked at the handsome man and the blue-faced man with an uneasy expression.

"Aren't you two awesome just now? Why is there no sound now? Do you need me to take the initiative?" Every word of Lin Mu was like a sharp sword, piercing the hearts of the two of them.

Lin Mu's performance was too strong, which made them really afraid.

"Thinking that by killing a war lunatic, you can challenge the majesty of the Heavenly Palace, what an idiot!" said the blue-faced man.

Lin Mudao: "Whether I can challenge the majesty of Tiangong is my own business. But being able to kill you is enough for me."

"you wanna die!"

The blue-faced man and the handsome man shouted angrily at the same time, Lin Mu's attitude really made them angry.

"It seems that Tiangong will lose face this time." The person from Zhan Tai's family on the other side said.

Zhan Tai's family doesn't have a good impression of Tiangong, so if they can suppress it, they will not be polite.

"What are you two talking about, is this what Zhan Tai's family taught you?" the blue-faced man roared angrily.

Hearing this, Lin Mu turned to look at the two people over there, and said, "Are you from Zhan Tai's family?"

The two nodded proudly and said: "Exactly. Why have you heard of our Zhantai family, do you want to join? The Zhantai family welcomes a strong man like you very much. If you are willing to join, we are willing to help you to deal with this situation." People from two heavenly palaces."

"Have you finished talking nonsense?" Lin Mu said calmly.

The two members of Zhantai's family were stunned for a moment, and then said angrily, "What did you say!"

Lin Mu said: "Are you deaf? Could it be that you can't hear what I say?"

The people of the Supreme Academy have been completely numb.I don't know what Lin Mu is going to do. Offending a Tiangong is not enough, but also offending Zhan Tai's family. Does Lin Mu really feel that he has too few enemies?
Of course, they didn't know that Lin Mu didn't have a good impression of Zhan Tai's family when he was in the cultivation world.

Zhan Tai's family had deceived the ancestors of the mermaid clan back then, and the ancestors of the mermaid clan were kind to Lin Mu, so Lin Mu could not be ungrateful.And when they were in the realm of self-cultivation, Zhan Tai's family did not let Lin Mu go. They hunted and killed Lin Mu, and this kind of enmity could not be resolved.

The two people in Tiangong, when they heard Lin Mu's words, they said mockingly: "Why are you sticking your hot face on your cold butt? It seems that your Zhantai family's reputation is only mediocre."

Lin Mu said: "Is the name of your Tiangong already mediocre?"

"Lin Mu, you are courting death!"

This time, the four of them were furious at the same time, Lin Mu was really too rampant.

Lin Mu moved his hands and feet and said with ease, "Stop talking nonsense, the four of you go together, or find the stronger one among you."

"It takes four people to deal with you, and I can kill you by myself!" A member of Zhan Tai's family came out, looked at Lin Mu and said.

They are all from the Heavenly Palace and the aristocratic family, if four people besieged one person, then they would not have to live.

And even though Lin Mu showed incredible fighting power, they still had the confidence to kill Lin Mu.

(End of this chapter)

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