Supreme Chef

Chapter 1890 Sea God Battle Halberd

Chapter 1890 Sea God Battle Halberd
The people on the Tiangong side were all furious when they heard Lin Mu's words.

No matter where the Tiangong goes, it must be honored as a guest of honor and honored as a distinguished guest.He had never been humiliated like this before.

"Insulting the majesty of Tiangong, you should be punished!" Someone in Tiangong said viciously.

Lin Mu looked at the speaker and said, "Okay! If you have the ability, come and kill me!"


The person who spoke shot directly, and the big black hand, like the hand of God, grabbed the tree.

Looking at the pitch-black hand of God, Lin Mu struck decisively and responded with a powerful punch.


The fist smashed the palm, and the wind of the fist continued, sweeping towards the person who made the shot.

The person who made the shot changed suddenly when he saw the fierce fist wind attacking him.

He shot again and again, three times in a row, before dispelling Lin Mu's fist wind.

But when he stopped, he only saw Lin Mu standing in the same place neatly, not even moving, just staring at his side like that.


What a shame!
If you make a move yourself, not only will you be broken, but you will have to make another move to deal with the aftermath of the opponent's retaliation.

Little Tianshen's younger brother looked at Lin Mu, squinted his eyes slightly, and said, "It's a little bit capable, but the gold and jade armor is still not something you can touch."

Lin Mu took out the golden armor and jade clothes he had just obtained, and said, "I've touched it now, what can you do for me?"

Bai Yixian looked at Lin Shu, and said with a bitter face: "I really regret it now, where are you two?"

What Lin Mu did was really hated by others, and he even took the initiative to solicit hatred. If this was the case, everyone would be offended.

But Lin Mu doesn't care about this, Lin Mu has never been afraid of trouble, and Lin Mu has never experienced anything big.

Even if he was besieged by Emperor Zong, slept for a hundred years, and almost died tragically, no, he didn't take a step back.

The younger brother of the little god, his eyes were sharp, and the eyes were cold and murderous, making the space in front of him condense into ice.

"You are provoking, the majesty of the god, do you know the consequences of this?" said the younger brother of the little god.

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "You don't even have full hair, so you call yourself a god. If you are gods, then I must be a heavenly father."

Bai Yixian turned his head and pretended not to know Lin Mu, Jiuyao Xingjun and Gu Jian also felt a little regretful.

"court death!"

Lin Mu's words completely angered the younger brother of the little god.

The younger brother of the little god made a move brazenly, and as soon as he made a move, he directly used a weapon, obviously planning to kill Lin Shu with one blow.

A halberd with three points and two blades, like water patterns, crashed down, directly crushing the sky.

"This is……"

Seeing the weapon sacrificed by the younger brother of the little god, the faces of the old people at the Supreme Academy changed.

"Brother, do you know what this is?" Someone who didn't know this thing asked.

"I'm not sure." The senior brother didn't answer directly, but shook his head.

But the more he was like this, the more anxious those people became, and asked urgently: "What is this thing, brother?"

The senior brother finally opened his mouth, and said without a word: "Sea God Battle Halberd!"

"Sea God's Halberd?"

Not many people have heard of this name, and everyone feels a little strange about this name.

"Brother, does this Seagod Halberd come from a big background?" Someone asked.

The senior brother took a deep breath and said, "You may not have heard of the Sea God's Battle Halberd, but you should know about Hai Zun, right?"

Of course everyone in Haizun knew that Haizun was known as the god of the sea back then, and the water channels among the five elements were used by Haizun to perfection.

Once relying on his own strength, he drowned hundreds of millions of creatures.He is the real king of the sea, the god of the sea.

But what does the Sea God's Halberd have to do with Hai Zun?

"Could this be Hai Zun's magic weapon!" Someone thought of this possibility, and their eyes became fiery.

Supreme weapon, this is very rare.In the college, there is a supreme tripod, which is very rare and is strictly protected.

The senior brother nodded, then shook his head again, and said, "This is Hai Zun's weapon, but it doesn't count completely."

"Brother, what does this mean?" Everyone was confused, not knowing what this meant.

Senior Brother said: "According to the legend, Sea God's Dharma and Dao are related to the Sea God's Halberd. But no one knows where the Sea God's Halberd came from. Of course, if it's just like this, the Sea God's Halberd will not Really famous. The Seagod Battle Halberd is really famous because it has something to do with Hai Zun's death."

"Hiss! What!"

Hearing this, no one could remain calm.

The death of a person of the supreme level is actually related to a magic weapon, so what kind of secret should be hidden on this magic weapon.

"Brother, are you sure, is the Sea God's Halberd in his hand?" Everyone's eyes were fiery, staring at the Sea God's Halberd, the heat in their eyes could no longer be concealed.

The senior brother said: "This is what I think is impossible. The Sea God's Halberd has disappeared. Some say it was sealed by the Heavenly Palace, and some say it disappeared with Hai Zun."

After a pause, the senior brother said: "But even if this is not real, it should be a very high-level imitation. And from this point of view, the Sea God's Battle Halberd should have been secretly sealed by Tiangong, otherwise, there would be no such high-level imitation. imitations."

"The imitations have such power, if they are real."

Looking at the completely crushed sky, everyone gasped again in their hearts.

Lin Mu looked at the imitation of the Sea God's Halberd like water patterns in front of him, and the expression on his face was also very dignified.

Although it is a fake, it is also amazing enough.

The sky pressed down, and Lin Mu also sacrificed his shadowless knife, fighting with all his strength.


Lin Mu slashed out with a single knife, and directly used the sixth slash.

The light of the blade cut through the chaos sharply, and directly hit the imitation of the Seagod's Halberd.


The direct collision between the Shadowless Knife and the Sea God's Halberd caused an unimaginable shock.

The vibrating sound waves vibrated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Wherever the shock passed, everything was destroyed.

Pieces of mountains, rivers, lakes and seas were all crushed and then evaporated.

Such a collision is really unimaginable.

Even with the power of Lin Mu's unparalleled holy body, he also felt his arms go numb, which shows how powerful his imitation of the Sea God's Battle Halberd is.

Lin Mu's arm was numb, while Little Heavenly King's brother's arm had already lost his sense of touch.

After all, in the competition of village strength, he is not even a star behind Lin Shu.

Of course, what shocked him the most was that Lin Mu's Shadowless Knife could resist being crushed by his imitation Seagod's Battle Halberd.

You must know that the Seagod Battle Halberd in your hand is only a fake.But ninety-nine percent of the materials used are the same as the Seagod's Battle Halberd.

It's just that the principles condensed above and a core material are missing, and everything else is the same.

Although his own is an imitation, even in the ranking of weapons among the disciples in Tiangong, it can definitely be among the best.

And even if compared with those ancient treasures that have become famous, his imitation Seagod Battle Halberd is not inferior in the slightest.

But Lin Mu's Wuying Knife is not well-known at all, and its shape is like a kitchen knife. How can it be comparable to his imitation Seagod War Halberd.

(End of this chapter)

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