Supreme Chef

Chapter 1888 Another Half World Tree

Chapter 1888 The Other Half of the World Tree
Seeing the person coming out of Zhan Tai's family, Lin Mu didn't even bother to take a look, and punched directly.

A Wu Sheng fist, enveloping the power of heaven and earth, directly aimed at the people of Zhan Tai's family and oppressed it.

The members of Zhan Tai's family didn't expect that Lin Mu's Wusheng fist had such unimaginable power, and their faces changed completely immediately.

The faces of the remaining three people were also very ugly.

Apparently they could see that Lin Mu didn't use his full strength when confronting Zhan Crazy.But with reservations.

Such a discovery made them feel their faces became even hotter.

Of course, Lin Mu is not trying to pretend to be thirteen, Lin Mu is not so boring.It's just that Lin Mu wants to see if the "Battle Qi Jue" can be used as a reference for him, otherwise, if he uses his unique skills as soon as he comes up, how can he see the "Battle Qi Jue".

Although the faces of Zhan Tai's family were a bit ugly, he still had to resist Lin Mu's attack with all his strength.

The members of Zhan Tai's family made seals with their hands, and a big black fish appeared behind him.

This is the unique skill of the ancestor of the mermaid clan, but if the ancestor of the mermaid clan uses it, it is just a mermaid.In the hands of Zhantai's family, it became like this.If the ancestors of the mermaids saw it, they would probably go crazy.

The big black fish slapped its tail, and directly collided with the rolling storm.

In just an instant, the fish tail was completely shattered.


The members of Zhan Tai's family spat out a mouthful of blood, staggered back, and the big black fish completely disappeared.

Lin Mu looked at this member of the Zhantai family, and said, "I told you, Zhantai's family, do you dare to show some face? You stole other people's tricks, and you even put your own brand on them in a grandiose way."

Lin Mu only discovered such a shameless thing when he was in contact with him just now, which really made Lin Mu feel angry.

The members of the Zhantai family were immediately angry when they were insulted by Lin Mu, and said: "This is the supreme knowledge handed down by the ancestors of my Zhantai family, how dare you insult it!"

Lin Mu sneered, and said: "It seems that the ancestor of your Zhantai family is so shameless. He even dared not admit that he had learned something secretly, and even claimed it was his own. If a person is so hypocritical, I think it's still a shame. Better to die."

"court death!"

The two members of Zhantai's family were completely angry because of Lin Mu's words.

The two joined forces, and two big black fish straddled the sky and the earth.

The two big fish completely wrapped the forest and were about to smash it into pieces.

Facing the two fish tails stretching across the sky and the earth, Lin Mu showed no trace of fear on his face.

This is the unique skill of the mermaid tribe, Lin Mu has seen it before.It is even said that Lin Mu knows better than them the advantages and disadvantages of this unique technique.

Facing the two fish tails, Lin Mu didn't respond forcefully.Instead, he stretched out two fingers and pointed directly at the point where the fish tail and the body meet in the void.


This seemingly ordinary finger of Lin Shu was completely destroyed, a whole fish.

After solving one person, Lin Mu shot again, with the same posture and the same attack method.



The two members of Zhan Tai's family coughed up blood and flew out.

The eyes of the two of them looking at Lin Mu were full of horror and disbelief.

"How do you know the weakness of my Zhantai family's unique knowledge!" The two really couldn't believe that Lin Mu would know the weakness of their own Zhantai family's unique knowledge.

Lin Mu looked at the two of them pitifully, and said, "I told you a long time ago that your ancestors learned this by stealing it. Now do you believe it? It doesn't feel good to be exposed as a thief. "

In this case, the two members of Zhan Tai's family were red-faced.This feeling is really not particularly good.No, it's extremely bad.

If they had reasons to refute Lin Mu just now, they would have no reason now.

Lin Mu even knew the weakness of Zhan Tai's family's unique knowledge, so what else could they use to refute it.

"It turns out that Zhan Tai's family's unique knowledge was learned secretly. It's really not mediocre." The two people in Tiangong seized the opportunity and said sarcastically.

"Do you think the two of you can get any better? As a descendant of Tiangong, the Supreme, you know that there is internal strife. It would not be a pity for people like you to die." Lin Mu's mouth was merciless. The successor of Tiangong Supreme is completely disrespectful.

The people of the Supreme Academy, watching from behind, also felt very relieved.The people from Tiangong and Zhantai's family are too arrogant.

If you don't take them seriously at all, you need someone to come out, clean them up, and dampen their spirit.


But just when everyone was about to continue to fight, a violent earthquake suddenly broke out in the small world.

The magnitude of the earthquake made Lin Mu and the others stagger, which shows how strong the earthquake was.

Then a cloud of chaos directly shot up into the sky, such a dense chaos, let the fool know that there is a heavy treasure there.

"Could it be the World Tree, the strongest Dao Seed in the world!"

Looking at the chaos there, everyone's eyes will be on fire.

What are they coming here for, isn't it just for the strongest Dao Seed?
If you can use the world tree to realize the Tao by mistake, your future achievements will be really limitless and unimaginable.


The biggest opportunity has already appeared, and no one will pay attention to Lin Mu, Tiangong and Zhan Tai's family.

After all, that's someone else's business, and grabbing the World Tree is the most direct thing.

The moment the world tree appeared, the world tree in the chaotic world of forest trees also swayed, emitting bursts of chaotic blue light.

The chaotic world of trees has not grown for a long time.The reason is because of the world tree.

Although the world tree will grow by itself in the chaotic world of forest trees, it will also grow by itself.

But that's still too slow. If the world tree can be collected directly, it will definitely save a lot of time.

Lin Mu looked at the chaos rising into the sky, and murmured softly, "Is this the other half of the World Tree's trunk?"

Back then, the World Tree was split into two halves, and half of the trunk trees have been found, but the remaining half of the trunk trees have not been found until now.

But looking at it now, this burst of chaotic energy should be the other half of the World Tree's trunk.

As long as the two halves of the trunk are restored, the remaining branches, leaves, and trees can wait for it to grow slowly.

All the people from Zhantai's family and Tiangong moved.

Faced with such an opportunity, no one would give up lightly.After all, this is the supreme Dao fruit, no one will not strive for and try.


Seeing the four of them moving, Lin Mu shot behind them without even thinking about it.

Facing this kind of person, Lin Mu would not care whether a villain or a gentleman.

Feeling Lin Mu attacking behind their backs, all four of them were also angry.

The four teamed up to block Lin Mu's attack, and shouted angrily: "Lin Mu, you despicable villain!"

Lin Mu's body flashed past, directly surpassing the four people.

Lin Mu's body passed by, but his voice stayed where he was, saying: "If you can catch up with me, I don't mind if you also become villains!"

(End of this chapter)

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