Supreme Chef

Chapter 1891 Feeling Bullied

Chapter 1891 Feeling Bullied
The Seagod's Halberd was resisted by the Shadowless Knife, unable to fall in the slightest.

Little Tianshen's younger brother's arms have completely lost his intuition. If he hadn't gritted his teeth and persisted, he might have been blown away.

But now he has to persist, everyone is watching, for his own face, he also has to grit his teeth and persist.

Lin Mu looked at the younger brother of the little god, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

After the circulation of witch energy just now, Lin Mu's body has already adapted to such power.

Seeing the sneer from the corner of Lin Mu's mouth, the younger brother Xiao Tianshen couldn't help but feel something bad.

However, just when the trees were about to exert their strength, the chaotic energy burst into the sky again in this sunken basin.

The chaotic air rushed straight into the sky, tearing the sky, making the sun and the moon dark.

Naturally, it also affected the fight between Lin Mu and Xiao Tianshen's younger brother.

The two had no choice but to separate.

The two separated towards each other, and each returned to their own camp.

Although the chaotic energy is shocking, fortunately, it is not aimed at anyone and has no lethality.

So everyone was only affected, and no one was injured.

Lin Mu looked at the younger brother of the little god, his eyes were full of sarcasm.

"Let's spare your dog's life today. When you get the World Tree, you will be killed." The younger brother of the little god said coldly.

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "You don't have to wait until then, you can come and take my life if you want it now. Because World Tree has nothing to do with you."

"You are too rampant, do you want to court death? Knowing how noble he is, don't you want to enter the Tiangong?" The younger brother of the little god, to be precise, is the supporter of the little god, stood up and reprimanded Lin Mu.

Lin Mu smiled coldly, and said: "I've said it before, even if that little god comes in person, I'll kill him. Besides, I never really thought about entering the Heavenly Palace. It's not too bad to tear down and rebuild such a messy Heavenly Palace." .”

Lin Mu's words, especially the second half of Lin Mu's words, directly made everyone feel difficult to breathe.

Since the establishment of Tiangong, who dares to say that it was rebuilt in Tiangong.Even if the ancient times are over, the Supreme is nowhere to be found.In that period of the most chaotic and darkest era, the era when Tiangong was the most declining, no one dared to say that Tiangong was overthrown and rebuilt.

But Lin Shu was in such a mess that even the Heavenly Palace had to be demolished and rebuilt.

"you wanna die!"

Lin Mu's words completely angered everyone in Tiangong.

However, they were stopped by the younger brother of the little god with the sea god's war halberd.

"Get the Dao Seed first, don't be fooled." Little Heavenly God brother said calmly.

Everyone in Tiangong, when they heard the words of Little Heavenly God's younger brother, they all had a feeling of enlightenment, and then they all gritted their teeth.

"You are really abominable. You actually used such despicable means to prevent us from obtaining the Supreme Dao Seed. You should be damned!" The people in the Tiangong would never think that it was the younger brother of the Xiantian God who lost to Lin Mu, and all pointed their finger at Lin Mu. trees.

Hearing this, Lin Mu couldn't help but sneered for a while, and said: "The strength is not very good, but he will find a reason for himself to fail. And the reason I found is that I can't refute it. On this point, I am really I'm willing to bow down."

"What did you say!" The people in Tiangong were furious, and they really wanted to gang up and kill them.

"Don't pay attention to such despicable people, get the Dao Seed first." Xiao Tianshen's younger brother said, looking at Lin Mu with disdain.

"Let's go, we'll deal with him when we get the Dao Seed." The people in Tiangong seemed to have reached a consensus, and decided that Lin Mu was the one who delayed them.

For such a situation, Lin Mu was extremely helpless.

That's what people decided, and they didn't do anything with themselves.Even if Lin Mu had a hundred mouths, he still couldn't tell. People just assumed such a result, what could Lin Mu do.

Lin Mu returned to Bai Yixian and the others, touched his nose, and said, "Why do I feel like I'm being bullied?"

The three white-clothed immortals looked at Lin Shu with strange expressions, and said, "Are you sure you are the one being bullied?"

Lin Mudao: "You see, they have decided that I am invincible now. Is it because I was bullied? Can I ask them for some compensation?"

After hearing Lin Mu's words, the three of them suddenly didn't want to talk to Lin Mu, and there was no such thing as Lin Mu.

The three Bai Yixians did not speak, but Lin Mu still felt that he must have been bullied. At the same time, Lin Mu also made up his mind to pay attention, and would definitely ask them for some compensation later.

Seeing the bullied light in Lin Mu's eyes, Bai Yixian and the others were completely speechless.

"Let's go down, there are not many people left." Bai Yixian looked at the empty basin and said.

Lin Mu said: "Let's not hurry down. Since we are allies, tell me what you know. You also know that I don't have your background and know nothing about this place. Since we are allies, we You have to be honest, don't you?"

When Bai Yixian heard Lin Mu's words, he gritted his teeth and said, "Have you been plotting against us from the very beginning?"

Lin Mudao: "Aren't you the same, are you planning to use me? We are each other, each other, now let's talk about the things here. This is definitely not as simple as I saw, is it?"

The three Baiyixians looked at each other, and finally told Lin Mu what they knew about the situation here.

In terms of background, Lin Mu is still far behind them. They know many secrets, but Lin Mu doesn't know at all.

Lin Mu frowned slightly after listening to Bai Yixian and the others, and said, "You mean, there is a tomb here. Is it a burial, the tomb of Daozhong?"

This is the most unimaginable answer Lin Mu got from Bai Yixian.

Bai Yixian nodded, then shook his head again, and said: "It can be said that, but it can't be said completely. This is indeed a place to bury the Dao Seeds, but not all the Dao Seeds buried here are abolished. Yes. Most of them are complete and of the highest level, but I don’t know why it ended like this. This small world is definitely not as simple as we know, it hides secrets. Even the Supreme Academy, After so many reincarnations, there is still no secret to be discovered."

Lin Mu said: "Then do you think we can find out the secrets here?"

Bai Yixian said: "Now is the end of the world, and many secrets will be completely exposed. I don't know if we can really find out the secrets here, but at least we have a chance, and the probability is still very high. As for whether That’s fine, we’ll just go in and take a look for ourselves.”

Lin Mu frowned, and said, "Is it possible that these Dao Seeds are all buried here for the World Tree?"

Bai Yixian said: "There is this possibility, of course there may not be this possibility. Only when we really enter can we know what it is. Can we enter now, don't waste time? Waste a little more time, we I can't even drink the soup."

(End of this chapter)

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